Hi there YoloICN,
I regret to inform you that the Government of the British Empire has decided to not pursue an alliance or a NAP with your crew for the time being and instead wishes to wait and see how the Canada Alliance (CA) will develop over the next few months.
The BE government thanks you for your patience (as an old acquaintance I personally thank you too) and wishes you and the CA all the very best for the future. 
- Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave
Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.
Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric
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If you need helping out @YoloICN I can do it for you.