Reply To: In the last month a few players have network Issues from America

Home Forums Server Support Bugs & Glitches In the last month a few players have network Issues from America Reply To: In the last month a few players have network Issues from America

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I had the same type of issues and it turned out that it was my java version giving me troubles. Every tp or /home took about 20 sec to load. One time I was in a pvp fight with lego and he killed me and we went back to spawn and I saw the loading dirt-screen the entire time.

possible other steps to troubleshoot:

  • Check what java you have and make sure it’s updated ( Java SE 13.0.2 is the latest  release for Java SE Platform. Java  SE 11.0.6 is the latestrelease for JDK 11. Java SE 8u241 is the latest release for JDK 8 /  13.0.2 didnt work for me , so rn I am running on SE 8u241 )
  • do a traceroute or ping to see how fast your your pc can reach ( my pc ping was 132 but ingame ping was 3k …. so I figured it was my program rather than my actual connection)
  • try a different dns server ( use Google: 8.8. 8.8 & 8.8. 4.4. or  Quad9 & or Cloudfare & )
  • reboot your router ( sometimes it works)

Good luck ,


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