Euras » Overview
- Status
- Last seen
- 14 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes, 31 seconds (08/12/2024 20:25:18)
- Last Logon
- 08/12/2024 20:20:42
- Playtime
- 3 days 18 hours 27 minutes 35 seconds
- Money
- $7188.37
- 14.50
- Votes
- 53
- 7dffee82-e7fe-411d-992d-49ae54eeefc9
- Short UUID
- 7dffee82e7fe411d992d49ae54eeefc9
- Total Claims
- 3
- Accrued Claim blocks
- 4190
- Bonus Claim Blocks
- 995
Username History
Username | Date |
Euras | 01/01/2021 14:32:11 |
Xethos | 10/09/2019 15:42:48 |
Crew Details
A knight order, formed around helping new people and keeping the history alive
- Crew Tag
- to
- Deaths
- 0
- Ally Kills
- 0
- Civ Kills
- 2
- Rival Kills
- 5
- Neutral Kills
- 8
/kit playtime1
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime2
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime3
Unlock with /prewards
/kit carpenter_rankup
See /kits in game
/kit playtime4
Unlock with /prewards
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