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  • #23852

    In reply to: War Has Ended!

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    Lol I’m not really claiming the top spot or anything like that, I just wanted to make a crew so that we could identify everyone in the two towns, I had no idea it would lead to an empire. I understand that VE is deteriorating slightly, but we are trying our best to try and get some power and to build defences, just bear with me 😛


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    This may sound very odd, as it is usually the opposite way around. Me and many other XE members have recently been confronted with a slight case of what i classify as ‘harassment’. If the information that i give you is irrelevant and unacceptable as a ‘report’, then just ignore this post please.
    Right. I believe this started on Tuesday at around 5 GMT. A group of around 3 deckhands decided to move very close to Thymen’s base, quite literally 60 blocks away; not a problem really. However, Thymen reported to me that these guys were being ‘irritating’ and started to build and terraform a small section of land in his ‘invisible land border’ by making a river. Not a big problem.

    Then things got a little spicy. I had only been on for a little while before the first ‘blah blah was slain by blah blah’ in chat. The deckhands had set a home in their base, as previously mentioned; about 60 blocks away. Then nerd poles started as the deckhands were trying to get into Thymens base repeatedly and just kept on beating Thymen and other XE members.

    I helped out by attacking a guy called gercastaldo, who stole some items of Thymen. But then they came, fists of fury; spawning in, punching me, and then getting a blade through their head. They did a constant attack for about an hour and a half. I did not pick the fight, and as far as i believe, nor did Thymen. I messaged @calliemav about the definition of harassment on this server whereby i got the reply ‘claim your area’ and ‘kill them then’ or something along those lines. We continued defending ourselves, CrazyPirate1 helped, until they logged off. That was Tuesday.

    Pretty much the same scenario happened on Wednesday for about 1 and an half to 2 hours. Keto and Bislo helped, koi offered to help but had to go, and i and Thymen received quite a bit of ‘hate’ for killing Deckhands. Then it increased to 4 deckhands doing exactly the same thing; spawning, punching us into lava, getting killed. I got jailed, keto got jailed twice i believe, bislo got jailed. On Tuesday as on Wednesday i warned them several times to go away, to not enter my base (which they purposefully kept running into) and then finally to leave XE land, and they didn’t. They asked for ‘help’ in chat, and Ragnnarok tp’ed in, telling us off for killing ‘Deckys’ and told us not to continue.

    Thursday was not as bad, gercastaldo asking for a fight from me and Thymen, his friends entering my base and taking wheat (not really a problem, and kinda my fault). People died, and that’s pretty much it.

    Please don’t reply to this saying its a ‘pvp server deal with it’, i know that, but i cant finish my port for the December BOTM if these deckhands literally spawn, walk over to the middle of my base when im building, punch me and then they moan that im killing them. I don’t like killing deckhands either, i have better things to do than keep people from annoying me and my crew, but this has been happening for the last 3 days for on average of about an hour a day. I cant ‘run’ if i have no hunger, i cant run over to their base and spawn camp them, because that’s against server rules and i wouldn’t do that. They just don’t leave us alone.

    Can someone who speaks whatever language they speak please tell them to leave us alone. They can come back once a week or so or whatever the server allows, but they are doing this everyday, which i believe ticks at least one of the boxes for harassment, and they just wont stop.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

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    When I first saw this post I decided to ignore it, but at this point it is so full of bullshit, I may as well add my opinion to it.

    Both VE and BE are completely defeated(and VE barely exists anymore). VE has 1-3 active members, and I haven’t seen them on the first page of /crew list in months. While BE technically has the amount of active members required to be an empire, they have no power left at all, or if they do, they aren’t using it to defend themselves. Pirates run unchallenged across warp trade killing everything that moves, while the owner watches from a window, unable to do anything to defend what was once a place of commerce. The only reason either group is anything more than a pile of rubble is due to the siege plugin not allowing us(CoV) to completely destroy anything, making it impossible to force unconditional surrender on anyone.

    Lol. I’m sorry but that comment is just too funny given the military status of the countries involved.

