Reply To: Claims were removed

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Sorry I didn’t get a chance to respond on this until now. I looked back through my e-mails and when I created my account and it looks like I started playing on 8/8/2014. I do have some old screenshots from when I was building a few things and of my fort area in general. I don’t have one large all encompassing screenshot but I’ve attached a bunch and I have more I can send. I also had some screens from creative of me designing the fountain in the plaza next to the fountain and my fort and I attached that.

You can find my area on the map here:

It is the fort, the dock with the tower at the end in the water, the uncompleted ships and the completed ship, and the small town plaza and stable next to it. I also have a small lighthouse off the coast nearby. In the time since it was claimed over there has been some changes made, a couple of small buildings added in the town area and cosmetic changes to the fort. There was also another ship that was 90% completed in the harbor that is missing, I assume it was finished and taken. I also had claims on a lot of the surrounding water so that I could expand my shipbuilding and docking.

I didn’t store any valuable goods other than the ships there thankfully, just the buildings and lots and lots of hard work. I don’t know what all has been changed and if it can even be restored but would appreciate any help!

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