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  • #14585
    Ash Kernel
    • Topics: 8
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    So this is a topic about killing mobs. Skeletons are dangerous for weak people and they are also intelligent. They hide under shade in the day to avoid burning, and will also shoot rapidly without a warning. Only fools will run towards a group of skeletons thinking they can beat them all up. Skeletons are also dangerous to approach in water. So I want you to post your methods of killing individual skeletons and groups. Whoever posts 1 method of each situation, you will be paid 3 in game money when I see you.


    1) You cannot repeat other people’s methods.

    2) Do not post ways of killing other mobs

    3) No killing with bows, because it is just a cheap tactic.

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    • Topics: 794
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    Ok folks; Here’s the idea I threw out to the server earlier tonight and people flipped at me.

    The idea would be to have a weekend long event where all teleporting is disabled, stay with me.. and all ships and cannons are unlocked for all ranks.

    I was looking at the stats page and noticed the 53266310 Teleports people have clocked up, with an average of 11396.3 each! I want to have an event where the only way of getting around is by all the default minecraft travel methods, Enderpears, Horses, Pigs, Boats, Rail, Markus Back.

    Heres a rough idea.

    • Remove all Tp, Tpa, Tpahere, back, top, home, crew home, warp (Apart from spawn and cove)
    • Add all ships for Deckhand+ so everyone can sail any sized ship
    • Add All cannons so anyone can create and fire cannons
    • Add a build kit, to help people build ships that weekend
    • Add more areas to buy ships from the cove
    • Add a MOTD to say were in an event
    • Add a hotbar message to say we are in an event (and how longs left if its possible)

    Im looking for other ideas to make this a proper event, something we can plan and get ready in advance, I would like to hear peoples views about this weekend good or bad, and any ideas or recommendations for what else we could do 🙂


    In reply to: MrMehHehHeh

    • Topics: 794
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    @WarLikeCookie You need to prove its your base, I was talking to SuperGL who was trying to help you and you couldn supply information to prove it was yours, also you are trying to claim an admin claim, the bases that are admin claimed are from when we did the initial griefprevention conversion a very very long time ago, and I know I have seen your MrMehHehHeh online since we did the conversion so this is a very fishy thing, also as I have said stop spamming the forums stop being impatient and you need to wait for when a staff member is available to help you, I got told you ignored the staff that were trying to help you.

    Closed thread.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Okay guys, with the fighting, stop. It is a fact that Rave may have played a part in the conflict, but so did Dork, so we can admit both sides messed up. Fighting is only going to make it worse, and I don’t want that, and neither do you.

    Also, I though Official suggested that the south be British? Either way, we’ll start working on this soon. When I’m next on, can someone TP me to Verussia? I wan to get repairs done asap.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    And stop tagging me it’s irritating


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 67
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    @Queenrep Yo can take back actions but not words? What a load of nonsense.. I suggest you stay neutral in this conflict from now on because you are insulting the BE, by saying this is solely our fault. I know RaveTheWave is known to cause trouble here and there, but who is to say he sparkled this? I know for a fact that _PigGuardian_ and followers still claims to be Verussi, but respects no one in their way, they raid senselessly, both newcomers, innocents in trade towns and brits. No one comes clean with info, no one claims to know who the agressor really is, either party just pushes the blame onto the opposite. I would like to just point out someone who we can blame and get on with this, but that’s not how it works, its word vs. word, it leads us nowhere..

    So please Queenrep, be helpful or leave this conflict, for you were not involved in it, this topic is not for Clashes between Brits and elves, its for the attacks in verussi, which elves did not partake in. Our government is seriously trying to figure out what happened, we’re trying to fix it so we can help verussi move on.


    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 66
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    Well I could present some evidence to that I was on Live Map and I did see multiple people near PresidentRS (which I guessed was Verussi) and I just thought they were just going around their daily business but now this topic has come up I think the ones who arrived wanted more than just ‘business’ if you know what I mean*.


    *not sexual

    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 48
    • Total: 63
    • ★★★

    A lot of improvement has been made to /warp food this weekend, and I want to highlight some of the changes.

    Many of our staple food items have increased in quantity while lowering in price! Take advantage of the new savings.

    Allright you seafaring scalliwags, we’ve added chicken of the sea to our menu. You can now purchase cooked Fish & Salmon at the fireplace.

    We’ve opened up a Wall of Potions in the tavern. Currently available are Water Breathing (8 min), Invisibility (8 min), and Healing II. Be on the lookout for more to come.

    It may not be food, but it’s a great place to do one-stop shopping. We have a variety of colored wool, glass stone & brick.

    Visit our back room to see how you can make a buck. We’re currently buying cobblestone & iron ingot.

    Something out of stock, or have a comment? Reply here, or message me on the forums.

