Reply To: Suggestion – Have a dictatorship rank in Crews (Denied with reasons in comments)

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Suggestion – Have a dictatorship rank in Crews (Denied with reasons in comments) Reply To: Suggestion – Have a dictatorship rank in Crews (Denied with reasons in comments)

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Hello PIPPIP5789

Thanks for your Suggestion.

What you are asking for is a dictatorship role. This isn’t a new idea and has already been discussed in great detail, not only has it been discussed in great detail but better alternatives were thought of, implemented and posted in changelogs already.

This “issue” was resolved a while ago with the addition of a percentage of crew leaders online need to demote another leader, currently set at 75%.

This change happened on 29th August 2019 and this variable is available to change if a decent argument is made to change it.

Not only that, but we have always had staff to remove leaders on request (If they meet requirements) for example for a perm banned member of a crew.

This can be done on the forums

or in a ticket



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