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  • #52020
    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Cap I did say to make the report after you Be the Hero

    Making the report is super important for keeping a record for staff to point to when discipline is given out. They aid in investigations and provide documentation of events and players involved.They are helpful in other situations such as a screens of a troll being offensive using horrid language, advertisers, or other chat related stuff. Video reports are good for hackers, glitch abusers, ad other things screens cant show.

    The issue is, in the past I have seen people who weren’t the victims or even involved at all start raising a stink in the chat with those doing the bad stuff but never actually do anything to help out and stop the bad things from continuing.

    If im getting mugged by a group of people and everyone’s just watching and telling the guys to stop, they arent going to and im still getting beat down and robbed. Im glad they called the cops and recorded some evidence on their cell phone but i still had to endure way more pain and suffering than if they would have stepped in and ran the guys  off when they first saw it happening, then called the cops.  If you feel bad enough for some one in trouble to report it, then sacrifice yourself to help them get out of trouble while they are experiencing it 😀

    Thats all I have been saying.

    • Topics: 28
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    • Total: 228
    • ★★★★

    Maiz, correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t blu already said it isn’t illegal to spam kill deckies, although it is frowned upon?

    wtf spam killing is not allowed

    *cough cough*

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

    • Topics: 44
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    hey blu, i understand what you are saying, but the rules do say to report anyone we see breaking the rules. seeing people like kyshinn spam killing the same dudes a lot does go against the rules of harassment.

    going in and killing  the attackers doesnt justify what they did before the “heroes” got there. thats like a bunch of civilians beating up a criminal. They may have stopped the crime from going on further, but the criminal still recieves a punishment.


    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 152
    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Fisrt off – Guys the whole gist of what I was trying to get across in the other reply wasn’t to stop reports, or to give folks a way to justify spawn killing deckies, tp killing, or anything related to such behavior. Yes some of those things are technically legal but it doesn’t mean you should do them. There is a fine line between trying to have fun and harassment when your idea of fun starts to becomes bulling (aka. I’m stronger so I will impose my will on the weaker for my amusement.) That’s when lines get crossed and easily becomes the definition of harassment.

    It was to encourage players that see such things happening to put on their gear and go stop it themselves in the moment. To get 2, 3, 15 other guys/gals to go with you if need be and defend the weak.

    If you get 20 semi-geared noobs you can do some damage. Maybe not kill a couple of god geared folks but at the least make it a pain for the offenders to continue. The point is when the masses stand up the bullies sit down at least in real life :D. On minecraft its 50/50 haha.

    Secondly – When Markus, Callie, Smokey, Vape, iamthereaper, Godsdead or I are on we miss so much in chat because everything that is typed in the chat bar as well as anticheat flags from everyone on the server filters through it. It makes hard to have a conversation when 15 people are on much less 30 +. So if somethings out of hand we may not even know what happened unless we are told to watch out for it.

    Making the report is super important for keeping a record for staff to point to when discipline is given out. They aid in investigations and provide documentation of events and players involved.

    They are helpful in other situations such as a screens of a troll being offensive using horrid language, advertisers, or other chat related stuff. Video reports are good for hackers, glitch abusers, ad other things screens cant show.

    There will always be those that push the boundaries of whats legal and not taking it to the edge. So take the screens, record the vids, make the post, but most importantly Get involved not in chat but in the game. Grab friends and gear and defend the weak. Be the hero.

    Ps. I dont know if anyone did or didnt get involved in this Im just making a general statement to live by 😀


    In reply to: request to unban

    • Topics: 16
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    • Total: 363
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    You won’t be unbanned, stop making forum posts.



    In reply to: request to unban

    • Topics: 4
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    You’ve already had one appeal denied. Posting additional appeals only makes it harder for staff. You’re not getting back on this server, so please stop spamming the forums.


    In reply to: rank change request

    • Topics: 794
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    I used my detective skills to get a properly spelt username “Chlistopher” Again, just post your damn username, its really not hard.

