Talk or Chat on PirateCrafts TeamSpeak server
If you already have Teamspeak, click this server link:
Talk or chat with players & staff in our voice server. You will need the Teamspeak client to connect and start talking or using the text chat.
What can you do with teamspeak?
- Talk to everyone in a channel using your voice over a microphone.
- File transfer, send files to specific players, a whole channel.
- Integrated text chat, don’t want to speak? Use the text chat!
- Create your own Chat channels, and password protect them for a Private crew!
- In-Game overlay, Optional overlay to show you who’s speaking while playing on PirateCraft.
- Free! Its entirely free, PirateCraft pay for the server bills!
- Multi platform, Teamspeak works on Windows, OSX, Linux iOS and Android.
This is a Live view of online users and all current channels.
What is TeamSpeak?
TeamSpeak is a voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software that allows computer users to speak on a chat channel with fellow users, much like a telephone conference call. A TeamSpeak user will often wear a headset with a microphone.
If you need any help, the administrator of the PirateCraft TeamSpeak server is Markusi13.