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  • #61200
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    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console I believe it was Markus.

    It was MCShovel.

    Also, I think that vent put it perfectly:

    Sure, it was almost 3 years ago, but I think we all have to ask ourselves if we are really going to start letting these kinds of hackers back on PirateCraft. I think that for the most part we can all agree that hacking in PvP is worse than x-ray as it more directly affects other players. As far as I know, the punishment for PvP hacking has always been a PERMANENT ban. I can’t think of anyone who has been an exception to this. Does a punishment as simple as time really get to bypass any permanent ban?

    Original ban appeal for reference:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    ._. idk how to react to this forum post.  It started off good”ish” with the asking to be unbanned from discord for the purpose of being able to keep up with friends and the community.  What I don’t understand is why it veered off in a toxic direction, normally I would laugh at what astro posted, but Orange kinda ruined the fun, and he completely skewed the topic into a random way.  So please Orange, just don’t be dumb for once.  Take forums slightly more seriously. <3

    Time to paint the Path of Glory in the Blood of those who are not worthy.

    Ic3y ;]
    • Topics: 36
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    LOL omg orange u retard- this thread has gone off topic because your still salty for something I did?? Idk.

    On the academic side, I’m older than you , and know doubt wiser. I do A-levels, maths is one of them, so don’t go say your shitty “bio” class is advanced lmfao.  Good lie

    I swear you are 14?





    In reply to: Hidden Treasure Chest

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    Okay that might have been too little information. I will offer two more hints.

    1. Location is within 800 blocks of spawn. ( which excludes a very large portion of the map )
    2. Chest is in “line of sight to the white wool X” when looking at it using the angled map (not top-down!), ergo it is NOT even buried. 😉

    I hope that helps those treasure hungry scurvy dogs out there.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

    • Topics: 15
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    Image result for Remember Remember, christmas in december

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.


    In reply to: Unban

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    Image result for Remember Remember, christmas in december

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.


    In reply to: Dragonjo3000

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    inserts thought into @jimpix ( Lego’s) brain


    ( EDIT: because I feel cool, I’m leaving this. But I understand it’s for TEMPBANS only.)

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    • Topics: 5
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    Something similar is already being discussed here:

    • Topics: 94
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    Those are the commands the crate runs when it gives you money. As you can see, both times you got the $10 reward, money was added to your account.

    You also won a $10, and $50 on monday, from vote crate too i assume.

    As you didn’t bother to give any dates as to when you apparently ‘didn’t get $10’ I assume you didn’t see the message, or got a different reward.

    I’ve double checked the vote crate configs, its all fine. If the command wouldn’t work, there would be an error log and the whole plugin would stop working – which it didn’t.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    @Astrobolt The developers requested to attempt the same thing with another plugin that can Teleport. From the top of my head, other plugins that can teleport are:

    • Teleporting to shops (cant remember if I gave people this, probs not)
    • Using /wild, again limited I think to deckhands/cadets, I can give to all to test if need be.
    • Using a /crew home
    • Topics: 794
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    @godsdead I literally put one in my previous reply :/ Here it is again: See my previous reply for things to look for during the video. Also, I forgot to bring this up in my previous reply, the home I use is on top of a slab, not in a slab. However, if you would like me to use a home that is on top of a full block, I can attempt to do that as well.

    Oh yeah, I saw that the first time I read your reply, but couldn’t watch it at the time!

    Bug reported to the devs, get ready for the inevitable “we cant reproduce, closed” by them.

    • Topics: 46
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    @godsdead I literally put one in my previous reply :/

    Here it is again:

    See my previous reply for things to look for during the video.

    Also, I forgot to bring this up in my previous reply, the home I use is on top of a slab, not in a slab. However, if you would like me to use a home that is on top of a full block, I can attempt to do that as well.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
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    Dealer's Deck
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    • Topics: 46
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    No issue my end as sailor/not op/gm 0, so I can only assume your /home is set in a place where you can die somehow, trapped block or falling. Try re-setting your /home location. Sometimes people set a home, and do building work on their bases and forget to update their home location. Its usually fine if you have it set in a bad place and the chunks are still loaded as it finds a safe spot, but if you are out at sea and the chunks have unloaded it has to teleport you and if its set bad, it could kill you. Edit Answer: when checking with nick, his home was set INSIDE a block and he had a ping of over 3500! His spawn room was filled with fence posts so there was only 1 safe location to TP too a bit of water, so hes trying to teleport himself into a block (good job) and its trying to fix this mistake by moving him to the nearest safe block, the only safe locaton is a 2×1 hole with water in it, but since half of it is taken by water this must be confusing the plugin as its not going to try and teleport you into water is it? Answer, MOVE YOUR HOME.

    I can confirm with jammin that this is indeed a problem. I reported it this past summer to you in game and I believe you said that I didn’t need to put it on the forums. You looked into it on the spot and confirmed that I indeed was dying upon teleporting whilst on an entity. Around that time the server was crashing a lot and when you looked at the console you saw that when I died it triggered something similar (or the same? I don’t fully remember) to what was crashing the server.

    My ping is consistently very low (many people can confirm) and my homes are all in completely open areas directly on top of the ground, not in any blocks.

    In conclusion, this is an actual issue, not user error.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
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    In reply to: About shop5

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    You need to move out to another shop, /warp shop5 is no longer a warp.

    You need to pay more attention to the forums and discord.

    [shops] Deleted /warp shop3 /warp shop5 and /warp shop7 & Removed s22-27 s56,s57

    [shops] /warp shop1 markets re-made! All prices updated! £2.31 per day!

    There are plenty of shops to move too that are free and in good places, move soon as I will be demolishing the remaining buildings at the old warp shop5.

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