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  • #46906
    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    My Username: AstroTrump (changing to Astrobolt in early march 2017)

    Coords: -5470 2877

    Pending Claim Removal Request:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    Owner: Saraphim7

    Coords: -5470 2877

    Time Offline: 1 year 2 months

    Playtime: 35 days (permanently banned)

    As I would also like it regened:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 40
    • Total: 48
    • ★★

    If you go to your profile and click “Notifications” you are directed to a thread called “Notifications” instead of your notifications page.


    I also clicked on a friend request alert and it took me to the Requests and Suggestions page.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    It is also impossible to view any page other than the first in a forum topic. This is very bad!

    Oh, and that too.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Not to add to the list or anything, but Paul contributed to a topic 11 hours ago. I’m keep getting notifications, every 10 minutes or so, telling me that he’s updated it again. Doesn’t seem like he’s edited it either.

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    It is also impossible to view any page other than the first in a forum topic. This is very bad!

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    I have noticed on two separate PCs that clicking on the “Forums” tab in private group redirects me to this page:

    This means I cannot start new forum topics in those groups.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Hey @godsdead I just noticed that when clicking on the Statistic link from the regular website top menu ( linked to ) it will load the page without the actual stats gui. However when one goes to it will load. Just FYI. Baz

    Ok it was still linking to the http version instead of the https version, I updated that, but stats still isnt being updated since I moved web hosts, I need to get around to that.

    Oh and I just noticed : When trying to access my profile to edit ( link : ) it will always redirect me to ?! Even when I copy/paste. Baz

    So it does, thats really odd…

    • Topics: 39
    • Replies: 414
    • Total: 453
    • ★★★★★

    Hey @godsdead

    I just noticed that when clicking on the Statistic link from the regular website top menu ( linked to ) it will load the page without the actual stats gui.
    However when one goes to it will load.

    Just FYI.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


    In reply to: The Vortex Coalition

    • Topics: 60
    • Replies: 797
    • Total: 857
    • ★★★★★★

    Wadsworth tbh that timeline is less accurate than a storm troopers aim. The player at fault here goes by the name jared2013 on his main. Which he has not used to log on. Now I don’t know if he logs on anymore but all he does is mess with people for fun. So stop being lazy and lock your chests. Anyone could do what he does.

    The storm troopers let them go as mentioned by Leia in episode 4, dont you ever criticise them, they all are clones of Jango Fett



    In reply to: The Vortex Coalition

    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 65
    • Total: 80
    • ★★★

    Wadsworth tbh that timeline is less accurate than a storm troopers aim. The player at fault here goes by the name jared2013 on his main. Which he has not used to log on. Now I don’t know if he logs on anymore but all he does is mess with people for fun. So stop being lazy and lock your chests. Anyone could do what he does.

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14


    In reply to: Goodbye

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Jesus feck, can we stop with the goodbyes already!


    In reply to: Leaving soon

    • Topics: 111
    • Replies: 670
    • Total: 781
    • ★★★★★★

    Nado, let’s just say that i will miss you. Stop by ts and the server now and then. Also, join Astro gif server !



    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 53
    • Total: 55
    • ★★★

    Don’t panic just yet, i’m not leaving YET.

    So i have thought about this for a while and i’m leaving the server.

    This is my plan:

    -Stop raiding, i want to stop raiding people, i have done this alot and made some enemies while doing so.

    -Become friends with everyone nearly everyone, Because i have alot of enemies on here i want to become friends with everyone or atleast not be hated by people.

    -Become Boatswain (not sure tbh), i think i want to become boatswain atleast once but it takes alot of time grinding xD.

    -Fight as much people as possible, I’m not giving up my PVP live just the raiding life so i wont be attacking people, i’ll be accepting everyone that wants to  fights me no matter what gear god/cap/naked fist fight (lol). (not when im grinding for boatswain (prob when an event is happening))

    Well thats bassically my plan here and then after a month or 2 i’ll leave. i’ll probably hop on every now and then to say hi and stuff.

    My crew history:

    -XD, this was my first crew ever and it’s Emiel’s

    -BE, this was my second crew and it helped me grow alot and teached me how to PVP

    -TAS, this was my third crew and it helped me grow even more and i had alot of fun in there.

    -Phantom, this is where i met other people aswell and it was realy nice and i had alot of fun with the pirate stuff.

    -Elven Empire, After Phantom died i didnt know what to do and rep invited me to the elves and it was short but fun.

