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  • #3549
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    One clarification… do you mean tnt cannons or cannon-plugin wool cannons…

    The plugin for cannons, wool, iron & mortars are our current cannons, we have the ability to create custom designs for some new cannons.

    Landmine- Uses Red sand with a redstone torch above and detonates when walked on

    The redstone torch would need to be clicked to it to detinate, the top will have to be a pressure plate, also this would conflict with normal designs, if someone just put down a redstone torch onto red sand it would be an auto cannon!!



    In reply to: pvp

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Arena Building competition!


    And  Closed.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Land mine is a lapis block, with a redstone torch beneath, and a pressure plate on top. A variant of this is a seamine, which has a lapis block surrounded by fence posts. Gold blocks need a use, so maybe the big bertha has to be gold block, iron block, gold block, iron block, etc….


    In reply to: New Banhammer victims

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 58
    • Total: 71
    • ★★★

    Well shiver me timbers! I’ve got to stop my pirate sluggish words!

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★
    • Topics: 794
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    I have implemented a new banning/mute/kicks/jails/warnings system where all punishments are tracked and viewable online with a complete histroy for every player, You can get to the punishment checker by going under the “information” tab on the top of the website.

    Personally I think the best feature of this new system is the warnings system, we can give players warnings that can be kept track of via the web interface to determine if they are a constant nuance and in need of a temp or perminant ban.


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Finally, a mod I can bribe! I mean, a mod I, um, um, um….did I mention that its great news! And changing topic, all mods and admins, Godsdead, Markusi, Reaper, Super, wanna come down for a formal celebratory meal? Steak is on the house, chairs are arranged, story’s can be swapped, mods can be bribed, etc! Official get together of all the players and mods who have been around a while! (more there is, the better the bribe)!

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    You may have noticed that today I did some maintenance on the server, This included upgrading our statistics tracking system. The stats devs decided to completely change the back-end of the data storage for stats, this completely killed the statistics web ui that I was using to display this information to the world! Not very helpful.

    I have waited months for their web ui dev to get off his arse and actually release something worth while, but its not very good, at all, so from a web UI standpoint we have taken a few steps back, from the stats point of view, we have more statistics being tracked (including PVP now!)

    I have customized this new panel somewhat already today, but its nowhere near what I want it to be showing, we have loads of incredible data we can be showing and no interface to do it!

    sadly this developer decided that assigning user ID’s to players was a good idea instead of using usernames like every other plugin on the planet, so this breaks our online user, one click to statistics profile that we had before, now it takes you to a search page of everyone with that username.. You can see this “developer” is already winding me up.

    But with this update lets us finally move forward (once some of the bugs with the upgrade have been ironed out).


    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    After the maintenance updates (below) there are some new bugs I would like to address:

    • /stats shows the wrong block break and block place counts in-game, I have removed these stats showing for now to stop confusion, waiting on a developer responce.
    • /ar check & /rank are not completly in sync with stats playtime, again waiting on developer responce
    • The biggest by far, is the stats on the website is broken, this is due to a change of now the stats information is stored in the latest update, the panel I used for displaying statistics is 3 years old and hasnt been updated in that time, a new panel has been created for the new stats that I will be implementing asap, but sadly its aweful in comparison so far, not only that but I will no longer be able to link online players & claims to peoples stats pages, as the developer of this new panel, I can only assume is retarded and given each user a unique ID only relative to stats, this is a problem which I will try to code around myself.

    I hope to get some maintenance complete within 60 mins.

    Servers whitelisted while I update the following plugins.

    • Stats
    • Autorank
    • Battlearena

    This is a majour update, as all statistics and autorank data needs to be converted to UUID’s and both use completly new systems & configs.

    I’ve been putting this off for ages as its also going to break the live stats on the website.

    Once these are complete and are tested and working, then we can progress with multipul worlds and many more fun features!

    This battlearena update should fix the lag spikes on spigot servers (us) when people join a game.


    I will be on Teamspeak –

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    • ★★★★★★★

    Right. Nice that you choose Port Royal as one, cause im their governor. Top right of the page is your pic, and a little message saying, hi, or howdy, or whatever. Hover your mouse over it….and vola, a menu appears. Scroll down to groups, move your mouse left a bit, then click create group. Then, follow instructions, and, to repeat myself again, vola, job done. No taxes, just create and go. Have a good day!


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 16
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    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    This is also not a Screenshot but dont wanna make a new topic for it.

    This should be possible in vanilla minecraft :3 with vanilla i mean no Command blocks, btw this is awesome 😀


    In reply to: Gates and Bridges

    • Topics: 794
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    I already have this discussion

    Although CraftBook may be a better alternative as it has much more I could use!


    In reply to: June 2014 BOTM

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
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    I will stop accepting entries on the 25th of this month! This will give me time to go through shots and organize a poll and this post will be closed. A blog post of the entries will be posted within the next few days after the closing of this post.


    So get your builds in quick and good luck to you all!


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
    • Total: 462
    • ★★★★★

    Looking the mighty navy of Rogues Cove with the Capital in the background. Took from on top the sail of our mighty warship

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 794
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    Ideas for new rules

    • No trolling or flaming
    • No expliting gltiches
    • No bullying
    • You are responsible for all activity on your account

    — Seperate rules for chat–

    • No spam
    • English only
    • No Execcive caps (Stopped by filtering auto)
    • PG rating? Keeping the swearing limited

    — Rules for gameplay —

    • No offensive structures
    • No building within eyesignt of spawn
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