Reply To: What was your first (memorable) Minecraft experience?

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well, i  bought minecraft in May of 2014, so i started on 1.7.9 so i am sorta new to this :/ the first thing i remember was i made this HUGE dirt arch above my home in the side of the mountain (i was and still am terrible with directions). i made a waterfall off of it to prevent from dying when i jumped off. i left a hole in my “celing” so i could get in faster since i was TERRIFIED of night. i decided to leave the hole there until morning so all the scary mobs could despawn after i slept. as i was sleeping as soon as morning happens a creeper fell through the hole, blew up, killed me, broke my bed 0_0, broke all of my (full) chests, AND destroyed 50% of my home. Thank God i made that arch in the first place, i was able to get most of my stuff back. thus started my hatred of creepers 🙂


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