    • Topics: 67
    • Replies: 640
    • Total: 707
    • ★★★★★★

    May I remind everyone here and QueenRep especially, that dorkito is known to have stolen from BE members in the past and therefore classified as a criminal and still is as he has still not been willing to give back all things that was stolen or have compensated, QueenRep, you knew that, because I told you personally at the time that you are hiding criminals in your empire, where to you replied that you would not intervene in that conflict. You mention several attacks made by BE troops on your people, Why have you not contacted me before? I shall bring justice to those who have raided you, when you have provided evidence, that these raids have actually happened. Its so so easy to accuse someone of raiding them on the server and we have no idea if these accusations are actually true until we have proper evidence.

    Rep, you are in no position to blame BE like that. This conflict is still being investigated, no parties have any evidence as far as I know, we ARE trying to figure out who is to blame, take it easy and stop accusing.

    I want Verussia to prosper, and I know the government of BE do so to, we promote peace, but sometimes misunderstandings can occur. I will personally recover the things lost to Verussia, if we come to the conclusion that Verussia was not the aggressor in this conflict.

    So please be patient. We know that the discipline within BE is not what it has been, but measures have been taken care of to deal with these internal problems in the near future.


    Bislo – Minister of Justice, BE


    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    @Dorkito101 I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again seeing as you appear to be incapable of reading: The only person who has any sort of publishing rights to these stories would be myself. Please stop begging on this thread in an attempt to make yourself money.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    I figured I’d start a topic where people can talk about the lore of the server and publish any stories/ideas that they may or may not have had… I’ll start

    The wind was howling is the stormy sea. The navigator, atop the ship, in the crows’ nest, was struggling to read his wet charts because of the downpour on the ship. The ship was a fine example of some of the world’s best shipbuilders. Who else should be in charge but the notorious Dead God? So called because of his fearlessness and his ruthlessness, the Dead God was not a pirate to be messed with. He and his crew had more than 100 years’ sailing experience between them, and knew that the forces that met them on this dark, dull, dangerous evening were not to be messed with.

    The captain gave the order to weigh anchor. The large, rusting anchor was lowered until it had reached the ground. The navigator, Markus, let out a sigh of relief as he made his way down from the crows’ nest, onto the main deck, shielding himself from the rain as he descended. He followed the crew into the ship’s galley, where Ma_c_hi, the cook, was handing everyone some hot steak with some rum.

    The crew sat down on a table together to discuss what their plans for the day after would be. Reaper, the first mate, suggested that they make for a nearby island which supposedly hid some treasure. After some discussion, the crew agreed. They would set sail in their ship early the next morning and head for land.

    As they headed to the cabin, Calliemav, the boatswain, was giving orders to the new crew members to start cleaning the rain, which was covering the deck, up. The Dead God slowly made his way to his cabin, with each part of the ship he stepped on creaking beneath his feet. Once he’d arrived, he added to his captain’s log, and started procuring a list of tasks he would want done the next day by the crew. He called for the navigator to join him, so that they could plan together the route for the next day that would take them to land.

    Whilst the crew were busy settling down in their cabins, none of them noticed movement throughout the harsh conditions provided by the skies. Another ship was slowly gaining on the pirates. In charge of that ship was the Admiral that all pirates feared; Admiral Anivian. Acting on behalf of the British Empire to eliminate a threat to their shores, Anivian, who had 20 years’ experience with the Royal Navy, called the crew to aim the cannons. Once the order to fire the cannons had been issued, the pirates rushed back up to the main deck, in order to return fire. British troops were already preparing to board, their cutlasses drawn.

    The Dead God pulled out his musket, and aimed at the boatswain of the HMS Bravery, Commodore G. L. Super. The Dead God pulled the trigger just as the Commodore started to swing across to the Pearly Eagle, the pirates’ ship. The Commodore executed the move perfectly, and ended up swinging past the Dead God, kicking the musket out of his hand as he landed.

    Several other Royal Navy members, such as Lieutenant Skyman, followed their boatswain’s incredible display of bravery. Before long, ten troops had boarded the Pearly Eagle, cutlasses wielded, and were battling the seemingly never-ending hoard of pirates.

    The cannon fire had been causing a mask of smoke to cloud both ships, making the battle equally hard for both sides. The British seamen, however, after a longer than average skirmish, had managed to tie up the more senior pirates, with some of the more junior ranks of both sides scattered across the now blood-stained deck.

    Commodore Super ordered half of the surviving junior ranks to carry any potential survivors back to HMS Bravery, to be seen by the on-board medic, Dr. Solid. He then asked the other half to accompany him on a search of the rest of the ship for any potential surviving pirates. Whilst the bodies were being dragged across the plank that now formed a bridge between the two boats, the search team headed below deck.

    The Dead God, one of the pirates tired up to the mast, used this opportunity and his quick thinking to procure a blade from the ground, which he used to cut loose the ropes that were tying him and his crew to the mast, before leading his crew to the lifeboat.

    The Dead God had, in the knowledge that he would eventually get raided, stuffed explosives into the hull. He ordered his crew to leave and save themselves whilst he evasively moved down into the hold to ignite the explosives. The Dead God managed to reach the hold without being noticed, though as he readied his flint and steel, he heard shouts from above. The British had noticed that the pirates had escaped, which meant the Dead God didn’t have long to light the ship and dispose of the British.

