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  • Anonymous
    • Topics: 14
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    good thoughts lad,
    This is reminding me so much of Assassins Creed 4
    They have a pirate town called Nassau that the pirates are leaders of
    Pirates discussing what to do with their territory, should sound fun

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    like i spoke to you before, its bullshit.
    we dont need to rush into an unknown host, we have time to sort one as lets face it, until bukkit updates we cant do an awful lot anyway.

    I think in the meanitime, a good brainstorm and some ideas from everyone as to what to expect for the new world would be a good idea, no idea to small.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    What about that guy who offered to host the server on his own, the one with the 35 slot limit. And this is unbelievable, I bet they aren’t able to do this, Legally. But yeah, waterzombie or Ryan Avery, he offered to host pirate craft. He’s the ninja guy at the bottom of the page, second line, next to godziller. But I hope this server pulls through. Either way, I’ll be here every step, as will pretty much everybody else. We owe the server this much, at least.

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    That’s absolute bs
    That is a disgraceful, unprofessional disgrace
    What’s the future then?
    How do we find this other host?
    Is there any ideas, or are you asking us to find other hosts?
    If so I found this I don’t know much, I don’t know if this is the right thing here
    But it’s my attempt at helping

    • Topics: 794
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    Well, you’re not going to like the news I got last night.

    PirateCraft host ceased trading with immediate effect, We need a new host.

    • Topics: 794
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    Last night I got an email from the company I host PirateCraft with that they are shutting down immediately, no warning, out of the blue, no options, No money back.
    You may already know of the issues I have had with this useless host, Trouble with technical & customer support from.
    Within a minute of reading the email I logged into PirateCraft and backed up everything, Plugins, Configs, PirateCraft World, MySQL stats, So we will not loose anything apart from the live map, It was about 20,000 files to download. I will need to find another host asap so we are ready for 1.7.2 when it finally drops.

    Naming and Shaming
    I have been working with hosting companies for 10 years, Not once have I dealt with such idiotic, unreasonable, childish, technologically retarded hosting company as I did with
    Shard Gaming Previously DaddyCheese

    This is the email I received 12 November 2013 at 18:58
    Shard Gaming Daddycheese
    Their website replaced with this message:

    Down for Maintenance (Err 3)
    Due to recent unexpected trading circumstances Shard Hosting Solutions LTD has ceased trading with immediate effect. We urge all clients to take a backup of their data immediately as we cannot guarantee how long services will operate for before being disconnected by our upstream suppliers. If you feel you are a creditor please contact: PHILIP LAWRENCE email:- 

    What takes the biscuit, I paid for Novembers hosting on November 5th and out of the blue they shut down.
    The world backup is from November 11th, anything you do in the live world since then will not be saved when we change hosts.
    Info: PirateCraft world is 2.02GB Compressed, 3.62GB UN-compressed.

    This “company” has done nothing but piss on its paying customers, on the 25th August they emailed its customers telling us about their brand change
    My initial reaction was positive, bigger better things, how I was wrong, so very wrong.
    This changeover for some reason needed new hardware to work, Ok.. You will be given a new IP.
    A new IP for an IP driven community, this is the ONE thing that you do not want to change when hosting a game server, instantly butcher the entire community.
    My Transfer Window for the server migration was set at 00:00 — 7:00 GMT. 7 hours is ridiculous down-time, but alas I cannot do anything about this.
    In reality I was locked out of PirateCraft and the server was down for 7 days, Butchering the community completely, I Did not get any compensation and was not reimbursed the money I lost.
    A few weeks later a site wide Password resets due to lack of security.
    1.6.4 drops, and It will not run on their hardware without crashing.
    They close, just after collecting everybody’s monthly payments.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Skins

    • Topics: 21
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    haha these looks awesome 😀

    • Topics: 794
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    On my travels I have come across a few pirate themed skins my favourite two I found recently are
    Pirate lieutenant
    Pirate lieutenant

    Pirate Deckhand
    Pirate Deckhand

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    The reason for the recent downtime is because my hosting provider decommissioned the server hardware that PirateCraft was hosted on, I had little time to react as they sent me the email at 21:50 Thursday night! Only 2 days later they took down the PirateCraft, Assured from the email it would take 60 Minutes maximum to transfer over data to the server server and here we are 2 days late with no live server, No new IP, I can’t login to any control panel/FTP , totally locked out.
    I have been in a very long ticket conversation with support but their unprofessional answers & lack of support and communication is starting to worry me.

    I am still waiting for a reply.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Update!

    Doug “Godzilla0298”
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    I’m gone for two weeks and you guys loose control wtf!


    In reply to: PirateCraft Update!

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    Read up, a massive exploit was found in all minecraft servers, vanilla and bukkit, it was made public by some idiot on reddit and the script kiddies took advantage of nearly every single minecraft server running that has this exploit, it was not anything specific to piratecraft.
    Luckily, I turned off dragons doing damage, otherwise we would have ourselfs a very hole ridden server!

    I think a few escaped and are flying around the map waiting for a user to load that 10×10 chunk area around them.

    I installed a Mod tracker on the livemap to show any ghasts or dragons in the mainworld, I will be on tonight to troubleshoot any problems that were caused.
    They tried and failed to disable griefprevention so everything in those claims were protected form stray dragons.

    • Topics: 794
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    I added polls to PirateCraft website, so users can vote on an opinion, There is a possibility to only open polls for registered users.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Update!

    • Topics: 12
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    wtf happened? man i gotta check all my stuff now lol


    In reply to: PirateCraft Update!

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    From what we can see the only damage they managed to do was to Mine and SuperGL’s ship at the cove, plus they banned and deleted SuperGL!
    I think the script kiddies were mentally challenged, the problem came from a recently found exploit affecting Craftbukkit versions prior to build #2854 and Vanilla servers, which allowed them to take over my account!

    We are now patched, updated, banned the players and fixed the miniscule amount of damage they did, but we still need people to help us fly around the world and check for damage.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Update!

    • Topics: 14
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    me and El Leche were key witnesses of destruction

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