1.14 server Reset [Suggestion for Server]

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions 1.14 server Reset [Suggestion for Server]

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    So as many of you might of might not know, 1.14 (Aquatic Update) is going to add a lot of changes and a few new biomes. I am fairly new, and have only explored the North-East side of the ocean, and it is cluttered with shipwrecks and claimed, useless, tiny squares of land. I call for a server reset when the Aquatic Update releases, despite many of your hard work, to get some of the new coral and dungeons in the game. The world, I believe, has not had a reset since 2014, and we need one desperately. Think about it. We have no sponges. We will have no coral reefs! That will suck, especially for people who want to build a real-life aquarium. We will have no shipwrecks, loot for noobs!

    Just think about the benefits.

    All those ‘noob homes’ and ‘dirt huts’ gone.

    Time for new empires, appeared.

    Everything is coming to reality!!! MUAHAHAHAHA

    JK about that last part.


    Just think about it.


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    no u
    Also, the owner can extend the world’s border. This means that it’ll generate 1.14 biomes and reefs too

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    SWe have no sponges. We will have no coral reefs! That will suck, especially for people who want to build a real-life aquarium. We will have no shipwrecks, loot for noobs!

    Just think about the benefits. All those ‘noob homes’ and ‘dirt huts’ gone.

    Ok here’s my opinion:

    1. We have sponges, people sell them, they are sometimes dropped in drop parties, and may be sold at cove in the near future
    2. Coral reefs are something we can add to the existing world when the update launches
    3. We have plenty of ship wrecks. Not the naturally generated ones, but we have plenty, with loads of iron and coal blocks in them from ships battles
    4. A lot of work has been put into people’s bases so far, and I doubt they would be happy with a restart, just sayin

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    A lot of work has been put into people’s bases so far, and I doubt they would be happy with a restart, just sayin

    Well, a lot of these people are also the “op” players that GodsDead wants to make less powerful. Also, a world reset would be a perfect time to reset the economy – this would accomplish another one of GodsDead’s goals by taking ALL of the money out of the economy.

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    What Max says.

    A server wide restart would also lead to a server wide need for new players restart, as many longterm players would just pack up and leave, and it may encourage those copycat servers to spring up once more. There is a plan in the pipeline also for other worlds, which will probably be reset every once in a while perhaps, and will probably be able to influence the (current/original) PirateCraft world as it is (e.g. cross item transfer, movement of exp and achievements, economy there which influences the economy here and vice versa).

    We also don’t know whether or not Gods may decide to give the server a bit of an expansion, even though it may or may not add these additions and others.

    There was a thread not too long ago about this when the whole update showcase happened at Minecon Earth. I believe from what I remember (because I’m too lazy to go look) that the staff team have thought about building reefs on the server, and (I am guessing so they’re authentic) making them ‘reef biomes’ (idk if that’s even a thing), areas that are also bound to get regens or are practically empty, will probably have a reef set up in it also.

    frogsandturtles, take a little bit of a chill and please take what the server has to offer as of right now. It is a beautiful varied landscape, and I would also recommend doing some research before coming out with something like this.

    If you found the thread unclear (which dw, it was kinda) bring it up again, as it’s what the forums are about.

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    OK I would like to apologize for so triggered in that thread. I would like to have a bit of a clean-up of the oceans. I would actually VOLLUNTEER as a mod for a day (if I got flight) to go and clean up the oceans. Also, yes, a border expansion might be what we need. I’m sorry for not knowing about the sponge thing, and I do agree that some OP Players might leave. I really think that some things need to change, but others are perfect.  Maybe adding more warps for outside access if the expansion is big?


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    God plz don’t reset. That would make or break the server for me and lots of others D:


    PS: Also Hi everyone :D, it’s been awhile…

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    Don’t worry guys i’m not going to do something as retarded as restart the entire server, we would loose the entire playerbase.

    You must be new, we’re not retarded here.

    Portions of a world can be regnerated using the new generator setting, this can be done in 2 ways. Either way entire sections can be regenerated.

    Another option is to add a second additional world.

    Ic3y ;]
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    Image result for homer simpson the end is near


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    I would actually VOLLUNTEER as a mod for a day (if I got flight) to go and clean up the oceans

    Why would you need to be a mod? Do it without being a mod, just have nothing of value on you. To be honest I’ve thought plenty to go clear stuff up, but just haven’t got round to doing anything like that.

    Also, yes, a border expansion might be what we need

    I agree, but its aim will only be to add ocean, and so we cannot be sure that it would, however it would generate more terrain that is new, but this would have the downside effect (which I believe Gods is trying to prevent) of causing more players to spread out further from one another, we also have to take into account that there currently isn’t a great feeling or demand throughout the community for world expansion (well no one as of now, has for a long while talked of world expansion).

    and I do agree that some OP Players might leave

    Agree? It is certain, and those who are no OP (like me) may also leave. I for one don’t know why I would leave, so I probably would stay, but I know that there are large groups of members in crews such as BE and EE whom aren’t ‘OP’ and merely build brilliant things, which if these were removed (e.g. London), would cause them to probably just leave.

    Maybe adding more warps for outside access if the expansion is big

    And here you address (not directly) the fear of groups of players being widespread around the map, and the addition of MORE warps, is exactly again what God’s is trying to avoid, as to encourage the use of ships, which is already impacted by the use of /tpa and /home.


    Overall, you are correct, but again you bring up the same problems which have been brought up before. Not an attack on you, as it is always great to continue to bring up problems again and again about the server, it is how it improves, but they’re not ‘problems’ as such, but rather ‘constructive criticisms’, as the server still works and people implement the gameplay mechanics, some more than the others.

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    A lot of work has been put into people’s bases so far, and I doubt they would be happy with a restart, just sayin

    Well, a lot of these people are also the “op” players that GodsDead wants to make less powerful. Also, a world reset would be a perfect time to reset the economy – this would accomplish another one of GodsDead’s goals by taking ALL of the money out of the economy.

    Assuming these players have a lot of money, here’s what will happen:

    • We start selling rare items at cove, so they will spend a good chunk of their money
    • More rare items, until they have no choice but to sell some of their existing stuff
    • More equal distribution of wealth, ‘OP’ players have stuff to show-off with, and money is taken out of the eco, win-win.

    Mini economics bit:

    As for all this ‘money out of the eco’ – we’ve managed to take out at least 300k so far, so its going good. We don’t want to stagnate the eco with having no money, but less money means its value goes up, increasing the value of items. It’s already starting to level-off – we have many more players with moderate amounts of money, rather than just a few with almost all the wealth. We’re getting there 🙂

    OK I would like to apologize for so triggered in that thread.

    This is the internet. Everyone gets triggered. No sweat.

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    More equal distribution of wealth



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    frogsandturtles wrote: OK I would like to apologize for so triggered in that thread. This is the internet. Everyone gets triggered. No sweat

    It actually seems like more people are getting triggered at me

    Agree? It is certain, and those…

    And here you address (not directly) the fear of groups…

    Why would you need to be a mod?

    Well, you get a super-cool reputation…

    I agree, but its aim will only be to add ocean, and so we cannot be sure that it would, however it would generate more terrain that is new, but this would have the downside effect (which I believe Gods is trying to prevent) of causing more players to spread out further from one another, we also have to take into account that there currently isn’t a great feeling or demand throughout the community for world expansion…[quote quote=55453]

    [quote quote=55453]You must be new, we’re not retarded here.

    But I am retarded, thank you for pointing that fact out?

    ‘constructive criticisms’



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    Frogs I was going to make that retarded joke about myself, but I didn’t .-.

    Dark Guard
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    gradual income tax..

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