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  • #12900
    • Topics: 8
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    God, people just think they can bully & push me around. So what if I’ve been “spotted” in british towns? I went to one because one of my long-term enemies was there.

    Also, sorry about the ship thing… let me get some things straight.

    BE is the initiator of this conflict, and currently they have parked a ship outside my claims which is very ugly just to troll me. I told zoro to get off my back, and he threatened to raid & was very rude to me. He was also being sexual & talking about illegal things that aren’t appropriate for this server from before this argument, which Lucky77746 can tell you about. I told you guys to not bother me, and I did NOT start this conflict. You cannot claim territory this big for yourself and treat others like lower-class citizens living on it when you do not actually own it. You did not say in any way that you even own this territory, and in fact, you are trying to change the topic by bringing up that other people own territory, when they are way more powerful than you and actually disclose they own it. Screenshots still won’t work for me :P.


    • Topics: 794
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    @Azuries Iamthereaper89 was “fixing” last night; Spawning new animals for people, It would be better to ask SuperGL or Iamthereaper, its absolutely ridiculous that you are expecting me to do literally everything, my time is limited and being passive aggressive at me isnt going to get me to do anything.

    I have many more tasks that take much higher priority than spawning ages spawning animals.


    I asked reaper to create a forum topic for anyone involved, so do not bug me any more, this isn’t a task I am taking on.


    • Topics: 49
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    @CaptainFTB owning territory isn’t a rare thing. By challenging this principle you claim that other people owning territory are in the wrong as well. I can name 2 off the top of my head: @Reptaria and @Unic0rnjunk101 that own whole continents, and still have people respect those boundaries, the Empire included. This doesn’t need to be a big deal, and I never threatened you. All I have done repeatedly politely ask that you not build within our borders.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

    • Topics: 33
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    @FTB_Player123 , when I first read about this dispute, I was going you two to stop arguing and help me investigate the issue. There are better ways to solve this problem. However before I even got chance to do this, I found out that you were spotted in British towns, including Port Royal, and that you burnt our ships. Those ships were not claimed yet, but they obviously belonged to Port Royal, since they were docked right next to it.

    BE is not initiator of this conflict, and if you declare war on us because one of our people had a dispute with you, then you do so for only corrupted reason: collective guilt. If you don’t give us chance to resolve this issue, how do you expect us to do it? We did not invade your land; You did ours. So stop this now before you go too far. Talk to me in game if you still seek just resolution, and I will have a look at it.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

    • Topics: 794
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    Soft & Strong blocks are in the siege section of the website/wiki, I don’t think that is the kind of information that goes into a getting started guide at all! Read my top edit, its a description of how to get minecraft and add the server to the server list.

    The server is on hard, animals are not rare and spawn in appropriate places, That isn’t something I would consider appropriate for a getting starting guide, the world hard is enough.

    • Topics: 10
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    This is a legitimate issue. There has been another forum topic about it:

    Dude where are my Animals O.o


    This is not a limiter issue, and it seems to have wiped every animal within a claimed area. This issue is affecting many players.

    Every single non-pet (tamed) mob has completely vanished in Nexus and CTS including the guardians and squid which I donated to be able to display.



    I’m not sure WHY this has happened, and while it may not be a scheduled thing it did happen and myself and a few others are out months of work.

    Please look into this matter as soon as is convenient, as it would take months of work to get back my rabbits, villagers, sheep, cows, chickens, all my saddled pigs for fun riding, my aquarium animals such as the guardians and squid, and the various mobs I’d name-tagged to make them rainbow and flip upside down etc.

    Thanks for looking into it!

    • Topics: 794
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    I apologize if my post came off as abrasive. It was my understanding from Reaper that a lag clear operation had wiped all animals from all of my claims across the entire server. My request is that whatever operation caused this, would in the future avoid claimed land, as it takes a significant amount of time to find & bring each species to a central location.

    You need to stop repeating yourself and read my reply, I will repeat myself as you did not read it, There is not, and I repeat a third time, there is not a schedule that removed any animals from claims, please do not be rude and ignore me when I have spent the time to answer your question.

    Animals are extremely easy to breed, minecraft is extremely buggy with entities and sometimes things just go missing.

    • Topics: 23
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    Maybe better put this in the wiki? maybe under the topic: how to build and secure your base?
    If you need wood for woodwalls don’t hesitate to ask me…..really ask me fast i need a lot of motivation to move but when i do i can get you some fine sprucestacks in 20 minutes or less.

    • Topics: 10
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    Great idea for a topic, but it seems formatting errors have struck again! Clean up your post so people won’t skip this over?

    • Topics: 8
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    Hello there reader,

    After @Charlie made his post on forts and how you can make better looking forts which serve their purpose in defending your lands and claims, i decided to follow up on it and add my own knowledge to the mix.