    I moved you to gunner.


    • Topics: 21
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    I was going to write an inspirational “MURICA” post, but I feel as if I did a well enough job last year so here’s the link

    Thirteen Colonies Firework Display!!!

    Usually at Ft. Ticonderoga of the Thirteen Colonies, a firework display of our very own is held. Sadly, there are to be no major firework celebrations by 13C due to the the extreme amount of irl stuff going on for ya boi NickyB_123. Someone, for our sake, light some fireworks off in celebration. Maybe @godsdead could even bring back the /kit firework if we ask nicely 😉

    Happy Fourth of July everyone, Yanks or not. 😀



    In reply to: rank change request

    • Topics: 21
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    Uhhh English?

    I’ll translate:

    Username: Clistopher. He got first bought sailor, then bought gunner, but is (still)?) a cadet

    Founder of the Coalition


    In reply to: Unban Request

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 11
    • Total: 14

    Although I cannot verify the aggressiveness, since any memory of my direct behavior during that time is not clear, I can’t explain myself in that topic.
    After all this time Callie has looked at my message to GodsDead and thought that I should get another chance, well then I feel that offer may still stand despite four months passing. Unless someone motivated Callie in between those four months or they found new knowledge of me, I don’t see the offer being revoked by Callie.
    And of course I can’t use a term such as, “everyone changes” or “humans are inevitably changing every day,” as a good reason as to how I have become a different person over time, but  isn’t that what a second chance would imply? Giving me the chance to renew myself, and show others that not only did Callie not make a wrong choice in this, but I have matured and changed from how I was in the past.
    I can’t say I have much to offer really. I’m not applying for staff or trying to make a large difference on the server, I just wish to play again like everyone else. To be a normal player once more and commit in daily activities like I did in the past. That is all, no other motives or desires boost me to wanting to play again. So I can’t really make some grand change or offer much but being a player and enjoying the server GodsDead made for all the players.

    • Topics: 6
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    You might not realize it, but people tend to see you as one of the best PvPers on the server. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    wtf you high mate

    Yeahhhhh…I suck

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    • Topics: 4
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    [changelog] Upgraded to 1.12, Upgraded anti-cheat & configs.

    RIP me and other people with old computers.
    I guess this is my goodbye, at least for now. There are a large number of factors that have effectively locked me out of playing 1.12.
    I have the old launcher, which can’t launch 1.12 due to needing new java. I can’t upgrade java because I’m on an old, unsupported os. I also can’t get the new, java-less launcher for the same reason. I can’t upgrade my os because my computer is too old and no longer supported. I can’t download a vm because again, too old. I can’t buy a new computer because I have no money, and I can’t upgrade my current one because it’s a mac (and I have no money)

    I’ll still be on the forums, and I’ll definitely come back once I can upgrade. I know I’m not well known on the server, but to my friends, I’d just like to say goodbye for an indefinite(but hopefully short) period of time. It’s been fun, and I hope to be back asap.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★
    • Topics: 794
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    I just found a problem with the warp donate. It now says that you cannont use the wooden door in the front of the building so the only way to get out is to go to near the top and jump of the balconey.

    Ha! maybe I want to lock people in >:)

    Yeah I did it really quick, Ill need to enable using doors/buttons etc on it, at least its stopped the PVP killing there.

    Paramount Missive Major Missive Missive on the Rocks Salient Missive MMR – Missive Must Read Crucial Missive … just a few that popped into my bird brain. Baz

    I like Crucial Missive, Im using this! Thanks Baz

    The top secret word replacement is Rip which is now changed to “Rest In Spaghetti Never Forgetti” Found it earlier ?

    well its not so top secret any more is it! Bloody first comment!

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 65
    • Total: 78
    • ★★★

    I just found a problem with the warp donate. It now says that you cannont use the wooden door in the front of the building so the only way to get out is to go to near the top and jump of the balconey.

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