Reply To: 1.14 server Reset [Suggestion for Server]

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions 1.14 server Reset [Suggestion for Server] Reply To: 1.14 server Reset [Suggestion for Server]

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What Max says.

A server wide restart would also lead to a server wide need for new players restart, as many longterm players would just pack up and leave, and it may encourage those copycat servers to spring up once more. There is a plan in the pipeline also for other worlds, which will probably be reset every once in a while perhaps, and will probably be able to influence the (current/original) PirateCraft world as it is (e.g. cross item transfer, movement of exp and achievements, economy there which influences the economy here and vice versa).

We also don’t know whether or not Gods may decide to give the server a bit of an expansion, even though it may or may not add these additions and others.

There was a thread not too long ago about this when the whole update showcase happened at Minecon Earth. I believe from what I remember (because I’m too lazy to go look) that the staff team have thought about building reefs on the server, and (I am guessing so they’re authentic) making them ‘reef biomes’ (idk if that’s even a thing), areas that are also bound to get regens or are practically empty, will probably have a reef set up in it also.

frogsandturtles, take a little bit of a chill and please take what the server has to offer as of right now. It is a beautiful varied landscape, and I would also recommend doing some research before coming out with something like this.

If you found the thread unclear (which dw, it was kinda) bring it up again, as it’s what the forums are about.

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