    -Phantom, Huh? i thought Phantom died? Yes but me and Cap are rebuilding it.

    Those are my past crews.

    I want to say thank you to some people:

    -Emiel, You helped me get started on the server and i still love u for that and without you i wouldn’t even be here anymore.

    -Lazy, Thank you for letting me in BE u helped me aswell together with Emiel and im also thankful for that.

    -Whole BE (too much people in there to name xD), You all gave me a great time in BE and thank you Turkey for teaching me how to PvP.

    -Cysteen, Arti, Jmoo, (all the Team Speak people), You all gave me a great time in Teamspeak and made me laugh alot and got me over my fear of not using voice chat because my english sucks.

    -Whole TAS (except astro), You all gave me a great time aswell and I realy have had alot of fun with you all and i just want to say thank you for learning me even more.

    -CaptainCrackhead, I know you since i joined BE and you’re one of my best friends on here and i’ve had a great time with you and we were a great PVP Team. (you’re the best at pvp. you’re like Batman and i was your noobish sidekick Robin)

    -Joe, I didnt know u that good before u helped me on my base but then we became realy good friends and you are also one of my best friends.

    -Astro, i hate u <3

    -Phantom, Browe, Creeper, Galaxy, Keto, Cappers, Lith and all the others (i feel sorry for forgetting this D: ) I loved the pirate stuff and all the things we did together and i will miss you all.

    -The fruits, I had alot of fun killing yall, there are some special fruits like simbad, flea and volpex a lil bit.

    -Flea, i’ve had alot of fun with you  and playing r6s and stuffz.

    -Monks, ur just too good for me and when i first killed u in a fair 1v1 i was looking at my screen for 5 whole minutes lol.

    This post is getting wayy too long and i need food.




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    • Topics: 25
    • Replies: 160
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★

    It has been a good year and a half on this server. So many good memories have been made and I will remember this server forever. I’ve met some really good and fun people. But also some very annoying people (lol).  And before you ask can I have your stuff… I’m giving away nothing. I’m throwing all my valuables into me and Browes vault cave at Phantom island. This way are legacy on this server will be known forever. Also so we take some ores and stuff out of circulation and not crash the eco even more. Reason I’m quitting is I play to much and need to focus on school and sports more especially with track coming. Also I don’t have as much fun anymore on the server. Also Minecraft in general I have lost interest in.

    Some people/crews that made this server great. Also history of my time on the server.

    Elves– My first crew. When my friend told me about this server I never really played Minecraft that much ( Now I play to much xD).  And I joined the elves. They were a great first crew. Rep you have your rough patches but you are a great leader and I hope you lead the elves onto great things.

    Cov– Cov…. I don’t even know what to say. At the time I hated all people in CoV. Looking back that’s what made this server so great. Making all the weeker crews band together to fight a almost unstoppable crew.

    USE– My own crew. We had a lot of ups and downs. More downs than ups to be honest. I had fun here building large stonebrick towns fighting off Cov never having a chance. My apologies for recruiting astro maybe he wouldn’t still be here if I didn’t. JK astro your awesome I couldn’t see this server without you and your narwhals.

    Solis– When 1.9 came out I wasn’t a complete noob at pvp anymore. I was actually able to stand a chance, then solis let me in. Juice helped teach me how to pvp and this kicked off my pvp career. I fought in a couple battles while in solis still not the best at pvp.

    Templars– After CoV & Solis died I needed a crew. And I looked and found Templars. I never really knew Browe_ before I joined. Now Browe is one of my closes friends/allies on the server. In Templars I practiced more pvp still getting better each fight. Here I learned why pots were important and why I should use them xD. ( Still only used 2-3 pots a battle )

    Phantom– Short lived crew, This is where I got good at pvp. I got a new Pc during this time and I practiced a lot while in phantom. If phantom wasn’t made I probably would have made this post sooner. I had lots of fun with are ship battles and the people in phantom are Great Cap, Ketoh, Nado, astro, Lith, Creeper, and Browe were the first people in the crew and made it great. We were like a brotherhood , we talked about the weirdest things and always had each others back.

    And the end, I rejoined the Elves to go as i started. Thank you to my Irl friends Raven228 Celtic Sburger and Merk who helped me at the start of the server and made this server great. I will still stop by the server to talk to people every once in a while and maybe if something happens and I see that the server is getting fun again ill join in or if anyone needs my help with recording/editing I will be there to help in my free time. I wish for the best of luck for all of you 🙂

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