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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Last night the server went down and didn’t bring itself back up as it should. Looking at @MCShovel reply to it went down about 3am my time (I was sleeping)

    Turns out a plugin we use decided it would be a smart time to auto update itself without asking me! Cheeky plugin! It got itself to about 40% and then thats all that was in the log, so it killed the server in a way it couldn’t reboot itself.

    So im going to have a word with the developer that thought it was a good idea to allow auto updates based on HIS time schedule.

    Were all fixed now, I updated it manually before work this morning.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    For those following this thread, were back up. Im yet to figure out why it crashed! The wrapper we use should auto restart the server when it crashes, very odd!

    Edit: this is what happened:

    Last nights downtime was a rouge plugin

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    Nicky also want to say why do you waste your time with us, We don’t care that you have a similar name but are you really going to waste your resources because heres the thing, We will never change the name USE is here to stay. I want to challenge you to not use BE or and allies just your crew of 6 people I would love to see how that works. If you promise to fight USE vs 13co I promise a fair fight. But your crew is so small and insignificant and can barely call its most active member active. You trash talk us yet I’ve never seen you near our base. And do you thing you could win if it was just your crew, I’d like to see that. For the last half year we have told you we will not change our name. No means No unless you are challenged(No offense if you are). Can you just put up with the fact that we can share origin countries. This is a one time deal I promise that if you sign a pact that says you stop demanding name changes I will oversee it and make sure we never talk again(I know I don’t want to). Also for everyone bringing history into the picture Nicky is a traitor to America! He would be considered a loyalist during the revolutionary war for joining Britain(this is not an attack on the BE) you have said that you are the 13 colonies not the united states! Get your history right. Also one note to BE don’t waste your time helping nicky in this war he is dishonest and it will not benefit your crew.
    Send me a message if interested in the treaty

    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 153
    • Total: 164
    • ★★★★

    I will say the same-thing, you are under cutting the market on this and that needs to stop. This is why we cannot fix the economy. Max god sets have been selling for $1500 to $1600 and up to $1800 with mending. and has been like this for some time. we all need to stop selling at cheaper prices to under cut people. i would like the economy to get back to a stable point so we can have shops and players make money, but if this keeps happening there is no point.


    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 68
    • Total: 82
    • ★★★

    Just in case you missed it or have been offline, GodsDead updated the 1.9.4 thread…

    PirateCraft updated to 1.9.4 (Lag, boat fly kick etc..) Updated 2

    We are running very smoothly now and the lag issues from the 1.9.4 update that started Saturday should just be a bad memory.

    Thank you GodsDead for staying on top of this and getting the update applied!

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    He’s being butt hurt by complaining about it a lot

    follow this link:


    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 68
    • Total: 82
    • ★★★


    This is probably not the place to discuss tutorials; however, there are numerous guides here. See the link called “Guides” at the top of this page. Video tutorials are embeded/linked there as well.

    The best bet is a quick Search on google for videos:

    Google “GriefPrevention Subclaim”

    SignShop got you down, Google it:

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    *Waits for the naming & shaming to begin*



    I’m sorry to say this, but for thick people like me who are complete imbeciles (sorry had to describe myself like that), could a guide be written up for sub claims?

    Or if there is one already, step by step, ‘for dummies’ guides would be great.

    -off topic, I’ve found it hard recently also to find information on making chest shops, speaking to many people, until finally, MC shovel hit home & solved the Da Vinci Code, on how to select chests to sell a certain amount instead of all you put it.

    Bad wording I know, but I think if problems with such step by step guides with not enough in-depth detail or ‘highlighted’ points is a problem, which if solved could make staff jobs a whole load easier & whatever.

    Infact, I wouldn’t mind writing a couple ‘do it yourself’ guides…


    In reply to: Spam

    • Topics: 84
    • Replies: 309
    • Total: 393
    • ★★★★★

    @CrazyPirate Alright I promise to stop posting weird forum topics for 2 months.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.


    In reply to: Spam

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Look, just please stop. Everyone on here has had it up to here *gestures over head* with the ‘content’ people deem worthy to share. These stupid rice movements, or greens, ‘Club Prisoons’, or pointless threads that serve no purpose but to annoy us all.

    Just stop. Take a step back, and realise how annoying this is getting. We’re a lovely community here, tolerant and accepting, but when we are being fed crud on a daily basis that prevents us from seeing the important messages, it has gone too far, especially when it’s the same minority that manage to kick up so much noise.

    So please, limit your contributions to content that is intellectual or important enough to share. Otherwise, stop.


    In reply to: Spam

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    @inventorjohn please just stop spamming the forums with your bullshit topics

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    Ic3y ;]
    • Topics: 36
    • Replies: 123
    • Total: 159
    • ★★★★


    I hit u but my knock back threw u off a cliff and u died and I didn’t get the bounty…..

    So stop being a but hurt and get off this post?


    • Topics: 794
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    I assume this is in response to this

    I suggest pressing that edit link on your post and listening to @Daniel_McLachlen


    In reply to: Mad People

    • Topics: 66
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    & you haven’t seen the topics made in the last 2 weeks?

    I think we all are on the same page right now…


    In reply to: Forum account change

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Hi my name when I log onto pirateCraft is SHONS which is my old name, I want it to be: Liam is it possible to change it InGame? On the forum it is changed but not InGame

    1. You are in the wrong thread
    2. Changing your display name on a website will not have effect on in-game, how could it? you haven’t linked your MC account to the website have you?
    3. If you are trying to say “can I change my username on the website please” then you need to post in this thread:
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