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@turseturtle @Okta @emielreijs @P1ndr0p @Chiroptera419 @Lawzoneon @RoMich02 @KaithefireNinja @Astrobolt @GingfulGlider @FieryFox
I have backdated your claim-block data, my god that took way more effort than I anticipated. Before I did each update, I selected the data from both tables to show the backed up data Acquired blocks and bonus blocks from Backup & Todays data (the messed up set), so we have a future reference and so you can work out the exact amount.
I am aware that you have earned claim blocks since then, but there is no way for me to get this data so I will figure out compensation when all lost claim blocks are fixed in this thread 🙂 If you wish to reply with what you think you have earned claim block wise between April 12, 2018 until today’s 19th May playtime, then a rough estimate may help me (Unless you just sold them!).
GingfulGlider 887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60 24617 -7032 887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60 18140 -3511 Turseturtle 86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0 2600 0 86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0 6808 0 Oktacraft/Groatoid b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 97269 -1518 b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 75914 0 emielreijs f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 196376 370 f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 140781 0 P1ndr0p 3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 52364 -2130 3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 37943 0 Chiroptera419 c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 51588 300 c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 44425 2000 Lawzoneon 7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 186351 179556 7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 337710 -2029 RoMich02/RoMich02 82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 48035 -2260 82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 43501 435 KaiTheFireNinja d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 62650 -1000 d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 50831 1851 Astrobolt 54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 114779 -94890 54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 21554 -830 TheFieryFox 1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 14976 -1820 1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 13701 0

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