1.8 Drops tomorrow, we will still be on 1.7.9

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates 1.8 Drops tomorrow, we will still be on 1.7.9

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  • #4508
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    So minecraft 1.8 is supose to drop live tomorrow.

    This will not let people connect to PirateCraft as we run 1.7.9, Now the happy news is that the amazing spigot team has managed to release a protocol hack to let 1.8 clients use the spigot 1.7.10 builds! Problem is, I havent updated to 1.7.10 because this breaks a few plugins, mainly the live map.

    It may be a while until I can test all the server plugins with the 1.7.10-r3 1.8 protocol hacked spigot build, so for now this is a heads up for connecting you will need to use a 1.7.2-1.7.10 client to continue to play on PirateCraft.

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    im excited about 1.8, not about the not updating though

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    I really miss the server and I have no idea how to downgrade so I can get on it.

    Please update soon  T-T

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    @Azuries You can do it from the main Client, Open it, press edit profile on the bottom left and where it says “use version” select 1.7.9.

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