Reply To: Netherrack not a soft block?

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Netherrack not a soft block? Reply To: Netherrack not a soft block?

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I personally don’t think it should be converted to a soft block. It’s rather numerous, but the thing is not many players just go to the nether often. In the overworked it’s a nice decorative block, but it would be a pain if you couldn’t use it for a defense manor. Another point would be the differences between overworld and nether construction. If you build something in the overworld it’s quite simple to protect things. Just add a quick wall of stone brick and a wall and floor and you’re done. If you were to do so in the nether there would be much more difficulty in protecting your build, as the convential nether builds are within the floor or ceiling, on a three dimetional surface. While technically in the overworld one has the option to build down, not many do this, so overworld builds are almost always on the surface- a two dimensional plain. So players would be pained to excavate their build in the nether then calculate the area for another layer of hard blocks to protect from invaders. My third argument would have to be that in overworld to nether, netherrack is to stone. If one builds down in the overworld and uses the stone layers for their base, they are automatically protected by the fact that stone is a hard block. Why should it not be the same for nether-going players?

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