Accidently sent out message about Xmas!

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    I started prep for Xmas, and run my script to regen xmas, the script does a ton of things, sending messages in game, but its also tied to the website notifications so I can ping all your devices when this event happens, so you can get on quick and loot.

    I forgot I added this feature.. the message “Xmas world can be raided for any block! Get there fast /warp xmas ” was sent to 1266 devices! oops!

    Were not ready for Xmas yet, Im just doing some house cleaning to see what I can re-use, I loved the world from last year and am planning to use it again (You can see it on the live map now).

    So, sorry for the false message.

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    What is the planned start date for the Xmas event?


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