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  • #22375

    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 33
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    • Total: 318
    • ★★★★★

    I see how this is going now, you see that you cannot argue against the report, so you try to create pathos (common rethorical device) to cover up what you have done by airplanes and towers. Btw, just a hint: add little cute puppies too, they work very well!

    @koi Your argument is piece of trash, BE is one of very few crews here that does not encourage breaking rules. We even have on our KOS list in bold: Do not break rules under any circumstances, or something along those lines. And we do enforce it, I am pretty sure that someone yelled at Keto in crew chat after he said that. Your crew, on the other hand, does not punish the glitcher but tries to cover him.

    And last but not least, unless I am having hallucinations, Ben was one of the people who attacked us, and he happened to glitch through my door. I do not see how that fits into your logic. Oh, and he is member of crew who started war on peaceful crew for no reason.



    P. S.: Ben, if you feel like so constructive person, why didn’t you stop your buddies from griefing fort decorations and blowing up dirt around nice town?

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 19
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    • Total: 118
    • ★★★★

    I am a witness of that I have given the guy almost 3 sets of god armor on the server but whenever there is a fight he just comes without armor and does not even fight. Ben is an amazing builder from what I have seen soo far, Konstruktor will confirm that Ben has a creative mind on the server rather than destructive like me ( I wont lie), one of the reason kons invited him to build beside his city ( we all know kons as an amazing builder and a person ). Ben is kind, caring about others on this server always tries to help wherever whenever however he can. A clean slate on piratecraft since the start. Believe me you dont want tp ban this guy , as he stated he was just testing it and we cant tp people in a siege so stop arguing about how he could have tped in ppl ,r u serious ? you killed him as soon as he came in through the door. Also while we are at noble Ben accepted that he was the culprit without fear, normally most people would try to argue give thier views like I did about bazurka opening the door …


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 44
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    merc, that isnt on-topic 😛


    This is a group created & designed for people to 'Patent' or 'Copyright' their builds, boat 'brands', services, YouTube series, Names, Craft, Trade etc. This is to stop fakes coming in & so people can then confirm that what ever they have created (as long as it is truly something worthy i.e. Weapon Brand = Worthy, All Swords of the Server (or something like that) = Unworthy).
    • Topics: 66
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    Nah like I said a million probably would be best.

    This would stop people making ‘kits’ in one go for 1,000 isn’t a lot ingame.

    Also if people were to get it for a million, they would have truly worked hard for it.


    But also @godsdead you could even make something like a dungeon maybe which is super hard to get through and to get to.

    And at the end your rewarded with A glider.

    Your then teleported to the cove.


    There could be a couple of these around the map.



    In reply to: Crews Deleted

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Can we keep all issues in one forum, there seem to be multiple forums, This is extremely messy and impossible to track.

    I need to know if a leader left, I need to know an exact date and time this happened so I can check the logs.

    Another thread:

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 105
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    • ★★★★

    “im gona hack your pc if you dont stop”

    Made me cringe.

    JDM Cars are the best

    • Topics: 44
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    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap… @Cysteen PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim. While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?

    Yes, placing portals in the nether at the right coordinates will allow you to get into certain bases, under specific requirements: There needs to be enough space in the Overworld to be created and there needs to be no other portal in the area (or they will connect.) The tactic is rather easy to counter and honestly isn’t that big of a deal. I thought this was banned though? This way of raiding is neither harmful (besides a few missing blocks at the location of the newly created portal) or overpowered. It can be countered by creating a blocked off portal or simply making sure there’s no spot in your base that would allow a default size portal. (The tactic is rather underpowered to be honest. You also need the exact coordinates of the inside of the target’s base and then you need to go to the Nether world’s counterpart’s coordinates…divide the Overworld coordinates by eight?)

    also @Godsdead there is a way to fix this if someone does this to u, @michty knows how to, i forget 😛


    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
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    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap… @Cysteen PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim. While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?


