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  • #69089

    In reply to: Ban Appeal-Rex

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 42
    • ★★

    So this guy gets to abuse a duplication glitch, completely breaking the beacon economy (of his favorite server, mind you) and making the staff team have to clean up his mess, and gets a “wipe” and a ban that didn’t even last a year? And let’s be real here, he wouldn’t have stopped if he didn’t get caught. To address the wipe, obviously he will get rich again quite fast, as jetty and all his friends will provide him with resources and assistance, and he has past experience of the server and how it works. In fact, he may actually view the wipe as a GOOD thing, because as cutlerbecket had once noted, starting again can be a rewarding experience. And who knows, eventually, maybe in a year or two, he may find yet another duplication glitch and abuse that one as well, except play it much smarter. Obviously he doesn’t actually regret his actions, or he wouldn’t be continuously spamming the forums with unban appeals every two months. (Can this guy be banned from forums already?)


    You are a coward

    you are going after Rex because you are pissed at jetty over him stealing your treat blade over a month ago on a server you claim to not be able to care any less about anymore.

    sorry everyone for my toxicity burst here, can’t help it against someone who asked for me to pay him irl money for in game items that he stole taking advantage of my getting banned.


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.


    In reply to: Ban Appeal-Rex

    • Topics: 25
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    • Total: 68
    • ★★★

    So this guy gets to abuse a duplication glitch, completely breaking the beacon economy (of his favorite server, mind you) and making the staff team have to clean up his mess, and gets a “wipe” and a ban that didn’t even last a year? And let’s be real here, he wouldn’t have stopped if he didn’t get caught.

    To address the wipe, obviously he will get rich again quite fast, as jetty and all his friends will provide him with resources and assistance, and he has past experience of the server and how it works. In fact, he may actually view the wipe as a GOOD thing, because as cutlerbecket had once noted, starting again can be a rewarding experience. And who knows, eventually, maybe in a year or two, he may find yet another duplication glitch and abuse that one as well, except play it much smarter.

    Obviously he doesn’t actually regret his actions, or he wouldn’t be continuously spamming the forums with unban appeals every two months.

    (Can this guy be banned from forums already?)

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    this post was made back in may. no need to continue discussing the topic here, especially since it’s been fixed.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★


    Ive recently been doing some massive updates to it, I’m going to change how its delivered, part of that was removing the zips from the root of the resource pack, and I will be offering them in the releases section instead, but I didn’t want to post the first release until I do a few more things on the Todo list, the pack was stagnant for years waiting for people to update it, as its open source but nobody did anything.

    Ive done a ton of changes recently, its still only for 1.12.2, you can click the clone button top right and download as zip and this will work with the latest changes.

    I might update the link on the website to go direct to this for now 🙂

    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 5

    RE: Unban request, Masker321


    Palmerageddon wrote:

    The reason for the ban you received was likely due to the mentioning of other MineCraft servers- or the sharing of iPs in chat.
    I shall however enquire into the ‘exact’ reason why you were banned.

    Thanks for investigating. My Unban thread seems to have been deleted or is now inaccessible to me (, so I am opening a new one to reply. This does sound like a possibility.

    The user is relatively new to multi-player Minecraft (I only set the account up a couple of months ago). The user has admitted they did not read the rules. The user was not familiar with some of the conventions of online gaming. If mentioning of another server or IP address is the reason, is it possible that the user could be given a second chance? Any misdemeanour would have been through failing to read the rules rather than through maliciousness, and would not happen again now that they are aware.



    In reply to: WeGank Unban Request

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 42
    • ★★

    Stewie you mom is cringe no one asked go back to the kitchen


    can you stop?


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.


    In reply to: WeGank Unban Request

    • Topics: 19
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    • Total: 93
    • ★★★

    No, no, no. After he got banned he blamed me for it and proceeded to make repeated death threats against me in the Alliance Discord. If it wasn’t for lego having to delete a entire days worth of logs after the people started to attack gods I would have the evidence. He isn’t sorry. His racist, sexist, annoying sh*t stops now. I’m tired of this crap. Go find a new server to poison zack.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

    • Topics: 794
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    Because each transaction fee is 35%-45%, I have looked a few times into Paysafecards, but they are so sketchy I want to not even attempt it again.

    We have Stripe/Paypal which both accept those top up payment cards, I hope this helps!


    In reply to: Were back baby!!!!!

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 10

    Stop acting hard over Minecraft

    Long Live Cotij


    Topic: Harassment

    in forum Player Reports
    Riley Morse
    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 2

    My Username: SnakeInATopHat

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: IronAR
    UUID: 776e9a63-3226-4b11-a042-c871146b0b91
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)
    Harrassing, Greifing, possibly hacking

    Overview Description of Report
    IronAR keeps killing me repeatedly, camping, and somehow breaking into my locked rooms and stealing stuff.

    Detailed Information
    IronAR camps on top of my base almost everyday, and kills me, he follows me around all over the server, to all of my bases, and wont stop. He keeps on breaking into my secure room and stealing stuff out of my chests. he kills me in one hit every time, and is completely unkillable, no matter what i try. whenever other people try to help, he logs off.

    my pc cant take screenshots, and my video software is broken, but there are multiple witnesses, and many people have tried to help.


    In reply to: In defense of ROME

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Read reply here ->


    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 47
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    • Total: 175
    • ★★★★

    We are well aware of what war is. You just have no honor in doing it.

