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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    This is a maintenance update, I’m going to start recording maintenance just in case anything breaks.

    • Removed Custom Mobs from Halloween (Amazing event @calliemav! Bring on crimbo!)
    • Updated Anti-cheat
    • Updated Essentails
    • Updated Spigot
    • Updated Discord / Chat plugin
    • Updated /motd
    • Updated OS
    • Updated missives
    • Fixed some perms for staff

    No new features or gameplay change.


    In reply to: I'm really confused

    • Topics: 60
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    Yes I can not talk so I’m obviously on to troll, thanks astrobolt, you’re a genius. I couldn’t pm her because she wouldn’t answer, so by creating this thread someone else could tell her to come on, Astrobolt, once again trying to crack down on useless rubbish, I know you don’t like me, but maybe stop trying to get me banned 24/7 for no reason?

    Just gonna butt in here. Minechat. Minechat. As in, you use that app to chat to people. So, why use it when you’ve died? Either to try and gain stats such as playtime (not sure if that’s possible when dead), or simply to troll people, who try to message you or speak to you, a perfect example being the above case. Astro’s point stands, odi.

    I came on there hoping that SmokeyRiver would be able to tell me why she needed to talk to me, I honestly don’t know how this is trolling, and of course I’m yep, 100% stat gamming. The two posts you just made have absolutely no actual meaning and they’re just bs



    In reply to: I'm really confused

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Yes I can not talk so I’m obviously on to troll, thanks astrobolt, you’re a genius. I couldn’t pm her because she wouldn’t answer, so by creating this thread someone else could tell her to come on, Astrobolt, once again trying to crack down on useless rubbish, I know you don’t like me, but maybe stop trying to get me banned 24/7 for no reason?

    Just gonna butt in here. Minechat. Minechat. As in, you use that app to chat to people. So, why use it when you’ve died? Either to try and gain stats such as playtime (not sure if that’s possible when dead), or simply to troll people, who try to message you or speak to you, a perfect example being the above case. Astro’s point stands, odi.


    In reply to: Culture

    • Topics: 63
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    • Total: 241
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    English speaking Tasmanian, mate.

    I’m studying German unt Russich. Now idi nahui

    The cultures of Japan and colonial western Europe are the most interesting in my opinion. The things that are most interesting about those two is the fact that Japan was able to go from an uncivilized set of tribal kingdoms to an Empire that was the first Asian country to defeat a European superpower, and how Western Europe came to be the nest of the greatest civilizations to ever exist.

    Tasmania is one of the last bastions of the British Empire and conservatism.

    Food is the best food.

    I hope to one day become of Australia Prime Minister and reform the government to a Right-Wing Nationalist utopia.

    (I refer to Tasmania as a separate body to Australia, because It’s quite autonomous compared to other states. Goddamn Turnbull won’t do anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Parliament have forgotten us.)

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar


    In reply to: I'm really confused

    • Topics: 60
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    1. Why the hell would you come on minechat if you know that you are dead and cannot talk? The only logical reason is to troll.

    2. The proper way to deal with something like this is to private message SmokeyRiver rather than creating a useless forum thread that creates drama.

    Yes I can not talk so I’m obviously on to troll, thanks astrobolt, you’re a genius. I couldn’t pm her because she wouldn’t answer, so by creating this thread someone else could tell her to come on, Astrobolt, once again trying to crack down on useless rubbish, I know you don’t like me, but maybe stop trying to get me banned 24/7 for no reason?



    Topic: For New Crew Members of Ender

    in group forum Ender
    • Topics: 44
    • Replies: 212
    • Total: 256
    • ★★★★★

    I used to create books for new members, but in order to be able to quickly update things and have everyone on the same page, and to not have to go through the trouble of making more books, I’ve decided a forum page would be better.

    So, this is for new crew members of Ender, but anyone can read it if they want. Some of these instructions are really basic, just in case you haven’t played MC much.

    First, Welcome to the Crew!

    Our mission is one of peace, to help those in need with shelter, food, or supplies if possible. It is our hope that you find our crew warm and welcoming.

