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  • #59632
    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    @ministermooself volunteers as tribute.

    732.9 actions per hour I’ve calculated before in this post

    8640/732.9= 11.7887842816 “hours” minimum.

    So maybe a bit longer than 2 unless if haste +2 is being used or something.

    I don’t know whether my maths might be out a little bit either.


    In reply to: Unban Request

    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★


    Apart from having a clear punishment history bar this one, you registered your account to the website approximately 17 days ago, in that time you’ve become a gunner, it takes 7 days of playtime to get to -It took me about 4, 5 months to get that far, even though play time requires you to only be online 72 hours, I obviously completed that requirement in maybe less than 5 months, but I still struggled to get that playtime, but it’s the other tasks which cause friction, such as exp grinding, which took me somewhat a whole year to get round to.

    So assuming you were just afk this entire time, and you say you took about 3-4 hours a day, 17*4 =68 hours,thats 2.8 days of playtime, so far that’s almost a 3 days of your total playtime spent not actually playing.
    I know this would not be the case usually, as people would sit in a small afk machine for example to get these sort of hours or use the software you used, however I can apply this bit of knowledge also- I WAS a witness to the 3 staff members discovering you cheating, who estimated with between 40-45 second delay each click and the fact you would attack any mobs which come nearby, including them.

    I guess we can then quickly infer that you may have done this as well to grind up well over 80 exp levels, which from my experience, I spent at least 5 days after school in @maximus ‘ double/triple exp grinder on Xenia, of which I played about 2-3 hours after school grinding away. Mind you it took me 5 days to get enough exp to qualify for boatswain, which is 100 levels, of which it took me about those 2-3 hours after school to get them, you also seem to be so clever that you would realise this and do the same thing, as carpenter, gunner, and boatswain are only separated by a measly 20 exp levels each, so why not do the same thing as me and get the 100. I’m going to ignore the possibility of going beyond 100 exp levels to TEACH you why this is cheating and severely dealt with.

    I will however be very lenient, and guess that I would have gone somewhat over this 2-3 hour limit, I’ll say in total probably 4 hours after school.

    4 * 5 = 20 hours. I spent near a day of my week grinding away to get 100 levels of exp, we can vaguely estimate it to be approximately 20 exp levels a day. Using a helpful exp calculator- -you get 5.0 exp points per hostile mob, I believe the grinder I used had 2 zombie and 1 skelly spawner being used.

    So, I actually did this approximately 3 times. However, these triple spawners are rare, so I can guess that you may have just had 1 grinder. I may be wrong, but as far as I can tell you’re not going to be back soon so debating that doesn’t matter.

    So- 20 * 3 = 60 hours, which is 8 hours less than your total described playtime of 68 hours of perhaps using the afk jitter click to accumulate these exp points. I will not doubt that some of these levels could be accumulated in other ways as well, but again, who am I to tell? You’ve gotten approximately 3 days of playtime stacked up from cheating, which comes to (72*60= ) 4,320 of claim blocks which you (didn’t) work for.

    I’ll be nice and say that apart from those 8 off hours you were not getting exp (or were maybe for 1stMate or Qmaster) you were sitting there in a grinder gathering 60 hours’ worth of illegal exp and playtime.

    Now to look at what you have to do to get those ranks and probably the timescales involved


    10 hours of playtime need – let’s work it out.

    5000 blocks walked – takes minutes. Not going to include it.

    5000 blocks broken- or 5,000 actions, well it took me 20 hours to get 100 exp, which in total according to the calculator, is estimated at 14,658 actions needed to kill hostiles. So, disregarding block breaking time, it gives you- 14,658/20 = 732.9 actions per hour. 5000/732.9 = 6/8 hours minimum.

    This leaves you with a deficit of 3.2 hours to idk, fuck around in till you become cadet, let’s say you did that.
    6.8 hours of ACTUAL playtime time we’re at.


    24 hours of playtime.

    10,000 blocks broken – well we’ve already got our 5,000 done, so +6.8 hours minimum.

    10,000 blocks sailed – sailing is like walking, but requires effort which a hack tool cannot grant you as far as I know. So, boats top speed on open water is 8.0 m/s on open water, 8.0*60=480 blocks a minute, and 480*60= 28.8 km/h. You only need to sail 10,000 though- 10,000/480 = 20.3 minutes of sailing. So 0.3 hours minimum.

    Now we’re at 13.9 hours of ACTUAL playtime.

    Leaves us with 10.1 hours of playtime deficit to achieve sailor. You again just played with your thumbs I guess.


    72 hours of playtime.

    10,000 blocks placed – 10,000 actions. That again 13.6 hours of ACTUAL playtime to get this.

    700 oak logs – 0.5 breaking speed with iron axe, 500 actions, which is approximately 2 a second so 350 seconds. I will disregard time between trees or breaking- 5 minutes approx.

    500 acacia/dark logs – following from the one before, 250 seconds – 4 minutes approx.
    Both of these come roughly to 10 minutes. 0.1 hours of playtime.

    60 exp – We’ve covered this issue.

    We’re now at approximately, 27.6 hours of ACTUAL play time, with a 44.4 hour deficit. You probably ate some pork scratchings, if so your on my good side as they’re delicious.

    168 hours of playtime.

    -30,000 blocks broken – +20,000 blocks +13.6 hours of playtime

    -30,000 blocks placed – +20,000 blocks +13.6 hours of playtime

    -80 exp levels – we went over this.

    We’re now at 54.8 hours of ACTUAL play time, 113.2 hours deficit.

    So we’ve only got 54.8 hours of playtime we can confirm.

    So where do we get these 113.2 hours? We add the 68 of the hours you’ve ‘afked’.
    Leaving us with 45.2 hours of playtime in which you have not cheated. At least from what you’ve told us. Which while being a mighty great amount of hours, only equates to 1 day and 21 hours of game time not put towards ranking up.
    Again this entire estimate disregards you going for boatswain apart from the exp ranks, which may be unfair of course, but then that means you’ve got perhaps 2 days of playtime which you’ve done nothing but just play on the server?

    Good luck.


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