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  • #16688

    In reply to: /hide from map

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    • ★★★★★★★

    But if it was only a buffer for new players, even then, it would be so very OP. What’s to stop them from sieging your base? And how would you know where they were? You could be walking around at a warp, and then someone gives a new player some, idk, okay-ish gear. Then, you would be stalked without even knowing it!

    • Topics: 67
    • Replies: 640
    • Total: 707
    • ★★★★★★

    May I add?




    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: /hide from map

    Blake Wells
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 6
    • Total: 8

    you can hide. if you have lights in your base turn them on when you leave to stop mobs spawning and when you get back turn them off. This is putting you in a light level of less than 0 if there is no other light sources. other ways you can hide is invis potion, crouching and that’s really it. /hide would completely destroy the reason a live map is avalible so if I were you make do or make your base non-siegable. But the reasons the live map is there is to stop people hiding from it, it would then make battles really really slow and it helps people to avoid areas where people are for example. not saying your idea is terrible but from my point of view it would defeat the entire purpose of a LIVE MAP.

    its the diffrense between long term and short term. and I’m a long term player. I use to follow players to their base and see how they entered and watch for weaknesses. Not be spotted. use to actually have to make our own maps. Im a vet to mine craft and it was hard. I don’t want that. the purpose of /hide is for new players like me so don’t have resources to actually protect the whole base and such. Because at this current level anyone can come to people that are new and just take us out along with all our gear. Maybe have a spawning buff that stops this. But so far i find this a problem. and in my opinion the server should be aiming for more longterm players than short term. Yes battles will be slower but they will be more planned out. Preparation stages are required. scouting, negotiating. Makes things more fun. and this is a pirate server after all. We have ships and exploring isn’t that hard. I say that if a player chooses they do not want their position, base, loot and everything they have worked on the be broadcasted they can do it. But if someone doesn’t care congrats. they don’t have to /hide

    peaches are kawaii

    • Topics: 35
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    You can ask allot of people only java when he was at the royal ball killing everyone and hardtimez stabbing me in the back were the only 2 times ive lost a head in Actual pvp :P.i would say that there are a max of 15 heads of mine and most from pvp training at evermoor. As for the last part that you said.I hate it when a real noob thinks his a pro or something i’ve been a pirate longer then you have been online hardtimez is not a real pirate his a bully and an asshole to the max he declared war to the BE becuase he was bored throwing away his own crews live like it was got raided once and you declare war to 3/4 of the server i’ve been raided by freaking hackers and you dont see me winning like a 5 year old one is scared from you’re threat (if it can be called a threat) so plz and i beg of you STFU!

    one more thing before i go:you cant be a pirate if there is no one thats stops you, you cant be considered an outlaw with out the law this is the same thing that happended to real pirates.what you’re asking is for there to be no law or no people that try to stop you from being a pirate? well then if that happens you cant be a pirate anymorebecause the new law would be no law…….etc…etc


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: /hide from map

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    you can hide.

    if you have lights in your base turn them on when you leave to stop mobs spawning and when you get back turn them off.

    This is putting you in a light level of less than 0 if there is no other light sources.

    other ways you can hide is invis potion, crouching and that’s really it.

    /hide would completely destroy the reason a live map is avalible so if I were you make do or make your base non-siegable.

    But the reasons the live map is there is to stop people hiding from it, it would then make battles really really slow and it helps people to avoid areas where people are for example.

    not saying your idea is terrible but from my point of view it would defeat the entire purpose of a LIVE MAP.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    I came onto the server using Minechat, as it quite regular for me, so I could keep myself up-to-date with what’s happening. Then, out of nowhere, even though they knew I was on Minechat, the aforementioned people decided to siege me. There was nothing I could do about it, and, as I say, they knew that. That didn’t stop them. So, they sieged me, but I didn’t know, because for whatever reason, I wasn’t informed. I disconnect, only to find that I had somehow won the siege.

    I still think it’s inappropriate, however, for these people to have done what they did, and I, personally at least, believe that they should somehow be punished… No idea if I’m just being a drama queen, and I truly apologise if I am, but it should be against the rules to siege anyone using Minechat or any equivalent app to keep up-to-date with what’s happening.

    @Markusi13 @Calliemav @smokeyriver

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 157
    • Total: 159
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    when everyone in the chat is agaist you thats when you should give up XD and you know whats funny? the only person who liked his comment was the asshole of assholes Hardtimez….


    You talk a lot for someone who has nothing to say. How many of your heads does HardTimez has? And why are you name-calling at people who play the server the way it was meant to be? There is a serious brain damage issue on this server where players condemn other players for being pirates on a pirate server. Even worse, some of the players that condemn the pirates act like pirates themselves when they want. They pick and choose, and only stop when they lose more then they gained for doing it. So weaker half-pirates curse the better pirates because they’re better at being pirates. Stfu and play the game. Don’t spam your noob comments on my Declaration of War, you failed excuse for a pirate.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Builder Name: Maximus_Terragon Estimated building time: 40 mins Image:

    Dock 14 inside the cove

    Many thanks

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: May i be unbanned

    • Topics: 21
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    No chance.

    .solid – there is more than one staff member, please stop spamming godsdead.


    Topic: war

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 36
    • Total: 44
    • ★★

    The outlaws have pissed off everyone internationally. King saraphim has tried to reason with the outlaws and stop this war with everyone thus putting our very own troop movement on hold.

    he has requested:


    2 sets of God armor

    since you will not be able to listen he is backing us up in this war. It is now on and will not stop until they surrender.

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~

    • Topics: 8
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    @lewboi100 This is my final request, end this war and let all these lands come to peace or we will continue this fight.

    With full support of 3/4 of the server and full support of our navy and armies. Your request are disgustingly outraging. Stop the fight against the British and everyone and let peace come before we wage a full out war which will not end.

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~


    In reply to: Server Crash

    • Topics: 794
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    Without a time zone I cant confirm this is the same error @QueenRep

    All affected reply to:

    Lost inventorys and enderchests please read.




    In reply to: Crash, then wipe?

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    All affected reply to:

    Lost inventorys and enderchests please read.


    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Prize Per ship that wins

    1. Gets to be a buy-able ship at the cove by anyone, This means it will be seen as a “default” ship for PirateCraft, It will be listed on the webpage with the other buy-able ships.
    2. £500 in-game
    3. 500 Claim blocks
    4. Open to more ideas (reply with your entry)

    Suggestion here; for number 4, rather than having a £500 insta payment, you should get a set amount for whenever a ship is sold; so a better design ensures more people buy it, and you get more! So, if Paul’s sells 100 times for £50 each, he gets £1000 out of the £5000. People won’t get that much, as it won’t sell that many, but it would be better.

    No, Look back at the first competition, This was one of my ideas. The Cove is buying the design only, it would be extremely OP to have this just sitting there making you money and its unfair to other players, especially when you arnt even building them or  even using the materials! Definitely not.

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 186
    • Total: 196
    • ★★★★

    I believe this war is necessary. Both groups have been fighting non-stop over the last while, and it needs to stop. I support the B.E and Elves, for trying to defend their land and their dignity, but I also respect the 0utlaws for something I don’t know why, but this war is necessary and has been for a while.


    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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