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  • #4111
    • Topics: 18
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    Marvelous Mercenaries Target Page!

    Need anyone dead? Need ships stolen? Need STOP SAYING NEED! fine:(

    then post it here on the Marvelous Mercenaries Target Page! just simply post:


    MISSION:(Killing, Boat theft, item theft, or making his life a nightmare)

    TARGET DESC.: (gear, tools, base, ect.)


    we will tell you the price based on that thing^^^^^




    note: you may be denied


    In reply to: Robbed

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    Nope, we don’t track specific block changes like that, most of the time its because people forget to put the block back on top! Check out trust list with /trustlist to see whos trusted in that claim, if you 100% remember putting it back on, you got backstabbed!


    Topic: Robbed

    • Topics: 1
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    So I have this chest with all my ore, ingots, diamonds, coal etc. and I always put a nether rack brick on top of it when I’m not using it, it is also in a protected area. So when I got on today I saw that their was no block on it and when I opened it up all it had in it was some glow stone. I don’t know how someone would have stolen stuff out of it. I had about 50 diamonds in it, 4 stacks of redstone blocks, 2 stacks of iron blocks, half a stack of gold blocks, and 2 stacks of coal blocks. Is their anyway for me to see who took the stuff out of it, or anything you guys could do?


    Thanks, Lstace.


    In reply to: Death Question

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    Ahoy welcome mason_mon, May I suggest you visit our stats page

    You can search your username on the Top right.

    I recently custom coded a section that shows your recent deaths, these are yours:

    • Fall in Pirate Survival
    • Player in Pirate Survival
    • Creeper in Pirate Survival
    • Drowning in Pirate Survival
    • Zombie in Pirate Survival

    I can presume from this, that you were in a PVP battle and left/quit/crashed minecraft, this creates a PVP log killing you when you re-spawn.

    Its to stop people running from fights.


    The underscore register is a problem with the website that I cant fix for now, so I have manaully edited your username to be mason_mon, you will need to log in with this from now on.


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    • Topics: 67
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    I’m sorry dude, but there were plenty of people telling you three to stop griefing or you would face the ban hammer.. all i heard for a reply was “are u jelly, u sound jelly”, so stop playing a dumb fuck. You know you did bad, yet you continued, thus getting ban.


    I’m not an admin so i don’t in force the rules, but it is clear to me and others i’m sure, that you guys were told to stop, yet you did not.


    and so there is no hold in this appeal whatsoever…

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: All This Fighting….

    • Topics: 12
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    of course, grief prevention stops this from actually working,  and if you did it in a siege, it would just revert back to its previosus self.

    nice try though lol.

    • Topics: 82
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    • ★★★★★

    /*Official Frost Alliance Document*/

    Queen Elsa (aka aniviankevinlu) is becoming tired of all this fighting going on with players involving the Hattawis’.  Recently, the town of Valencia was destroyed and this pushed the Queen to place Frost Alliance protections on Athenmos12 and on Valencia.  Any player that touches either Athenmos12 or Valencia without being provoked will have a Hellfire cannon trained on their sorry ass.

    Below are important pictures taken during the small amount of testing done with the Hellfire cannon during Project Unleash.  The cannon was shot from the height of y: 56 and was able to create massive lag and a hole to bedrock.  No player would want that to happen to a base or something else that they probably spent a ton of time on.

    This is a warning sent personally by Queen Elsa. Stop the fighting, rebuild, and stop intentionally provoking the Hattawis’ to retaliate. Provoking them won’t get htem banned.

    /*End of document*/

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 794
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    To cut down on the recent abuse from web-chat spam, I have activated needing permission to use it, players now have to be Cadet rank or above and have logged in at least once to PirateCraft from the current IP.

    So if you want to talk to people in-game and are already Cadet; from a location you have not logged into PirateCraft before, you can do one of two things.

    1. Log into PirateCraft from that new IP, this will be added to your account.
    2. Or if you cannot play minecraft (School/Work/Public) You can paste your IP in this forum thread and I will add it to your username manually.
      To find out your locations current public IP Google “whats my ip“, Google will tell you this at the top of the page with:
      Your public IP address is

    Also be aware of recent changes to the live map’s claims being hidden by default.