    To read more about the history and origins of Ender, see our other pages at:

    Anyway, here are some helpful hints to help you enjoy this world:

    • Please read the guides on the website and the server manual, it will answer many questions.
    • To see who is in our crew, type: /crew members ender
    • To see what crew someone else is in, type /crew lookup <player>
    • To have private chats within the crew, type /c before typing
    • Keep in mind who our allies are. To see a list, type /crew profile ender
    • Your Abbot is not a vending machine ? I am here to help, but please be patient, I’m only one person, perhaps another crew member may be able to help if you need immediate help.
    • After two weeks in the crew, you can have a house (if available) in the village. However, it does work best if everyone has their own base.  That way, we are stronger as a crew.
    • In the meantime, you are welcome to stay in the dorm, Enderman Hall.
    • As soon as you can, use /sethome in your house of choice so that if you get locked out or get trapped somewhere you can type /home and tp back.
    • When you have a chance, you can also sleep in the bed at night until you see the message ‘spawn point set’.  This will allow you to reappear in your house if you die.
    • If you need a moderator or admin assistance you can see who is on by holding down the ‘Tab’ key.  The moderator names show up in blue, the admins in gold. Then send them a msg by /msg <player> …..
    • Keep an eye on the live map (do /map) and yer head on a swivel, matey, thar be pyrates in dem thar waters!  Seriously though, unfortunately, there are some whose sworn mission is to just attack anyone and everyone, so beware.
    • On that note, also don’t allow anyone to TP request into the village if you don’t know them.  There’s many that promise the moon, but just deliver a sword.
    • By no means are you confined to the village – please, explore and have fun, make multiple claims and bases.  There are many places still unclaimed and ready to be mined. To check for a claim, hold a stick and right-click a block.  More info under the guides.
    • You should be able to get food from the farm, but please re-plant what you use.  The melons are considered by the software to be a block, so that is why they can’t be mined, but I have some piston devices you can use to get free melons.
    • Once in a while, please put food in the ‘Food for the Poor’ box on the outside. We’ve all been hungry before.
    • If you feel the need to leave the crew and strike out on your own, please send me a message so I can make your house available to the next crew member.  There will never be any hard feelings over that.  I completely understand. You will always be welcome back.
    • You do not have to join into the belief system of the brotherhood of St. Ender, but I would love to share that with you and let you read the writing of our patron saint, St. Ender.
    • However, should your actions be contrary to the mission and/or purpose of our crew, you will be asked to leave.
    • We have a crew home at a sea base on the southern coast of the central continent and you may visit it by typing /crew home.  However, be aware that the server has put a toll of $15 on each TP to discourage abuse, and I may be moving that in the future.
    • While traveling, only take those items with you that you can afford to lose in case a random creeper, zombie, or rogue assassin shows up.
    • Keep your chest locked by placing a stone brick block on top so that no one is tempted to get inside them, or use one of the many ender chests available.
    • I am aware that to rank up to a certain level you must have a certain number of kills, but please let me advise you before that as some crews are very protective of their members and it may be like poking a hornet’s nest, and we need to respect our allies.
    • Finally, I am merely a humble caretaker of the Abbey and Village of St. Ender.  I am not anyone’s boss, but we must live together in harmony and balance and try to bring that to others in the world. Please help us achieve that goal. I will do my best to help each find their path and purpose in our world. There are many roles available and each is free to choose their own path, please refer to our other page on roles for guidance on that.
    • And lastly, in order to make room for new people wanting to join the crew, and to keep straight who is an active member or not, if a player is inactive for more than 60 days, they will be considered as having quit the crew. Your things, if they are in the village, will be removed to a storage area for a while and then eventually disposed of, and your permissions will be revoked. You will also be taken off the roster.

    Again, thank you for joining our crew, and welcome aboard!

    —p.s. I usually am on in the evenings and anytime on the weekends, and I’m in the Eastern time zone (USA).  If you need to contact me and the PM isn’t fast enough, you can follow me on twitter and DM me there – @Kanube1 or through my gmail account – [email protected].

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~


    Topic: Culture

    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 73
    • Total: 77
    • ★★★

    Hey everyone!
    So I’ve always been pretty convinced that this server has some pretty diverse culture, but I never really knew for sure about anyone, especially seeing as most (if not all) people speak English on this server, and the global chat is English-only, so I just wanted to ask:

    Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, which ones?
    I speak Russian, which also helps me understand, but not speak, other Slavic languages

    What are some of the things you find most interesting about a foreign culture?
    I was rather surprised by the friendliness of people in America. Generally, in Ukraine, people kept to themselves a bit more, and it took a little while to adjust to the fact that strangers would smile and make small talk on the street and at bus stops.

    What are some interesting things you think people should know about your culture/country/language?
    Ukraine, despite being overshadowed in size and wealth by many other former USSR members, was actually the origin point for the Slavs (More specifically, its capital, Kiev) and is very culturally rich, and despite the failing economy, you can still enjoy yourself for very little money.