    He lit the fuse that led to the explosives, before looking frantically around for a place to hide. He ran, but before he knew it, the ship had detonated, Did the Dead God manage to shield himself from the explosive? Did Commodore Super and his crew survive? Will the pirates seek their revenge? Watch this space!

    • Topics: 66
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    Well I was thinking the other day about new ships and I came up with about 2 new types.

    1. Dreadnaught

    This would have to be powered by a couple of furnaces I think one for each size and all need to be burning at the same time.

    It would also need to have 2 ‘paddles’ on the side with 4 ‘sticky outy bits’ which would be like some stairs which the minimum size would be 2 stairs long.

    If one was bigger than the other every couple of blocks it might move a little bit so if it kept going at cruise it would end up going in a circle



    minimum size

    maximum of blocks: 250-500

    To work needs minimum of 2 stair long paddles on either side of the ship.

    and 1 Furnace


    medium size

    maximum of blocks: 500-750

    To work needs minimum of 4 stair long paddles on either side of the ship.

    2 furnaces


    maximum size

    maximum of blocks: 750-1000

    To work needs paddles 6 stairs long at the minimum

    powered by 3 furnaces


    The Dreadnaughts would also have to be over 25%  Iron on the ship to work and this would have a health rate of two blasts from a cobble stone cannon ball and if the paddles where hit the boat could start going around in circles or might rotate or just stop.

    These ships would bring in a new age to Pirate Craft.. The Industrial age!!

    Their pros

    + Iron acts like armour and has life

    + The boat would cruise

    + Paddle Boat tourist attractions revenue would go through the roof

    Their cons

    – If lots of water got in it’s Iron body would act like stone and it would sink quicker than normal.

    – Its costly

    – If stolen you would get sad 🙁

    So that’s my Dreadnaught Idea I didn’t really know what speeds but another con could be the fact it’s Iron it goes slower or that could be ‘neutralised’ out because another could be it’s steam powered so it goes faster or something.

    I know it is a bit far ahead in time, but because it’s quite costly I think there being no kit for it to be made would make it good so someone has to make it from scratch and that Captain rank or Commander can only build it.


    2. Midget Submarine.

    This came as a brain child of me wanting quite small submarines.

    They would be powered by Furnace and be made up 50% Iron.

    Can Cruise (don’t know who many blocks they could skip).

    But also they could be used as suicide submarines so they could even be used as torpedoes but I have a con for that.



    Block limitations: 60-200 (50% Iron)

    Speed: Maybe round about 3.0 or 5.5

    Blocks used: 50% Iron (blocks the coder can choose i.e. GodsDead)

    Rank: Boatswain Or Gunner or maybe a new rank like Submariner!?


    + Small and Stealthy

    + Can travel underwater

    + Can cruise

    + Could be packed with explosives and blow up


    – You can only go so far away from it was built i.e. it can only go in about a 500-1000 radius from when it was built.

    – Claustrophobic

    – Gets lonely down their…

    – You might run out of air… eventually

    – Has to have someone driving it or in it


    So yes the con is you can’t go very far that means if it was attached to a submarine/ship the midget submarine would be activated from where that ship leaves and moves from so it would count as a ship in it’s own right and if was attached to a ship/sub someone would have to be in it the entire time for it to move and if not it wouldn’t move.

    So there you have it a midget submarine and a Dreadnaught as well if the midget submarine is accepted an idea for a new rank maybe 😀

    Thank you for reading and taking your time on my ideas, I will be happy to answer any questions or tweak anything if a mod or owner likes the ideas I have listed thanks again.




    • Topics: 82
    • Replies: 360
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    • ★★★★★

    @Dr.Solid I’m going to have to ask you to stop dragging the BE into a war. The BE will not get involved in the war at this point as crazypirate has already stated. We will be neutral in this conflict and are not involved at all.

    Guys tone down the testosterone and solve your problems in game.

    @lewboi100 please don’t insult the BE and don’t insult British people (@GodsDead and other admins are British you know). Bringing up the history and saying the British got their “asses handed to them” is extremely rude.

    Also if we ARE going to be bringing in history to this… The French got their “asses” handed to them by the British numberous times before and by the colonists that they helped. Plus, the French only joined the American War of Independence when they knew for a fact that the colonists were going to win after the results of the Battle of Saratoga.

    But please… let’s leave history out of this… it’s just a game.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Stop arguing, the real talk happens on the battlefield. This is a waste of time and just drama that is not needed. Solid this is a conflict between the elves and the French.

    If you want the British to get involved them ask them but we can fight our own battles. We shown them no mercy at all pushing back 1/4 of there forces.

    This is a war where we fight not exchange pitty arguments that gets you no where.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    • Topics: 16
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    Seems like it’s sorted out.

    Topic closed.

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