    • Topics: 794
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    I have changed the live map so claims are disabled by default along with the Pirates Icons, you can easily toggle this back on by Hovering over the layers tab on the top left under the plus and minus buttons.

    This is to give the map less of a cluttered messy feel, At some point all members of staff will spend a night deleting old/abandoned claims.

    I am waiting on a third party developer who’s updated the plugin to show abandoned claims in a different color to send me a copy of the updated plugin, to make our lifes easier.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Btw, that confession clarifies that they DID hack, and it should arouse suspicion as to if they have actually stopped, I honestly doubt they were telling the truth when they said they stopped hacking.

    More screenshots, this time of them burning my protected dock, and glitching through my glass panes in order to hit me and Assasin, in some of these pictures, hattawi_ is practically in the house already, but cannot advance, due to the glass struggling to reform and move him back. This is proof of another broken rule, glitching with claims.



    BTW FORGOT TO ADD: Click on the Picture to be sent to to see the rest.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 12
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    • Total: 227
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    where is the proof though?

    they admitted to previously using hacks, and have said they stopped after recieveing warnings, a straight tunnel unfortunaetly isnt proof of xray,

    I use the same techniques if im trying to raid someone.

    with regards to the being invisible thing- i’ve looked into it, i have also witnessed them brewing invisibilty potions, and  witnessed them drinking them, and it expiring. i dont believe for a second that was a hack.

    with regards to having an unclaimed building griefed, then im affrraid thats poor planning on your part, using a stick you can see claimed areas, it wouldnt take a genius to find out the obvious places to try digging to get in.

    without real video evidence of these guys hacking we are going by your words, we cant just ban people cos you guys say so.

    until we have real footage of them hacking we have to play this a little more fairly.


    i know there is gonna be all sorts of sulking from my response, but its as frustrating for us as it is you guys when people genuinely do ruin the game for others



    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Another wierd instance of the Hattawis, this time more tragic.. for me.

    The server was restarting, and the last I had seen of them they were locked in Uni’s “prison”. However, when they came on, 5 seconds later i saw them glitching through water and blocks to my base, causing massive lag, I still kick myself for not having recording software, as this would have been gold. As this wasnt enough, they somehow began to unclaim my lands, yes unclaim my lands, not through siege, because it didn’t give me the “siege has begun message”. Yet as I looked in livemap, in horror, I began to see my claims dissapear, and they began grieving my base. They killed me once after they flew to my base, yet I fought them off and ran to seek cover at Sabeeh’s along with Tim, for they were now rapidly flying across the map to Tim’s base. ( I was tracking them on LiveMap ) I know this seems far fetched, but I swear it with every ounce of honour in me! I honostly hope that someone begins to take these guys seriously, what actions have been taken against the Hattawis? A warning? Is a warning enough to stop them from hacking? Nay, they seem to have stopped even trying to cleverly disguise their hacks, as they have seen the administrative staff has done nearly nothing. So I ask you, how much longer will they be permitted to go about this?

    Thank you for your time.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
    • Topics: 13
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    I’ve not an appliance for the development server, but only an idea, concerning a creative world…

    (I thought it might fit in here, as you stated something in the top about creative world with plot)


    My grand idea!


    Make a forum section allowing people to apply for creative, here they’d have to prove themselves to get access to building on the creative world.

    So give them a rank of sorts if they post good enough screenies?


    Anyways, hope this idea will be considered, or maybe even taken into use.


    In reply to: New Banhammer victims

    • Topics: 794
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    The Arena has nothing to do with PirateCraft general forum or New Banhammer victims.

    If you want to report a problem please create a new ticket.

    The arena saves the last 5 inventories of a player, if you play back to back arenas this will overwrite your inventory with the items from the arena.

    I also did not code the arena, so any problems have to be technical and reproducable so I can report to the developer.

    Thread closed as off topic.

    • Topics: 16
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    Oh wow …

    Broke my laptop now too xD must reinstall windows 7 on it now.

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