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  • #20560

    In reply to: Bye Server

    • Topics: 35
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    • ★★★★★★★

    elex stop being a bully hards gone for good so dont be that guy whos allways mean and hunts noobs…..

    i’ll miss you this server wont be the same without you .hope you change you’re mind and come back.also elex is the new dork #nomorebullies


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Bye Server

    • Topics: 10
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    • ★★★★

    Okay, this is the final straw, if henrik doesn’t stop killing members of the VE, or people in general, then I am taking drastic measures, if he does it once more, I’m reporting him to the Allied to have him put at the top of the list. /mail me any reports of him killing you. don’t send me any of him killing you before you read this.

    And King, PLEASE don’t go! It’s not the same VE without you, pleasedon’t leave the crew, and I’ll make sure nobody kicks you from the VE. But please, I will miss you sincerely, come back ASAP and I hope I see you again in the future……

    As an ally of ours would say: Là míthríł pàrńovà

    (you should know what that means :D)

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

    • Topics: 794
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    @AngelRooBoo @BlitzExtreme @Ephrygian @OfficialRS @Unic0rnjunk101 @Wilson @allidoisdig1234 @CHARLEE417 @Jmoney12086 @Reptaria @lewboi100 @CrazyPirate1 @aniviankevinlu

    I have restored all your playerdata to 24 hours previous to our last backup; Please read the top post that I have updated.

    In all there were 27 players data wiped that caused 1300+ errors in the log; that I managed to find your data for and took me 4-5 hours to complete.

    All is good in the world.


    In reply to: The cheating mob

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★

    I’m not a fan boy.

    i believe this is a problem and back should have a small cool down rate and glitches need to be stopped.

    What I’m trying to say is people are asking questions which are hurting others such as rep.

    I do believe rep shouldn’t have used /back so much and should of legitimately got in your base but not have questions which upset Rep.



    And Elexandre you d***head for saying that.

    You didn’t need to say that.

    • Topics: 111
    • Replies: 670
    • Total: 781
    • ★★★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked. So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.) It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.

    Disagree, if it was easy to steal other players items, then nobody would play on the server as it would be a mayhem server, there would be no good builds, there would be no citys, no towns. Siege recently got a few updates, read that forum post. I’ve stated a few times before, but when we get onto a bigger better server hosting, Im adding a new world that will have no TP, No map and No GP :) This is a world you can live in!

    I’m not saying make it easy at all. I’m saying make it actually possible without pure luck. At the moment it’s a pirate server without being able to really steal much at all. Somebody can sit at my base’s front door as much as they want, and they’ll never be able to take my good stuff. Why? Because of a single stonebrick sitting on a chest. : / It’s just too easy to be safe. And if it’s true that you can bring items/money between both worlds…then won’t that just mean people will keep their vaults in the safe one, where there’s no chance of losing their stuff really and just sell everything there? I might be wrong about that, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten so far. Also, VERY FEW people put soft blocks on their chests to lock them, so their chests are generally still pretty safe from raiders.

    Wheres your solution? all I hear is someone whining without actually helping or giving a solution.

    If possible, allow diamond blocks to be used for ammo to destroy “hard” blocks. People would be less willing to grief a base without a purpose if they have to use diamond blocks to pull it off. Also it would make people think more about their sieges/raids before actually doing it. This would allow people to be able to actually breach a base, but make it very expensive to pointlessly destroy the base. It’d be expensive for the raider, but if done right, the raider can benefit greatly from it if he doesn’t mess up. If he does mess up? Well, goodbye diamond blocks.


    E quote can never be to long!



    In reply to: The cheating mob

    • Topics: 44
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    • Total: 876
    • ★★★★★★

    also Elo, u didnt post a single piece of proof of them glitching thru iron doors, so that could be made up BS. Also u dont know reps life, so dont tell rep who/what they are. So… i would gather a little more proof b4 making a post like this and stay on friken topic.


    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
    • ★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked. So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.) It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.

    Disagree, if it was easy to steal other players items, then nobody would play on the server as it would be a mayhem server, there would be no good builds, there would be no citys, no towns. Siege recently got a few updates, read that forum post. I’ve stated a few times before, but when we get onto a bigger better server hosting, Im adding a new world that will have no TP, No map and No GP :) This is a world you can live in!

    I’m not saying make it easy at all. I’m saying make it actually possible without pure luck. At the moment it’s a pirate server without being able to really steal much at all. Somebody can sit at my base’s front door as much as they want, and they’ll never be able to take my good stuff. Why? Because of a single stonebrick sitting on a chest. : / It’s just too easy to be safe. And if it’s true that you can bring items/money between both worlds…then won’t that just mean people will keep their vaults in the safe one, where there’s no chance of losing their stuff really and just sell everything there? I might be wrong about that, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten so far. Also, VERY FEW people put soft blocks on their chests to lock them, so their chests are generally still pretty safe from raiders.

