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  • #13256

    In reply to: It is time…..

    • Topics: 22
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    • ★★★★

    Thank you all for you replies, I now believe that my base is safe. Lets get back on topic.


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government


    In reply to: SonicLord52- AFK Spam

    • Topics: 49
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    • ★★★★★

    Dear god he wouldn’t stop ;-; the whole chat was filled up with “SonicLord52 is afk. SonicLord52 is no longer afk. SonicLord52 is afk. SonicLord52 is no longer afk. SonicLord52 is afk. SonicLord52 is no longer afk.” Honestly it was slightly funny but overall annoying.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭


    In reply to: HardTimez- Harassment

    • Topics: 794
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    @CrazyPirate1 You need to calm down with the tags in forum posts, there getting absurd.

    1 month ago I changed how PVP mechanics work, read up on them here

    As for the sethome, Players can’t /sethome in a claim, or /top I disabled these too, so @hardtimes must have sethome in an area without protection.

    As for the Constant harassment of players, setting home inside someone’s home to instantly teleport back to kill someone when they go back to their home is abusing he perks of being a donator and breaking rule 1, I have already warned @hardtimes about bullying players with PVP, and to top it off intentionally destroying land around anyones base to provoke and intimate them while destroying the world for future players comes under the rules of “Don’t be an asshole”.

    Please may I remind you @hardtimes that I can remove the donator rank at any time if you are abusing the perks, Please read the Terms of service you agreed to, in the meantime I think you need to cool off with a temporary ban for upsetting so many people.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    I will type out the wiki in its proper place. Tho i strongly wished the server could have a rollback to where evermoor is entirely restored it is sadly to late for that and breaks my heart.  @crazypirate1 no the claims were still on and locknload shot the cannons along with other british gunnery men from our cannon deck. i did not put the command for explosions to be on in the city and when they shot those cannons i knew we were in trouble. In my mind or a dream i just wanted my city back, we payed the cost for a bug and now we had to start all over again. i wish we had a server vote for a rollback to the day evermoor was fine but its to late. I unclaimed the city when i came a realization we need to grow and not let this hurt us.

    knowing there was a bug my city had to pay the cost and made our entire government almost fall on top of each other!

    I am truly upset that i had to pay the cost after months of work but it is what it is. Tho we might not have our glorious capitol we will one day restore our power and will one day restore our beacon of hope.

    We the elves have been through so much from attacks at Cornola to the seperation of government to the fall of evermoor. I am glad to see our growing empire and truly know we to will restore and will remake a new improved elvish capitol.

    All i ask if evermoor is to the public use we have a small area of dedication or proof of work to the elves. not just me but us all.

    thanks for understanding to keep the name! I will start on the wiki today!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 22
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    A new era has arrived. An era, that no one will forget anytime soon. I ask all those in needs of shelter, who is an enemy of the mighty, who have been stepped on by the big guys, unite with me. Alone we are small, but together we are mighty. So stop fighting alone, fight as one, and we can, and will, win this oppression against the weak.


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government


    In reply to: HardTimez- Harassment

    • Topics: 14
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    • Total: 104
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    Hard no longer kills at /warp market, other than a personal vendetta he had with Creepermorderen. I don’t appreciate the killings there, but Hard has stopped for the most part. As for the other suspected cases of harassment or hackusations- I have no knowledge of.

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police


    In reply to: HardTimez- Harassment

    Crazy Pirate
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    I rarely hackusate, and in this case, I lack evidence, but here it goes.

    We siege has base, he logs out, joins again, logs out, joins again. Then, he tps up to the top of his base (during siege). There are 6-10 guys here, all full enchanted iron and higher, and he kills us all almost instantly, while being shot at, bombarded with potions, etc. Not even a scratch. So I will accuse him of hacking, after seeing this myself.

    I will also break a rule, and ask for items back- not for myself, but for anyone there at the time (17:25-31 ish). It may be against the rules, but so is hacking, and it is not on that we lost so much good gear, in such an unfair fight. Mark was on at the time, but was afk.





    This guy isn’t worth the hassle he is causing.


    In reply to: HardTimez- Harassment

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    Godsy tell him that he can’t use your skin, also to stop harassing, I will continue to post if he harasses.


    • Topics: 8
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    Read my reply here: I think were getting DDoS attacked, and If we are (Im checking) then there is only 1 player that it could be.

    why would we be getting DDOS attacked?

    • Topics: 794
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    Read my reply here:

    I think were getting DDoS attacked, and If we are (Im checking) then there is only 1 player that it could be.

    • Topics: 33
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    I propose this topic gets locked, I talked to both parties online and worked with them to set compromising terms. I consider this issue over and I hope BOTH of you try to deal with this situation. I understand issues both of you are having, but there is no right or wrong here.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: Server Down

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    oh, ill stop @’ing you then

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Mountain Claim

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    Xboxsox hs a nice mountaintop home northwestish of Godsdead’s big extrusion building. I can get you the coords as soon as the server comes back online.

    • Topics: 8
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    • Total: 22

    Can I say, that you cannot hold me to what I shall do and you have started this topic, and I have done nothing wrong. I should NOT have to agree to any terms regarding the size & location of my base, and you cannot own this lake. I would like this to remain peaceful as possible, but with the threats from you, Zoro, I don’t think you want it to be.

    • Topics: 49
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    @CaptainFTB oh? So now you feel upset because somebody claimed something next to your base? Isn’t that odd. Anyways- I don’t care about the other accusations you make- but stop lying. I was never rude, and I never said I would raid you.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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