Search Results for 'vapecloudbear'

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  • #25044
    • Topics: 794
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    I had a few plugins all mixed together doing the same thing, so i combined them all (backend jobbie) that wont make any difference to you guys.

    While I was at it I did a refresh of some of the /info text and created some new commands.

    /coinage is an alias of /info eco

    /gates is an alias of /info gates

    /bridges is an alias of /info briges

    /faq is an alias of /info

    /removalrequest displays a url to the claim removal thread.

    /brewing is an alias of /info brewing

    /wiki is a url to the Wiki page (Soon to have parameters to link to pages)

    /staff now has a complete list of all staff and ex-staff which each have their own slash command;

    /paulonfire /lucky_vincentius /arinthros /chailey /vapecloudbear /smokeyriver /ma_c_hi /calliemav /skymanjay /markusi13 /supergl /iamthereaper89 /godsdead

    Feel free to request any other commands you think would be helpful.

    • Topics: 49
    • Replies: 218
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    • ★★★★★

    I would really really love to have muskets or something like that. Really get the server a more colonial feel. I would say they should do slightly more damage than an arrow, and work like a fully charged bow right? So I’d say about 6 hearts of damage to an unarmoured player, which is 12 damage. Heck I know it’d be used against me from time to time but I really think that would make things more fun and balanced! Like say you’d have to be more tactical- do you want to slow your enemy down and use special effects like bow enchantments or specialized arrows such as poison or spectral, or go for something more hard hitting like a musket? I’d also say, if possible make the charge (“reload”) time for muskets a tad longer than bows, if possible. Another suggestion I have for this idea is use default firework stars for ammo, as they look like musket balls. It would be interesting the see the demand for items to craft muskets and musket balls  go up. But then again, this is just a theory…

    A GAME THEORY! Hah, anyways, let me know what you guys think 🙂

    @godsdead @calliemav @smokeyriver @vapecloudbear

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

    • Topics: 9
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    • ★★★★

    Today after doing a spot of KOS at /warp market. I spotted a mean piece of a TYPO!! I do not know if it was on purpose but it was terrifyingly Grammatically inaccurate D: The Offenders: VapeCloudBear and his fellow offender SmokeyRiver!! I was appalled, I was Virtually sick!! How dare they type this scum on the walls and gates of piratecraft D: There trial (TBDCTDAE (To Be Decided Cause This Doesn’t Actually Exist)) will be harsh and be at the Raven Merc Camp… He is evidence to this crime. I believe it is remodEl. (This Is Only A Joke. Not Supposed To Offend.)


    There’s no need to capitalize “grammatically” because it is not a name or the beginning of a new sentence. Are you now an offender?

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    Today after doing a spot of KOS at /warp market.

    I spotted a mean piece of a TYPO!!

    I do not know if it was on purpose but it was terrifyingly Grammatically inaccurate D:


    The Offenders: VapeCloudBear and his fellow offender SmokeyRiver!!


    I was appalled, I was Virtually sick!!

    How dare they type this scum on the walls and gates of piratecraft D:


    There trial (TBDCTDAE (To Be Decided Cause This Doesn’t Actually Exist)) will be harsh and be at the Raven Merc Camp…


    He is evidence to this crime.


    I believe it is remodEl.


    (This Is Only A Joke. Not Supposed To Offend.)

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    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Arrrr! me harties! Thar be new Rear Admirals on deck!

    Please congratulate Vapecloudbear and Spookyriver on being promoted to Rear Admiral! These two fantastic staff members should have been promoted a long time ago! Crack out the rum, load the cannons and pillage in celebration!

    Thanks for all the hard work Vape & Spooky/Smokey, Chin-chin!

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 269
    • Total: 291
    • ★★★★★





    also replying for wilsonmanzer



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 794
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    Around 18:30 GMT the server died with no errors at all, It was a hosting issue, anyone online at the time had their data corrupt from what I can see.

    what are the options?