    What are some of your favorite foods?
    I’d have to say the ice cream. Technically not an ethnic food, but it is very amazing, and despite simplicity, it is both cheap and extremely tasty. As far as ethnic food goes, I’d have to say salo. Yes, it seems cliche, but it tastes so amazing on rye bread! For those of you who don’t know, salo is salted pig fat, and tastes amazing, even if it is amazingly unhealthy.

    My own sample responses are italicized under each question. You obviously don’t have to answer every question, or answer any of them. Or, you could just put whatever information you want about your language/culture/country. I just thought that this would be a fun, interesting way to see more of the cultural diversity around PirateCraft.

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
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    I have nothing to do with the duration of the mute. it could be a mistype or error when Kelly typed it. you did deserve your mute, but as for the duration, that was Kelly’s choice. it is possible he made a mistake when typing it out though. if that’s the case it could be fixed easily; if you stop being a whiney brat.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 13
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    this is too funny, maybe ill be able to reply when I stop laughing.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 60
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    Odi just because I said I didn’t believe in killing at cove doesn’t mean I don’t think it should be allowed…

    I will quote your words “I believe that it’s a serious offence”

    odi, smokey said you need to log on. she needs to talk to you.

    Ay can you tell her to wait about 4-3 more days?
    This holiday just won’t end, I’ve even started doing algebra online, anyway that’s off topic, just ask her if we cam PM


    • Topics: 794
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    You just described the system we have already, Verified and Non verified crews.

    Non verified crews will auto expire after 90 days if none of its crew members log in that time.

    We also have a trust/untrust system for Members of a crew, for players to organise and run their crew themselves, at present I think people are auto-trusted to match the previous system so we had the smoothest transfer over from the old system.

    Purge is set inactive-clan-days to 365, so crews that are inactive for 365 days will be purged entirely.

    We also have inactive-player-data-days: 365, Which I assume removes all data related to that player when they have been offline 365 days.

    In reality you just want to remove 2 leaders is that correct? yeah mate, that already got suggested Good thing I didn’t just listen to the “likes” on that post too, because what happened to that crew recently uni? Exactly what I said as a reply. Already replied to your question in an existing thread, where it was already asked. and No allowing any leader to demote any other leader will cause DRAMA which then wastes staff time because you cant pick the right leaders or communicate properly.

    This isn’t a server issue this is a player issue of not communicating with their crew.

    As ive said already in the existing post, if you want a long term leader removed for aesthetic reasons, then you can create a forum post requesting this, and their “inactivity” can be checked and then removed by staff.

    • Topics: 42
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    Suggesting that after 30 days members from a crew will be kicked. currently have 2 inactive leaders in my crew that I wish to remove but I cannot because they are inactive. Aswell as it would eliminate many 1 man crews that people have made then left never to return which is probably using up server resources. Aswell as it stops crews from ‘noob farming’ inviting players that join once and never play again making their crew look larger

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 60
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    I found this in Cookie_Monster03’s claim

    Hmm, guilty by association? Is that thing on here? Cause you’d be really stupid if you didn’t see an afk coaster being built/used in your claim. Ninja, enjoy being a deckie again ? #statsreset

    That’s not true, I have a city and a claim which ultracreeper was trusted to. I never entered that building until one day I was giving @gildorstinky a tour and I found a loopdy loop water slide obviously for AFK machines. It might’ve been there from before I claimed it or after. Innocent until proven guilty I guess 😛


    • Topics: 25
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    Just a PSA if anyone wants to create an  elaborate roller coaster for whatever reason: design it so it stops each time and isn’t continuous so that it can’t be mistaken for an AFK machine.

    As far as this instance goes, this looks like it is not for amusement.

    - Solo player -


    In reply to: Revolution

    • Topics: 0
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    Not gonna lie EE sorta dropped off the face of the earth for a while, minding their own business, now the bad parts about the crew have happened from the inside, nobody’s attacked them, nobody’s really done anything other than gulls, and even then that was very quick. I myself remember an empire, greater than BE they told us every day. “We have the best arms and BE has the most population” then HEE formed, that ruined everything, amazingly I was able to finally finish the war, not by battle, but by Dad jokes, I’m a genius.

    I just read that and wanted to vomit, I’m getting nostalgic on a block game and off topic, so here’s a clean cut version.

    EE was good, then went bad, like eggs, or a towel, there’s only a certain amount of time you can keep something going.

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