Reply To: PirateCrafts maintenance & Upgrade to 1.18

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates PirateCrafts maintenance & Upgrade to 1.18 Reply To: PirateCrafts maintenance & Upgrade to 1.18

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None of these ideas are new, there is already a no teleport thread from 2015 that I stared and I solved it with how we would do it, please continue your no teleport ideas in there!

This is not the time or place to be talking about an entirely new server, I’m updating with what has been working.

Ive had a plan for the last 7 years how I would do this and it’s all planned and already explained in old thread’s, but I’m yet to catch a break in 7 years to have time to build a second no teleport server with how I’ve deisnged it, as we’re constantly having things happen on the main server and itself got infinite suggestions and improvements to make, let alone even get updated!

The plan is to do no tp as its own seperate new server so we can reset it and change drastic settings on the fly without disrupting the current working solid version of PirateCraft.

V1 of PirateCraft was no teleport, we have already done this before so I know the shortcomings.

No teleport weekend event discussion thread


Closing this 1.17/1.18 thread as as you are all off topic.

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