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  • #37625
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    ok, this is way, way off topic, but I’m sure most of you have heard of PokemonGo, so here is something I sent around I call #MinecrafterGo – hopefully the dev’s at Mojang will like it too and make it happen.

    see attached Β πŸ™‚

    Hey, it could happen ….. lol


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    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~


    In reply to: Need a regen

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    Also noticed your forum role didnt have a badge, so I added one @Lucky

    For future regenerations please use


    In reply to: Custom Map Icons

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    discard the top text. i messed up. badly

    but see if you can add this one since its PNG not what it was prevously

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    • Topics: 12
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    Lately I haven’t been in a good luck string, more like the opposite in this game. I’ve been making some really stupid decisions and being a bit of a baby. Somebody told me I did some crap like declare war on EE and The Asylum over a pair of boots. A lot of these decisions I can’t remember and people are just telling me on here. No, I’m not “quitting” persay. Kanube and Maximus_Teraggon made some great points. I’ll probably stop attacking for a while, because I get annoyed when I lose my stuff, and I can’t pvp. ? So there you go, I apologise for being stupid and I’ll try my hardest to stop!

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    • Topics: 94
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    I’m quite surprised to see this topic being used again, pleasant surprise.Β Everyone who has posted recently: i have taken a not and ill hopefully add them soon.

    Sorry about the ‘edit’ message at the top, I still need to add memory and reshuffle files over, and as i stated bits of it have come corrupt due to a file location error. I’ll try my very best to sort it out before the 24th, from which date onward i will be on holiday.

    Any other territory changes? Don’t hesitate to comment and amend my guesses πŸ™‚

    Β« Build Team leader Β»
    Β« Server Admin Β»
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Solomon Archipelago

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    I’d contact Max about this (@maximus).

    He is a great map maker of this server, and has recently created a BRILLIANT new one!

    This new edition map as well includes names of seas, areas, territories, etc.

    I will put the link here so you can see, and possibly find your islands on the map!

    Make sure also to possibly copy and past your information you provide here, as usually he gets many replies from the people on the forums to where certain areas are wrong and incorrect, and where things need to be named and added. For example here; The Solomon Archipelago!

    Have fun!

    The Piratecraft Map – May/June 2016


    In reply to: Recruiting new staff

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    im curious about the helper position when you get around to it, Gods. I do want to learn more about it after you get that set up ? till then, gl to those that have applied ^-^/

    I havent put much thought into it, it would just be a more stripped down and limited commodore I think, so it would limit temp mutes to 30 mins max, no tempbans, jail cell time limit too to a cell that the player cant be harmed. Maybe a custom warp area for helping players? I think once we get that warp east up and running as a tutorial island it might be a good location, adding a help chat channel to help out people, so they dont get drowned in chat that only helpers+ can invite people into help and kick them out when they are done. Im thinking it would be a second inherited rank, so visually They might have a different badge or something. any other ideas?

    Wait, who is this salt kid? And when was he banned? Does he just read the forums and tries to guilt trip everyone?

    This β€œLew” Salt turd, got himself banned for being rude and nasty, best friends with SeconDeath. They created a rip off copy of PirateCraft, caused a ton of drama, and this Lew made up a ton of bullcrap lies and Drama to try and slander me, he convinced secondeath I was the devil and they both ended up getting banned. Long story short Lew was using Secondeath for his own personal gains (last I heard), it was a pointless shitstorm that never needed to happen, caused by Lew creating lies and drama, Its been long done and over with until he popped his arrogant face into the forums just now, so lets ban the slug and lets not talk a word about it, as its not worth the typing. -Case closed, do not take the conversation off track.-

    ughhhhhhh, I’ve been banned a few times, what are the conditions for this umm, tinier commodore, because I’ll try and I know how to track out #rood people, because they’re all #rood to me πŸ˜€

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~


    In reply to: Odi box'ed down

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    lol u brought up the topic of being blown up, if u were a bit smarter u would have gotten all the loot in the chests out of it before suggesting to blow it up ?

    I’m starting to get sick of this, Crackers, you did <u>NOT</u>Β know the situation. CreeperMorderen made me keep my loot in my chests, the only stuff I was allowed to take was from my head wall, and I scavenged through a few chests on the left side of the building (facing west) it was all rubbish, so next time you form an opinion, ask around for what actually happened instead of saying that I’m not intelligent.

    “Good day my sir. I SAID GOOD DAY!”

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    • Topics: 12
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    <iframe id=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-jPlpz” class=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-jPlpz-true-540″ style=”height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;” src=”; scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”true”></iframe><script src=”//” async=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    Did he really have the anonymous face on the side? I hate big square stonebrick boxes

    Lol GodsDead I did, it was meant to be this big thing of me adding famous icons, well, I’m rlly lazy so nothing ever continued. I hope that that icon wasn’t offensive in any way.




    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    • Topics: 794
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    Did he really have the anonymous face on the side?

    I hate big square stonebrick boxes


    In reply to: Odi box'ed down

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    lol u brought up the topic of being blown up, if u were a bit smarter u would have gotten all the loot in the chests out of it before suggesting to blow it up πŸ˜›



    In reply to: Recruiting new staff

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    OOOH, much long waits, Odi will want to become a media unicorn..

    What happened to quitting?

    what happened to you quitting?

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    • Topics: 17
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    This evening, ladies and gentlemen, we finished off _Qwerticorn_’s enormus box.

    Thank you @Cysteen for donating tons of tnt, it helped alot πŸ˜‰


    Be sure to post your screenshots from the epic raid event right here in this topic! πŸ˜‰

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    In reply to: Crew bank/balance.

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    Excuse me if my suggestion isn’t original. I haven’t seen any forum posts regarding this issue personally, and theres no harm in suggesting.

    The purpose of a crew balance is to have a separate balance which is not muddled or confused with the balance of any one player.

    And I don’t mean to play devils advocate, but if you have genuine fears that adding anything to the server is going to just be exploited why do you have a suggestions forum?

    Calm down mate, thats not what I said, stop twisting and starting an argument for no reason. as i have told you, we have talked over how a crew balance could easily be abused by players hiding money and laundering it to do sneaky things they shouldn’t, obviously im not going to out these flaws in public just because you are angry (calm down), I was polite telling you that you were definitely not the first to think of this, this is NOT a new idea, the god damn plugin we use has this built in!!! Hence the staff talking this over, as I said, already. Please read what I have already written.

    I have a suggestions forum for people to suggest ideas, not be a passive aggressive.

    Closing this thread as @browe454 cannot keep his cool and talk in a sensible matter, Calm down.


    In reply to: _RisingStar_ AFK pool

    Crazy Pirate
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    Just to clarify, its a water stream that has no ending. So if you sat in it, and went away for 2 hours, you’d still be playing piratecraft when you got back.

    Just a very fancy way of hiding an afk machine, I must be honest. If this is allowed, what’s to stop me from building the exact same thing? And the next person? etc…


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