    Wheres your solution? all I hear is someone whining without actually helping or giving a solution.


    If possible, allow diamond blocks to be used for ammo to destroy “hard” blocks. People would be less willing to grief a base without a purpose if they have to use diamond blocks to pull it off. Also it would make people think more about their sieges/raids before actually doing it. This would allow people to be able to actually breach a base, but make it very expensive to pointlessly destroy the base. It’d be expensive for the raider, but if done right, the raider can benefit greatly from it if he doesn’t mess up. If he does mess up? Well, goodbye diamond blocks.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked. So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.) It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.

    Disagree, if it was easy to steal other players items, then nobody would play on the server as it would be a mayhem server, there would be no good builds, there would be no citys, no towns. Siege recently got a few updates, read that forum post. I’ve stated a few times before, but when we get onto a bigger better server hosting, Im adding a new world that will have no TP, No map and No GP :) This is a world you can live in!

    I’m not saying make it easy at all. I’m saying make it actually possible without pure luck. At the moment it’s a pirate server without being able to really steal much at all. Somebody can sit at my base’s front door as much as they want, and they’ll never be able to take my good stuff. Why? Because of a single stonebrick sitting on a chest. : / It’s just too easy to be safe. And if it’s true that you can bring items/money between both worlds…then won’t that just mean people will keep their vaults in the safe one, where there’s no chance of losing their stuff really and just sell everything there? I might be wrong about that, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten so far. Also, VERY FEW people put soft blocks on their chests to lock them, so their chests are generally still pretty safe from raiders.


    Wheres your solution? all I hear is someone whining without actually helping or giving a solution.

    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
    • ★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked. So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.) It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.

    Disagree, if it was easy to steal other players items, then nobody would play on the server as it would be a mayhem server, there would be no good builds, there would be no citys, no towns. Siege recently got a few updates, read that forum post. I’ve stated a few times before, but when we get onto a bigger better server hosting, Im adding a new world that will have no TP, No map and No GP :) This is a world you can live in!


    I’m not saying make it easy at all. I’m saying make it actually possible without pure luck. At the moment it’s a pirate server without being able to really steal much at all. Somebody can sit at my base’s front door as much as they want, and they’ll never be able to take my good stuff. Why? Because of a single stonebrick sitting on a chest. : / It’s just too easy to be safe. And if it’s true that you can bring items/money between both worlds…then won’t that just mean people will keep their vaults in the safe one, where there’s no chance of losing their stuff really and just sell everything there? I might be wrong about that, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten so far. Also, VERY FEW people put soft blocks on their chests to lock them, so their chests are generally still pretty safe from raiders.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked. So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.) It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.

    Disagree, if it was easy to steal other players items, then nobody would play on the server as it would be a mayhem server, there would be no good builds, there would be no citys, no towns. Siege recently got a few updates, read that forum post.

    I’ve stated a few times before, but when we get onto a bigger better server hosting, Im adding a new world that will have no TP, No map and No GP 🙂 This is a world you can live in!


    In reply to: Spawn Sign Bounty

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    You should make Tutorial book part of the spawn kit. You could also make /kit tutorial that will work similarly as /kit bible. New /tellraw command added to minecraft allows you to make interactive menus with links! You can write 150 pages long book, and player can easily use the link to get to whatever chapter he needs. This would save a lot of space, it would allow players to take this reference with them when they go build their base. Most importantly: Signs are annoying to read, books are not perfect but they are WAY better.

    I was considering a /warp tutorial, we kind of have them already for /warp cannons, bridge, gates. we could just have them all linked from one place, then we need a ship building tutorial and maybe a griefprevention one too, books need to be short and sweet, detailed information can be found in /info and on the website/wiki and bible, more books could work though! They are very time consuming to format properly, you would need to make them with a desktop tool preferably.

    Anyone that creates something like this I can use will be rewarded 🙂

    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
    • ★★★★

    One of the biggest reasons why deckhands get raided/sieged often is because it’s nearly impossible to raid people like Rep or Ani, but not because they’re good players or anything like that, but rather because it’s far too easy to protect your chests and your base. All you need is a few stonebricks and you’re good to go…it kinda contradicts the name of the server. How can you be a pirate/thief/ if everyone can easily put a stonebrick ontop of their chest and be completely safe? I would love to raid good players such as Rep, but can’t unless I get VERY lucky by getting into her base and THEN somehow miraculously find her chests unlocked.  So what do I have to do to raid people? Well, I need to go after newbies or people who forgot/don’t want to lock their chests. Not to mention nether portal being removed also further removed another way to actually raid someone. (even though nether portal raiders can be easily countered by ANYONE.)