    1. We rollback the entire server to the 00:00 backup from last night (Only about 10% chance of me doing this, only if other players are affected)
    2. The host reply’s to me giving me a download link for the backup, If this is possible then I can download the backup and extract the players data that was corrupt, copy this back over to the server and were golden. (If they can give me a DL)
    3. I managed to get a backup from the server from 00:00 last night, its downloading now.


    What I need from you:

    Anything in your inventory/enderchest right now will be overwritten once I send the backups, so put anything important in another chest before 00:00 tonight (29/6/2015) when Ill push the backup.

    I need anyone that was affected to post their Correctly spelt username and UUID in this forum you can get this from

    I will keep a list of players that im going to reset on this forum post and update this post as I go, I will cross off names once I have completed their backup.

    _Lego_ d058882b-8007-41e3-83f3-728658147162
    CutieLiz 0882925a-b4a6-4cf3-a050-a16c4de85bd9
    Amunch2 0bbac1c0-7c9d-473b-8250-cbeac6af304e
    CaptainCrackerz 7a1b3997-8067-4a9b-8260-c302f7d4c649
    IoXoI 5a9bdcba-6eb2-46fc-aed8-c4b4bfb16fd8
    KidKeats 2130cf53-982e-4701-a125-25004bcc9628
    QueenRep 00ba3f25-9d0a-4a8b-b969-c06d32a8fb6e
    smokeyriver c5f87dc3-1c11-4921-8a57-9fab2649af50
    Markusi13 1eec9efe-c984-43fe-83ee-86c170517556
    MrJolly 2c4c0911-b600-4816-b2ef-28519bd25c71
    vapecloudbear f01fa524-20ba-4ca9-a43b-f7afad762032
    WilsonManzer dbda4951-8699-49ee-89ac-1e38b512ed25
    Aemilious fae5e72b-15e1-405d-9000-1a2c6ae21a1b
    CrazyPirate e851b51b-356a-4f81-933e-bb39ced9bde4
    SIRHAYDEN12 101f87d4-7051-4e34-897f-89f8acc4a36c
    lewboi100 42a0bae4-9a59-412d-ba9c-b5f302628f47
    skizzors44 21be5ab2-cc7d-4767-bb4f-d01911558611
    Rainbow_Dash_1_2 47ada3f2-4184-4f22-a3f7-f5ffd4247608
    Chailey c3fbd28f-80f3-4060-aa09-029d919bb905

    Second Batch – I’ll try to get these done for the 18:00GMT restart today.

    TimHuisman a75aefa3-2fd7-45fd-a3e0-16eddff4cbb1
    Sabeeh2012 237650df-daff-42f4-a001-640d98055e23
    OnlyZero ce19e8c1-12c9-498e-ac1e-dad2629cc099 – Requested that his inv does not be reset

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 36
    • Total: 39
    • ★★


    I would like to “request” dock 5

    Estimated time 1.5 hrs.

    No pictures

    • Topics: 111
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    • Topics: 794
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    I wish I got screenshots from before, We have had the most amazing server-project in a while tonight. So many people have worked together to start fixing up Evermoor for its future purpose which is still Un-decided.

    It was all hands on deck and we did SO much tonight, people are still building as I go off to bed! This is the current trustlist!

    zackbacon, name_change, Lucky77746, Sharknado321, DynamiteDrip61, FTB_player123, DirectorAnivian, Chailey, Deadking289, Firestar40001, saraphim7, KetoneLeone, WilsonManzer, Silverstone47, BaconblockpigLM, CallieMav, Dark_Tody, Sargent_Snubby, Ma_c_hi, shadowx2q2, QueenRep, smokeyriver, PresidentRS, vapecloudbear, browe454, captainvenoms, Markusi13

    I don’t think I have ever had that many people on a trust before! What an awesome build from everyone, lets keep it going!

    Im up for any ideas, just jump in, an fix it up! Make it amazing!

    Anyone that wants to start on its Wiki Page:


    Warp: /warp city

    Can I ask people not to loot/PVP in this area, as we have had such amazing progression, assholes will be dealt with!

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    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 269
    • Total: 291
    • ★★★★★

    Build name: Fort Macon

    Builder(s): smokeyriver

    Co-Builder: vapecloudbear

    Coordinates: -7168, -915



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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