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  • DirectorAnivian
    • Topics: 82
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    Hello everyone! As I have developed a large amount of wealth I have organized a treasure hunt. A lot of work has gone into the preparation for this event so I hope everyone respects that. This event will not be alone and I have more events planned! So get your riddle solving hats on and find the Pieces of Eight!

    You guys do not need to find the pieces of eight in order. NOTE: the pieces of eight are actually named items that are considered prize “keys”. Contact me when I am online and trade the key for a chest of goodies! The final riddle leads to the greatest key that has the largest prize!

    1. Warp to the place where the house shines its light.
    At the island where the Reaper shows his might.
    Up the ladder to the very top floor.
    Find the hole that Reaper tore.

    2. Find the old City where the Queen once stood.
    Enter the moat, really you should.
    Find the chest and then the boat
    Leave the hole somewhere in the moat.

    3. Across the sky to where the old Jay once flew.
    Find the aqueduct that still stands true.
    Into the house that the Reaper could boast.
    Search in anything that can be used to roast.


    4. Follow the British to where there is still Hope.
    Enter the building that could house the Pope.
    Find the crypt where the king does lay
    Follow the tunnels, all the way.


    5. The docks! The chests! The ship with no name!
    The one that soon will rise to fame!
    Search aboard the ship with sails the color of the storm.
    Give in to the Tempest, and lose your form.

    6. Find the cannons near the marker.
    Near the cannon that could be darker.
    In the chest by the cannon from the Typhoon.
    Pray to GodsDead that the prize wasn’t taken by a buffoon.



    7. To the market owned by saraphim
    Take a stroll, along the rim
    Enter an alley and find a chest.
    A nice prize, but not the best.


    8. Finish at the central and most important place.
    Where the Lady of Cove lost her case.
    Head over to the gift that continues to stand.
    Use the bow, forget the hand.



    EXTRA NOTE! : two of these riddles hint at the next event! Can you guys guess which two? 😀
    Please notify me by mail on the server or on the forums or just comment on the forums if you have found any of the keys! I hope this topic becomes very active! 😀

    @Markusi13 @skymanjay @CallieMav @Ma_c_hi @SuperGL

    I hope you guys enjoy this event! The pieces of eight are named after you guys… 😛

    More events planned!

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    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 82
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    • Total: 442
    • ★★★★★

    Please note this was the same group of people that had an anti-afk machine in their base and were repeatedly using foul language after being attacked. This is the gorup of people I reported in my topic.

    you were muted for 24 hours due to your language yesterday. Try not to rage so hard next time… It’s just a game.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 794
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    @GodsDead I have tested the brush function. It’s easy as pie! I used these commands. The percentages don’t even need to add up to 100%. Road: +/mask grass Nature: + /mask >grass What I couldn’t get to work was having random dirt grass blocks in the road. Because you need to do /mask grass after binding a command to a tool, it keeps overwriting the grass blocks I generated with the command! But otherwise I must say it’s a very straightforward task, you just need to look at the area you want to paint. :) To stop the bushes from degenerating, you need to use special MC IDs: Oak 18:4 Spruce 18:5 Birch 18:6 Jungle 18:7 Acida 161:4 Dark oak 161:5

    Sweet! I actually went on and did some real-world testing last night with some basic stone/cobble paths, ran into a few issues, Paths are mega easy on flat worlds, but when you get terrain changes, hills, general mess, you need to do a preliminary “Clean up”.

    I’ve been running around with a //brush smooth tool smoothing the path location first, then its just when you transition fro grass to stone it blended in, maybe adding dirt blocks into the mix will fix this, I love the second nature mode!

    If I can find a way to create permissions for you to create these roads in a custom rank, would you want to do it? I would have to limit it so you couldn’t just make diamond roads..Might be in trouble there haha!

    • Topics: 133
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    @GodsDead I have tested the brush function. It’s easy as pie!

    View post on

    I used these commands. The percentages don’t even need to add up to 100%.


    View post on

    +/mask grass


    View post on

    + /mask >grass

    What I couldn’t get to work was having random dirt grass blocks in the road. Because you need to do /mask grass after binding a command to a tool, it keeps overwriting the grass blocks I generated with the command (possibly because block ticks were sped up on the test world)! But otherwise I must say it’s a very straightforward task, you just need to look at the area you want to paint. 🙂

    To stop the bushes from degenerating, you need to use special MC IDs:

    Oak 18:4
    Spruce 18:5
    Birch 18:6
    Jungle 18:7
    Acida 161:4
    Dark oak 161:5


    In reply to: Bragging Annoying Kid

    • Topics: 16
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    Sorted out.