    Yes, placing portals in the nether at the right coordinates will allow you to get into certain bases, under specific requirements: There needs to be enough space in the Overworld to be created and there needs to be no other portal in the area (or they will connect.) The tactic is rather easy to counter and honestly isn’t that big of a deal. I thought this was banned though? This way of raiding is neither harmful (besides a few missing blocks at the location of the newly created portal) or overpowered. It can be countered by creating a blocked off portal or simply making sure there’s no spot in your base that would allow a default size portal. (The tactic is rather underpowered to be honest. You also need the exact coordinates of the inside of the target’s base and then you need to go to the Nether world’s counterpart’s coordinates…divide the Overworld coordinates by eight?)

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap…

    PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim.

    While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    So it wasn’t a glitch, they just used your nether portal? Funny enough I was checking out Nbiwe and Sky_Walker_99 who had setup about 30 chests in the nether outside a portal, and every chest was full of Armour and goodies, I was confused why they had this many chests out in the open in the nether, now it makes sense! They were rinsing your base! I also followed Nbiwe who must have set a home in the nether side as he was TPing between your bunker and the nether spot with all the chests, and the room he was raiding was completely unprotected chests, just a bunch of chests in the middle of a room all stacked on top of each other unlocked.

    I was treating this as suspicious as I got a previous report until I read this post.

    • They used an old portal of yours you left unclaimed and stranded in the nether.
    • This hilariously led into your vault that had..
    • Unprotected chests

    In reply to: dagersh bullying

    • Topics: 111
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    • Total: 781
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    elex coul you stop it with the negative comments…


    Dr. Solid, you really shouldn’t be talking boy. Every single one of my posts I swear u comment negativily.


    • Topics: 133
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    Haha, that’s more interesting news for PirateCraft than hang gliders, lol! But it’s only worth it if the boats are less glitchy and stop crashing all the damn time…


    In reply to: dagersh bullying

    • Topics: 35
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    elex coul you stop it with the negative comments…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: dagersh bullying

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 63
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    I guess this my rebuttal argument.

    So from when I started played on this server i’ve raided and been raided as is expected on a pirate server. Now doing more of the raiding myself I tend to repeat raid people going through a cycle that gives enough time for people to recover. In dpex’s description which occured about a month ago; with also bringing no further proof of harassment besides the fact that I would not stop attacking until I got a head ( which is  a reasonable goal) and just simply stating that “I attacked too much” does not seem as a reasonable enough reason for a bullying plea. The attacks on dpex’s crew were not for the sake of harassing players. I admit that I attacked their crew “reich” at times but not with malicious intent. I did not have and still have no reason to attack dpex and his friends for any other reason than gear . Even as he mentions that people would not join his crew for the sake of my “harassment” this was never mentioned until now and to my knowledge was never brought up with any moderators. Alot of this post involves claims from other server members with no substantiated proof. Did I behave with complete conduct when telling him that I would not stop for a head, no. Did I break the guidelines of polite speech, no. I can understand if my tone could have been seen as malignant but I don’t think a not perfectly polite tone counts as bullying. As for the point made that attacking for his diamond gear is “bull” I have stated numerous times on this server in public chat that I raid for heads and for diamond gear. I dont think for a second that I behaved with perfect conduct in messaging but do I have too? Dpex himself when I attempted to apologize for ruining  a portion of his server experience inadvertently through my raiding he threatened me with a report that you know see above. In dpex’s defense I realize that I may have overstepped some boundaries and I am willing to admit that but to add the idea that I had intent to harass is ludicrous. I understand that this post and even me saying I raid in a repeat cycle may make it seem as though  I only kill players but that is also false. I have helped defend numerous deckhands and cadets as well as even when I do kill lower ranking players for the occasional head I always return gear. Examples of this would be mr.potato, geomajesus, duplic, jacebade, as well as numerous others. To categorize me as a one dimensional player killer and harasser with “proof” that in work to my defence my showing that I do attack for heads and resources while saying at the same time that I verbally abuse people show the complete lack of a central argument in this post.

    ( sorry for my grammar and spelling kinda late when I wrote this :D)

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    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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