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  • #5050

    In reply to: Hot Foot X-treme

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    • ★★★★★

    Perhaps we need a mix… a mix of planks, a mix of logs. Perhaps, we need explosions, and mobs, and fishing poles. Perhaps we need a mix of sand falling from the top and falling from the bottom. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. 😉

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 82
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    • Total: 442
    • ★★★★★


    I think you now know the game type: Hot Foot please look at my other forum post in latest topics as well Godsy 😛

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 794
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    @BeckyTheSexy Check the date on the Arena competition, The title of the sidebar forum menu is “Recent in forum”.

    For the ally command, This has also been an idea ive been sitting on for months, im waiting for a developer to pull the finger out their ass and release a version of the plugin that actually bloody works without so many bugs, Its been discussed many times, and im still waiting.

    Flying ships.. Another topic that’s been brought up over the years, Pirate Server.. Also its much easier to grief claims with flying ships, That would mean way, way waaayyyyy more stress and jobs for me to deal with idiots abusing this.

    The kicked for flying is out anticheat, If I turn this off, people will be flying in the world, thats why there is a /manoverboard if you fall off your ship.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    @Reptaria Superb, I’ll open skype up when I get home, Also try not to go offtopic with in-game stuff, thats what the general forums for

    The siege glitch has been a pain in the ass for years, There is a new griefprevention developer that’s really active at present, hes fixing bugs hes created at the moment, but after that settles down, its on my list of things to send him to repair, I had previously asked for this to be fixed 6 times now.

    We did try more potions, but it was never used so I removed it, There is a drinks plugin we could use, more of a fun plugin, anybody else want to test this?

    The randomly spawning treasure chest, I literally have been workng on this week! So stay tuned, its more manual, but Im sure I will find a better way.

    You are 100% right with a tutorial for newbies, I was thinking we could convert the second layer of the spawn ship, clear the water up a bit, theres plenty of room for signs then. and their only exit would be to the top of the ship, t would be fantastic if you started writing up this on the “getting started” page on the wiki

    I love this tutorial idea, We could even make a warp for it, Lets get all the tutorials written up on the Wiki first (Feel free to create new pages) and then we have the text for the signs!! I can then give build trust for the spawn for people that want to build this, I can give out prizes for helping.

    Also Athen, Please use paragraphs, breaking up that giant piece of text was near impossible.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Wow. Let livemap show claims.  It does. Just click the button in the top left, then tick the box for showing claims. I’d like to request an agony aunt, because so many people ask for help!

    The Sign Painter
    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 2

    So, me and my friends have been looking for a Pirate server for a while. Whenever I type in the IP, it gives me the topic-said error. I tried the other day and I still had the error.


    The IP IS correct?

    • Topics: 63
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    • ★★★★★★

    Orange top?


    In reply to: Unic0rnjunk101

    • Topics: 794
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    For gods sake @Unic0rnjunk101 how many times do we have to tell you to chill out and stop bullying people? You of all people understand how the community at piratecraft works. The fact Athenmos12 has had to make a public appeal is a brave move since he would expect backlash from you reading this.

    This is what happened with WantedRhinoHD, If your mind is set on PVP once you play for a while you can become unstoppable and the only way to stop this is admin intervention.

    PVP is tracked by two plugins, which means soon constant domination of players will publicly be shown for easier action to be taken.

    I suggest if you have reached your max-mode. that you donate your fortune to people and start a fresh.

    Or focus on building something bloody epic!


    In reply to: Unic0rnjunk101

    • Topics: 42
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    athen for the past three 3 days i hacve logged on u have been nothing but a dick to me. the last 2 days i did nothing then i had enough today so i went a killed u and wondered why i did it if u would mind ur own business and not being commenting on everything i say or be a dick in general then i would have not killed u. also i killed u 2 times after that with a special named sword cause u were making smart/sassy remarks. then when i stopped  u start attacking back leaving no choice but to defend myself. i even started giving ur armor away to some new people cause i didn’t need it.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁


    In reply to: QUEEN CONTEST

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Or, vote for me to become King. Feel free to vote for me. Wait…kings and queens aren’t voted in, Presidents and Prime Ministers are. Kings and Queens fight and bribe their way to the top. Therefore, 1 iron ingot to whoever votes for me!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    • ★★★★★★★

    The town application for Port Royal, after finally getting a beacon.



    Town Name:  Port Royal

    Town Colours:  Red and Blue

    ID URL:  #2723

    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 8
    • Total: 13

    Good evening ladies and gents.

    I have been working tirelessly on my base and making good relations with people on this majestic server. But today I took a step back and wondered can I place shop signs on a ship and sail it?  And the end result worked and turned out splendidly!!!


    so today marks a new pathway for the trade industry, Merchant ships! And I believe I’am first to own one of these ships. I will take requests from people that ask me to stop by but you must have a port for me to rent out and park my ship safely. Thank you all and swab the decks you sad Scally wags!

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    As I have said already check out the existing forum posts about map expansion, I do not like repeating myself.

    If I keep the last 10 backups at 2gb each that’s 20GB, If I download that locally and make changes, then I have to re-upload it, this is the problem, uploading this many files (40k+) Took me 8 hours last time I had to do it, For this sized map.

    There are already mature topics about map expansion, with polls for options to vote on your opinion, A removal of the border all together is a ludacris suggestion, expansion on the other hand is already thoroughly talked about, you will need to be patient.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 3
    • Total: 4


    The lag would be caused when chunks are loaded, which is only temporary until they are henceforth unloaded.


    Personally, I think it gets much more interesting when you have to spend a bit of time looking for an enemy. It heightens the appeal.

    If someone was to go out to a very far point, I think it’s obvious that if they were to lose the location that it will take quite a bit of time to return there, albeit they go out with this knowledge. So I don’t think it would be much of an issue, if they kept that fact in mind of course.


    Also I apologize if my use of fancy words was a tad confusing, I have a tendency to do so when I’m passionate about a certain topic.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Its amazing we have been around for so long and not had any video footage to show for it!

    Sadly it wouldn’t let me register the channel name piratecraft, so I had to go with piratecraft video, The only video I have ever recorded was rubbish, but I uploaded it anyway so its not an empty channel!

    I think we should all start recording parts of PirateCraft, then we can edit all videos into one place!

    There are thousands of pieces of software used for screencasting/screen recording.

    There are some open source platforms for screen capture on windows, a quick google turned up, Open Broadcaster seems to be the top hit, there are load of options and turn up often.

    I think if we all shoot in the same sizes 1280×720 for instance, we could cut different videos together!

    Videos that need shooting

    • 60 second griefprevention video
    • 60 second ship tutorial
    • 60 second cannon tutorial
    • 60 second bridges tutorial
    • 60 second gates tutorial
    • HD PirateCraft Trailer shot with beautiful shaders mod.


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