    Multiple members of Rome have been banned, temp banned, sent to the locker on multiple occasions for breaking rules, using things that were not intended for the game, harassments, and much more.

    Also there is a fine line between waging war on players and harassment of players to the point where they cannot even play the game due to being attacked every day multiple times for weeks.

    If your that desperate to prove your better or whatever it is we want no part in that. Why don’t you just stick to your side of the map. We are fine with occasional attacks but this constant attacking of our members has gone far enough.

    I have also taken steps to stop this as you will eventually see.

    Sincerely FatherAnderson aka VladDracul aka CutlerBecket


    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 14

    Mystic, shut the up,  You don’t even know how it feels to be harassed by rome, because your the attacker dip sh#3t. With a mouth so juicy and plump, why would anyone want to harass you? Like come on. If you were in ISEN shoes you wouldn’t say crap. Mocking a person who got attacked by rome non stop is low af. Like if your going to talk crap, why not join in romes harassment attacks. (which you do.) ISEN has been attacking back dip s**t. At least we try to fight back with little to none pots, and we won’t give up. Why build something awesome when eventually it will just be grieved by rome, or someone like you mystic. <span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb;”><span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans, helvetica neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px;”>Reynagrl isn’t going to just go out of her way to make invis pots, or make her whole base light 0. Besides, her base is one of the nicest I’ve seen so far. Mystic do me a favor, and just think to yourself what rome is actually doing to people on this server, but what would it matter to you? The real problem is you.</span></span></span>

    If you call it a “WAR” why respawn? Its a attack. I don’t understand, If its a war,  don’t do ./back or ./home to get back and “partake” in the “war” again. That’s my option about a “war.” Its either a harassment attack, or just a siege. no “war” There’s no such thing as a “war” its a attack!!

    There is no war. Its just multiple attacks, that consistently happen on pmc to a crew.

    Siege: A event that a player would attempt to loot another player for valuables, and other items during the siege. (Breaking into the players base to get valuables.) (Not exploiting in like rome did.) (should not come back after death.)

    Attack: A event that would only partake if there is no siege, mainly just consenting of killing, and non stop harassment to a crew or crew member. (No siege, only to grief, and to kill.) (Come back after death and harass more.)

    That is what I would define those two terms. There is no such thing as a war on PMC.

    Yes. This is minecraft. Yes you can respawn in minecraft. But if you call it a “WAR” why respawn? Its a attack..

    Rome says there at “War” but they consistently get killed by me, and respawn? Makes no sense

    Been traping noobs since 1701

    P.S. I’ve got no god armor, I barely have any pots, but I still clap rome. wth.

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 14

    Mystic, shut the up,  You don’t even know how it feels to be harassed by rome, because your the attacker dip sh#3t. With a mouth so juicy and plump, why would anyone want to harass you? Like come on. If you were in ISEN shoes you wouldn’t say crap. Mocking a person who got attacked by rome non stop is low af. Like if your going to talk crap, why not join in romes harassment attacks. (which you do.) ISEN has been attacking back dip s**t. At least we try to fight back with little to none pots, and we won’t give up. Why build something awesome when eventually it will just be grieved by rome, or someone like you mystic. Reynagrl isn’t going to just go out of her way to make invis pots, or make her whole base light 0. Besides, her base is one of the nicest I’ve seen so far. Mystic do me a favor, and just think to yourself what rome is actually doing to people on this server, but what would it matter to you? The real problem is you.

    If you call it a “WAR” why respawn? Its a attack. I don’t understand, If its a war,  don’t do ./back or ./home to get back and “partake” in the “war” again. That’s my option about a “war.” Its either a harassment attack, or just a siege. no “war” There’s no such thing as a “war” its a attack!!

    There is no war. Its just multiple attacks, that consistently happen on pmc to a crew.

    Siege: A event that a player would attempt to loot another player for valuables, and other items during the siege. (Breaking into the players base to get valuables.) (Not exploiting in like rome did.) (should not come back after death.)

    Attack: A event that would only partake if there is no siege, mainly just consenting of killing, and non stop harassment to a crew or crew member. (No siege, only to grief, and to kill.) (Come back after death and harass more.)

    That is what I would define those two terms. There is no such thing as a war on PMC.

    Yes. This is minecraft. Yes you can respawn in minecraft. But if you call it a “WAR” why respawn? Its a attack..

    Rome says there at “War” but they consistently get killed by me, and respawn? Makes no sense.



    Been traping noobs since 1701

    P.S. I’ve got no god armor, I barely have any pots, but I still clap rome. wth.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 6
    • Total: 7

    First off, rome is consistently harassing ISEN, this needs to be resolved, rome was consistently doing ./back after death, or they had a ./set home near CutlerBecketts city. Rome was trying to prove that they were NOT doing ./back nor doing ./home. I would look on the map right after their death, and boom, about 2 seconds they are back. They would consistently attack, not giving ISEN a break. Rome obviously has a ./sethome near Reynagrl’s base. Her base is on the other side of the map, not near any warps, how do they tp there so quickly, right after harassing CutlerBecketts wall? Why can this just stop? Puffbro, now you look like a real wierdo asking for girls toes when rome is still going to harass ISEN. Overall, rome needs to stop harassing players, it ruins the server experience. Been traping noobs since 1701 Why can’t rome stop.

      It’s ruining the server experience? I feel like you wouldn’t be saying this if you were on the other side here, also this kind of is the basis of the server, war.

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