Reply To: ItsTime

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Although you’ve had your struggles and share of drama on this server (haven’t we all :P), the footprint you have left behind is that of a good-hearted ruler with the best of intentions as well as that of a loyal ally and friend. I still remember waaaay back when the Thirteen Colonies had just constructed their first fortification on Piratecraft years ago. You came by, and instead of preying on this weak and upcoming crew you offered us an extended hand of alliance and protection as well as several gifts to help us along. Since then, the Elves and the Thirteen Colonies have been the closest of allies. Whether it was fending off henrik or combating the Outlaws it has been an honor to fight alongside you. You had a heavy hand in the creation of the LoN, an organization that brought Piratecraft and its empires into a peace that was unprecedented. As we all know, peace is never permanent and the Elves including  yourself personally have seen and experienced their fair share of violence, treachery, and betrayal. Despite this, you as Queen have remained diligent and determined to protect and defend the empire as well as provide hope for its people in its darkest of hours despite the severities that have fallen upon you. May your name take respite in the history books of Piratecraft and rest easy knowing that it will live on through the impact you have left on this server.

In an attempt to wish you well in your own tongue, Namaarie Mellonamin.


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