Reply To: War Rules

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well id love to hope that everyone can be good sports and agree on the point awards after a battle, and keep track of the total tallies each side has. it will have to rely on both sides remembering the tallies. im sure when it gets slandered in chat after every battle, itll become common knowledge what the score is. if not, take a pencil or a pen, and a sticky note and tally it up old school style.

im very pleasantly surprised this idea was taken as well as it was, I was worried people would turn this thread into an argument held by temperamental 5 year olds… (some other threads on the forums get toxic). im happy to see everyone being good sports and contributing to this. (even though it’s still a war, there is absolutely no reason to argue like temperamental 5 year olds.)

If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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