    It’s just too hard to raid people on the server unless you get lucky now. I mean, what’s the point of cannons exactly anyways? You typically aren’t going to be destroying claimed base walls unless those walls are cobble and you’re in a siege…which is just a waste of ammo because it’s easy to just break cobble with a pickaxe. Not to mention, VERY FEW wealthy/good players on the server use any sort of soft blocks thhat can make their base vulnerable.


    In reply to: The cheating mob

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    • ★★★★★★

    OMG.. How can you tell me what I am… One day we’re gonna teamspeak… Cause I’m tired of you all telling me what I am why my player who is they are…

    i have not said a DAMN word and yet you guys came up with all this that isn’t even true which pisses me off I haven’t skyped any of you haven’t teamspeak any of you haven’t do as anything yet you still wanna post this BS and want everyone to buy into it… If I even post a few second video I might be a little pissed off but I mean it’s rude

    it really irritates me and I have held it in for to long… Stop it! Just stop… Enough with the runors and fake accusations it’s rude and it makes me really pissed… I mean stop saying what I am..

    stop telling people who I am when you don’t know for your self… I mean lol if you want a clip of who I really am? Ok then just post a simple yes at the bottom I will post it

    as long as you all promise to end all of the lies and accuasations because I haven’t even skyped staff on Skype haven’t even skyped a player HERE…. So your pinning me of false evidence and claiming what I am..

    But like I said don’t get mad if I’m a little irritated in the video cause wouldn’t you if they keep posting BS ABOUT YOURSELF AND TELLING PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE when its not even correct..

    I don’t want some big big response I just want a simple yes or no and I will make a few second video.. I’m not in the mood  to talk i just wanna show you all of who I am..

    the real rep no fake covers pictures videos just the real me… If you don’t believe this video idk what else to say to you..  I’m sorry but I’m not gonna put up with this another damn day

    yes for video or no… I just want that answer I want NOTHING ELSE just follow what I asked.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I requested these siege additions to GriefPrevetion over a year ago, they have finally been added.

    • During a siege, attackers may now place TNT inside the defender’s land claim and ignite it.
      – Damage players not the building.
    • During a siege, TNT will now destroy soft block types.
      – To allow cannons to break soft blocks (Un-tested)
    • After a siege ends, during the period where the defender’s doors are unlocked for looting purposes, attackers may now continue to break soft block types.
      – To allow looting of chests that use soft-blocks as locks.


    Hopefully this will sort out some siege pains.

    • Topics: 20
    • Replies: 40
    • Total: 60
    • ★★★

    tldr: /back abuse and iron door glitching has to stop!

    Yesterday I got attacked by Reptaria and he used /back to get around my cannon. He died about 4 times and /backed again and again to get around so he could come back with diamond armor.

    As I told him he is abusing /back I got Pm warnings that Reptaria does that often and people from his fanbase kept defending her with ridiculousness accusations that there might be a bed nearby. The worse part being that people wrote that I should let it slide because Reptaria is a girl.

    I also got warned that Reptaria acts like that so people like him more and he can break rules and get away with it. I wont go in to detail how pathetic that is since we are here to discuss more important matters.

    Later on Reptaria admitted that he used /back after dieing and his fanbase still kept defending her.

    As you can see Reptaria says he didn’t /back AFTER I told her not to. A Person who has played for so long and even complained about others abusing /back should know better!

    A staff member who shall for now not be named (maybe he will write here and admit/reason?) Also stated that is the way /back should work. If it really is why did people get banned for it and how are we supposed to get rid of people in our base?


    Which brings me to my two main complaints! I dont care that you attack people with 10 vs 1 and I dont care if you flame in chat and try to make me look as the bad guy. But just because you are losing doesnt make it right to break rules! I know one of your people glitched through an iron door and tped the others in!

    I hope that staff finds a way to fix /back abuse and iron door glitching that is all I ask for I didnt lose anything important to me and dont even want my god armor or anything back that is easily replaced I want a solution to this problem.

    Now I am aware that her fanbase will come here and demand proof or nothing can be done but are the players really expected to record their gameplay just in case people cheat? Not everyone has a good computer to record everything. On other servers I played staff had plugins like log-block to control who opened doors and in general logs to get rid of cheaters doesnt staff here have similar means of disposing them?

    Cheaters cant be allowed to roam free until they use their cheats on someone who happens to have a good computer and who happens to record it at that time. There has to be a better solution.


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