Reply To: 4orange unban appeal

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests 4orange unban appeal Reply To: 4orange unban appeal

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We had reports of you acting a bit up again in chat, so we checked your chat history over the past 24 hours. You stated in your appeal previously that “I have grown up and stopped acting like someone half my age”. I’d say you haven’t changed at all.

We didn’t want racism, you have us “Arabs and commies all deserve to die”

We didn’t want you acting like someone half your age/stupid bahaviour, you gave us “tell wyat that we lava casted his base lol”, “who wants to grief wyat’s base”, “I lava casted ur base” and were generally involved in that mess that night.

If you’d have done these things over the course of a few weeks or sommin, or at least wait after you have just been unbanned 24 hours earlier for toxic and stupid behaviour among other things back in january then yeah, fine, mutes and warnings it is.

But fact is you came back, and got right into the mess of things. Your behaviour shows you didn’t change at all, we don’t want that sort of attitude on here at all, no matter if it was a joke or not. The thing on Wyatts base – I don’t care if he deserved it, you were involved, and all members involved or associated were given a warning as its a pain for us staff to clean up. There, first rule broken. The comments about arabs and commies were just not needed, second rule broken within 24 hours. Doesn’t look great does it?

Feel free to appeal again in a month or so, but you fucked up your second chance.

Closed and denied.

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