Reply To: BennidictCosmic

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions BennidictCosmic Reply To: BennidictCosmic

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Autism Speaks!!

Really Vlad, another forum post about you bitching and moaning over me killing you? Well not like you have anything better to do…

Ill explain this since the thot wants diplomacy, ahem.

I don’t approve of you slandering TNRR’s legacy and bad mouthing our great Emperor, I will consider this as an act of aggression to our history, country and our Emperor.

Yes, I killed you even though we were allies becuase me and Khanye are friends, it is because that we are friends that he doesn’t attack anyone within Rome.

I agree not to attack his dekie pals and he agrees not to attack mine because we’re friends, were on common grounds, fellow shreks, and if someone attacks either of us, we do something to help eachother.

Theres nothing wrong with helping out a friend is there now Vlad? Well not like you would know what that is?

I see you mentioned Shrek I can explain that too, everyone who was in Shrek was there to praise our Orge lord through our High Preist, JUSA who sought to bring forth the great onion.

I could have a religious debate but my eyes are aching from the eyesore of a forum post you made, honestly Vlad do you have to make a post every time I yeet your ass, anyways I gotta get me an eye doctor cya!

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Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

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