    I have created many beautiful fortified cities with citadels, ports and lush royal and civil gardens, cities with towering white towers which show off the kingdom’s vast wealth and power and Keep’s that you’d expect only the finest of kings to inhabit with his family and guards.

    Sadly my piratecraft home, Seastone, does not show off my ability and potential that is why i have chosen to write a basic guide on how to build and upgrade your cities and defences if you don’t know where to start or just need a little nudge of inspiration.


    So without further ado….
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>
    A history lesson on castles and forts.</p>

    When most people think of castles i wouldn’t be surprised if they think of a glistening white castle standing proudly on a green hilltop overlooking a beautiful landscape with no other building in sight, that’s a fantasy with some truth in it.

    Most castles did sit on hills but they weren’t built on them for the scenery, they were built there to act as a psychological weapon against anyone who would dare to rebel, a watchtower that could see an enemy army coming from miles and watch the town below them and as a defense, running up a hill in full body armor while getting shot at wasn’t a walk in the park, and neither was trying to get across the moat and onto the walls where the enemy archers would be picking your friends off one by one before getting to you.
    Most castles you see around most European countries are the result of several upgrades and renovations made by powerful leaders and tenants as most castles started off as Norman Motte and Bailey castles.

    As you can see it is made up of two different sections, the tower, which sits on it’s own and oversees the bailey where they would keep the livestock and some homes.
    With time these wooden structures would be replaced with stone and the walls would expand so as to allow more people into the safety of the castle, and sometimes the lord would decide to add another section to the wall for further defense in case another lord or enemy decides to expand their territory.


    Notice the massive courtyard in the picture above, the courtyards were and still are essential in any military fort or in this case a castle, the court yard would be used as a rally point for the lords guards and soldiers, it would be used as a training area and it was also a pretty neat way of keeping things organised, courtyards are still used today.

    Windsor castle, it is by far my most favorite castle which has served as the basic outline for the castles i have built on my worlds.

    Windsor castle went through all the stages of a castle’s lifespan and it is still used today by Queen Elizabeth II.


    The evolution of a castle from a motte and bailey to a concentric

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Defending and evolving your castle</p>

    Picture a Motte and bailey Castle, now add a few stone walls to it and several stone towers along those walls, if you see the enemy coming you’ll be ready, but holy monkey with a shotgun!

    Are those siege engines?

    It’s time to turn your flimsy wooden keep to stone, you don’t want the enemy to shoot burning arrows at your firetrap of a keep, let’s make it fireproof, well done you now have yourself a stone keep with sturdy stone walls and tall and might stone towers.

    and guess what kid? You leveled up!

    You’re no longer a Motte and bailey castle you are now a strong and proud castle surrounded with a moat and built on a tall hill for an extra little advantage.

    Enough with the sarcastic playful bullshit, i’m going to get serious and i’ll list off the new additions to this new castle.

    • A kitchen for the cooks
    • Barracks for the troops
    • Armory for the troops
    • A well for your own private source of water.
    • Livestock
    •  Courtyard
    • Towers stone walls that can be navigated with ease, not  the wooden stakes from the motte and bailey castle
    • Stables (Depending on your position with the king these may be large or small)
    • A gold room where the peasant’s taxes are stored.

    You may want to replace everything or build around it, after all the larger your castle the more lines of defense your enemy will have to go through.




    In reply to: ban appeal-

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    Dude stop spamming the forums. Again I know how you feel i did the same thing just apologize and swear to not do it again . remember without patients you won’t get back!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: ban appeal-

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    THe fact is you advertised a server, whether you were joking about it or not; advertising is is still advertising. FOr being a long term player you should fully well know by now of our rules and how much we stand by them.

    WE hone down on those who advertise and i know @GodsDead finds it utterly disrespectful.

    Let me put it in another context; WE get asked ona daily basis by users can we use x-ray and they receive an instant ban, we know no matter we have said they would use it. WE can not take the risk!

    All jokes aside, i still can not understand why you would pull such a prank! Advertising is one of the BIG no no’s. Whether you were joking or not, if we let you get away with it then whats gonna stop you doing it again? maybe joking with another rule.

    Can we take the risk? that is the question.

    • Topics: 8
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    I am a good builder on creative, if you give me a plot of land and an x-amount of time I may prove it to you.

    I struggle on survival as I cannot fly or because I have to stop what I’m doing to gather food or resources.

    • Topics: 10
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    Because we tried it once and it completely messed up the coding of the server.

    Someone decided to build a little house on top of the nether and it broke half the plug-ins we use like money, ranks, and sethomes. The server had to be rolled back like 3 days.

    So that’s why we don’t build on top of the nether. It’s not worth losing all the cool stuff on the server.


    In reply to: Airships

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    Lol just thinking and thought of something really funny with @Azuries comment on top being disabled in claims because of the unfair advantage… Just imagine this and laugh… if airships were allowed then would you see players being paratroopers jumping out of airships instead of using /top? XD

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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