    Topic closed.


    In reply to: Brewing Ideas

    • Topics: 794
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    Official Thread with all Brewing Ideas in it!

    Im open to ideas for new brews and their effects 🙂 Anyone fluent with configs could also create the recipe in the configs to speed up getting them live too!


    In reply to: Evermoor Re-build

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Godsy, please white list me on


    Sometimes, I’ll just look at that, and I’ll just realise that sometimes, stuff is funny.

    • Topics: 66
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    May I say something you could also add is Sea Forts.

    I see lots of these round Portsmouth and one is also used on the tv show Fort Boyard.

    These with a little more out wards and a gate which can be lowered and opened to allow ships to come into and out of the fort.

    Then on the bit round the top you can fortify and put cannons up there to take out enemy ships trying to destroy your fort D:

    Also I recommend making it on top of an island so it will be easier to make.

    hope these ideas help I think sea forts should be used more on the server as while looking through the live map I’ve found none D:


    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Large scale pvp battles, but, you start the game without a kit, only armour (leather, red or blue). You then have to capture places in the city to gain the advantage. You don’t capture them as such, no plugin is involved; you just try and get people to take it. Hilltop cannons, stores (weapons), stores (gunpowder, flint, tnt), barracks (better respawn points), defenable locations (allyways, streets, a keep, houses, etc) and anything else of interest.

    Lots of choke points, multiple stage and climbable walls, etc. To keep the action intense, only half the city is used; a wall, houses, etc divide the city in half, making it impossible to get to the other side.


    In reply to: Evermoor Re-build

    • Topics: 794
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    Yeah sweet, I don’t like this “Elf” stuff plastered all over the town, people are thinking that its going to be a town town, like with people living in it, I was thinking more of a place to hold events, or attack/defend kinda thing.

    Anyway, I threw up a bunch of signs in that building to the left of the store room for “things to do” feel free to add more signs.

    I added a new control room for the bridge and gate, and fixed up the outside one.

    Posting a back-thread for uses for the city all go here


    In reply to: Victory is at hand

    • Topics: 133
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    Uh oh, it looks like this thread is going to escalate very quickly indeed. Can we just lock it and call it a day? The majority of Germans were normal people like you or me. They have been through 70 years of soul searching to process the question of how such a horrendous ideology was allowed to take hold and why they allowed such atrocities to happen. At the same time, it must also be said that Nazi Germany is not the only side that committed war crimes during that frightful period of history nor were they solely responsible for the events that lead to the Nazi uprising. These are topics that have been discussed to near exhaustion. May we all look back and remember the brave soldiers on all sides who left their lives as well as the victims if the conflict. And strive to make sure it never happens again.

    • Topics: 49
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    On this day, 70 years ago, May 8th 1945 war was torn across Europe. After weeks of day and night nonstop bombing and artillery, Nazi Berlin is under siege. Soviet forces are rushing in from the East, while Allied forces close in on the West in a deadly pincer-crushing maneuver. In the mean time, the Nazis won’t give up- every man, woman, and child is called into battle, given the classic MG and Panzerfaust with the swastika stained onto their souls. This is the final battle- no going back, the blood of 20,000,000 lives are on their hands, and it’s time to pay the price for the crime. On this day in 1945, the final raid of Berlin took place, the Führer holds a pistol to his head, and victory is at hand. May we all salute to these magnificent people- the great soldiers from the countries of the world, who stood up to pure evil, and defeated them in 5 years of bloodshed and genocide. A moment of silence to remember the truly vast amount of lives lost, and that freedom isn’t free. If it wasn’t for those valiant men and women, we might all be speaking German today…

    And to remember- that violence cannot be the answer. Through diplomacy, and compassion, we can all work together to build a greater tomorrow. We are the people of the world, and it is our responsibility to prevent things like this from happening. Each one of us has a magnificent potential, you all can help the world by living up to what you are best at, so go, be yourself, and do something great, because tomorrow, we will be something great together. Hear the cry of humanity! The reign of freedom, justice, and equality shall fill our hearts!

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    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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    Also while im on the topic I have warned you already to remove those ridiculous signatures, You shoudnt have more than 1, and that middle one is gigantic. @Cornetheus999 you havent done this, you need to remove them straight away.


    In reply to: SonicLord52- AFK Spam

    • Topics: 16
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    Topic closed.


    In reply to: HardTimez- Harassment

    • Topics: 16
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    Stop taggeing my name! gosh lol

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