    EA could probably take down BE and VE by themselves. The only crew represented on this thread with any military status left is the Elves, who are currently the only empire left on the server with any power at all.

    God Crazy always so patronizing am I meant to make a 2 million block claim Jeeez stop judging a the time, not like all BE bases are untouchable.

    I’m just saying, it’s not really your lands if you have no control over them.

    Crazy does BE have control over any of its land anymore? Trade is a warzone, and Canada is so full of holes it might as well be a VE town.

    This is supposed to be a pirate server! Why does it consist of nothing but “empires” declaring “war” on crews with downwards of 3 active members?!


    In reply to: Additions to Brewing

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    Well anyway, millerkiller this is a forum topic you’ve opened called Additions to Brewing, we’ve lept at the chance to make something of it & your just being a bad fart.


    Be a Bad Fart else where please.

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    Oh now that does sound good! Is it instantaneous? So you can repair your ship (using materials in a obby hold etc) and continue ship battles for longer? I hope that you find a way to implement this exploit free!

    Its not instant, as it takes time to repair, as well as a cost, but in essence yes, you just hit a sign and it searches your ship chests for items and at a cost fixes your ship! It’s not been fully tested and seems sketchy though

    i guess you could use this so u could have “repair ships” that link up with the damaged ship by a 1×1 bridge, repair using items from the repair ship, and break off and sail away




    In reply to: War Has Ended!

    Crazy Pirate
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    God Crazy always so patronizing am I meant to make a 2 million block claim Jeeez stop judging a the time, not like all BE bases are untouchable.

    I’m just saying, it’s not really your lands if you have no control over them.


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

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    God Crazy always so patronizing am I meant to make a  2 million block claim Jeeez stop judging a the time, not like all BE bases are untouchable.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

    Crazy Pirate
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    Rep you are not the decider of our land so stop.

    But neither are you? I mean, people have been building left right and centre across your “lands”, and anyone can take a stroll though them with no problem.


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

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    Rep you are not the decider of our land so stop.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: Elven Bargon

    Crazy Pirate
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    With that said, the BE and VE are still at war, and we won’t stop until our requests are satisfied.

    The Queen
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    Earlier today the Elven empire was offered an gracious payment to stop war with VE. Thank you to that individual for the more expensive payment.

    VE vs EE war is over officialy

    From the Elves: Never Request an Alliance or trade with us again, we are sick and tired and done with your petty games.

    The elves are now at peace with Verussia and will go back to our borders where we came from.

    -King and Queen of the Elven Empire.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Additions to Brewing

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    People are becoming uninterested because the hints are too vauge…. There are way to many variables!!

    None of your forum posts are helpful at all, its as if your are blindly posting without thinking, if you have something to contribute @MillerKiller739, then contribute, if your going to be a sassy filthbag its not going to help anyone, If you have an idea then post it. You are being rather rude… Me bringing this up has started a LOT of talking!! I believe there will be a LOT of brews added because of me starting this post!! But, just pointing this out, YOU were rather rude!

    I would not go down that path.


    In reply to: Additions to Brewing

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 13

    People are becoming uninterested because the hints are too vauge…. There are way to many variables!!

    None of your forum posts are helpful at all, its as if your are blindly posting without thinking, if you have something to contribute @MillerKiller739, then contribute, if your going to be a sassy filthbag its not going to help anyone, If you have an idea then post it.


    You are being rather rude… Me bringing this up has started a LOT of talking!! I believe there will be a LOT of brews added because of me starting this post!! But, just pointing this out, YOU were rather rude!


    In reply to: A Quick Update

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    id best be stop killing at market then … (jk i would neevveerrr)

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

    The Queen
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    Again could have been avoided but you know what you will learn from this, don’t betray people who sent armies to die for you.

    Such treacherous traitors such as yourselves will be dealt with and were not immediately done with you VE, so I suggest this

    Stop spamming me and the King asking why we are at war you know why. I feel disgusted to have been friends with such people as you all.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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