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  • #24319
    • Topics: 66
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    @reptaria @elves @santa @babyjebus @someotherchristmassythings @ben&hollyslittlekingdom @twig


    I am worried this year guys!

    I haven been told who to send my Christmas list on piratecraft!


    My hunch is to the Elves as they make presents for santa… maybe Saint @nicholas doesn’t exist D:


    Reptaria is the leader of the Elves & i’m worried I might not get my Christmas!!

    Reptaria… are you & the elves being lazy? If so im pretty sure santa will not be happy!!


    But anyway.

    I think the Elves should be bringing happiness to all! so that when I wake up, go into the dining room, get my laptop, sit down, turn it on, login, load up minecraft, realise I have no sound & close the screen, reload & I have sound, choose piratecraft, try 3 times because it doesn’t let me in, 4th time is the charm, appear, get excited, go up my stairs, out side & see… MY PRESENT!!


    But no one knows what my present is… so i’ll put it here <3


    ~~~Palmer’s Wish List!!~~~

    1. I would like a magnificent bow!

    2. World peace

    3. My Farter (ask around)

    4. A Noise

    5. A Pet Oak-Tree!! called Brian (can just be a sapling nicknamed Brian The Oak-Tree!!).



    So I hope you get that Santa or the elves.

    & just for reference; here is my coordinates for you to deliever to (it may change if so i’ll notify)

    -2184, 65, 2759 (live map coordinates)

    & i’ll have a place where my presents can be left <3


    Thanks you!

    & if you guys want presents make sure you put your wishlist (max of like 5 things (have like 3 things which will happen (I know, my farter will come to me!!)) so it’s not so hard!).







    (at the time of posting, I was low on medication for my ADHD & Asperger syndrome so that’s why this is a little bit crazy & out of place, my medication wears off in the evenings; about 18:00 GMT)


    In reply to: Jail And Combat

    New Name WyattJetty
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    I dont anymore after someone said that I could get banned for that I stopped. and Just to make sure I was fighting in my house and I died and came back I didnt /back I /homed thats not bannable if its going into your own house

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”


    In reply to: Jail And Combat

    • Topics: 66
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    don’t kill captains?

    & if you do destroy their things or collect it, you have at least 2-4 seconds depending on how quickly they can click respawn & type /back or even get it up.


    & yet I understand your frustration with the jail thingy, but that is there to stop people repeatedly killing someone to stop spawn killers, but if your under attack & that happens it can be annoying.

    But usually when your under attack it’s more than one person, if you kill one person, get the other one, as it then ‘resets’.

    For example player A is getting raided by players B & C.

    player A though kills player B, but C is left, if he kills C then the kills for B ‘no longer exist’ so if you were to kill player B 2 more times you would not be jailed, but if you were to kill player C 2 more times you would be.


    If this isn’t that case that there is 2 players, get into cover where they can’t get to you & you can’t kill them.

    If you can set up some redstone defences, you could pour lava out of your walls to burn them possibly, killing them indirectly or just hide from them until they go or whatever.


    hope this helps as it took me about 5-6 minutes to type this.

    • Topics: 66
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    What I meant by

    No, you need to post this really in this topic.


    I then put this as a link…





    Believe it or not (incredibly) it says topic somewhere in that link!!

    New Name WyattJetty
    • Topics: 14
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    Hi this is JettyStrafes Apart of Black Hawk. One thing that I come a cross alot when  killing is, Ever time I kill someone near there home or they /back, they pick up there armor and put it on and fight again. WHEN I just KILLED them. I understand that /back is a good perk for captains, but if I kill them ever time they /back and I kill them I get jailed! So to Stop this problem I say

    You should be able to drop Items out of your hotbar/inventory  while in PVP-Combat. This makes it so the player can /back and try to kill him or her as the other person can pick up the gear and go! or leave to house with what they came for.

    And jail, If the person is attaking and you kill them you should not get jailed. you should only get jailed for smap killing if they dont make the first. I would love for these problems to be adressed. thank you

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”

    • Topics: 50
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    could you clarify the first part, “<span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px;”>No, you need to post this really in this topic” the sentence was structured kinda awkwardly, but as i said i was told by an experienced player (_Missive_) to post this here, so if you’re saying i shouldn’t post here I’m sorry, and the reason I’m making a forum post is I couldn’t get any staff on yesterday, but as i put in my previous post the player was banned, so I’m not sure if they have a rule for this but they are certainly not coming back for their claim</span>,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 66
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    No, you need to post this really in this topic.

    here’s the link:


    But im sure someone can have a look into this for you.

    Also make sure it meets the requirements to actually be removed.


    In reply to: Hacks and harassments

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    In chat, he confirms he’s using alts, see the other thread (long list of offences) for more details. Just read through chat in the video, reason enough to ban him.


    Username: BiohazardMutate

    1. PvP hacks (sneak sprint, dealing more damage. I have no direct proof for this one but many people saw and recorded it and can attach. He is not even trying to hide it, it is hard to miss person who sneaks, sprints, and kills and the same time.)

    2. Use of alt accounts

    3. Bad language in public chat

    4. Changing IPs

    5. Avoiding previous punishment (He claims to be Henrik)”


    In the videos above, he admits to the above, and is seen crouch sprinting:

    For a demo of said hack, it matches perfectly with the evidence above.

    • Topics: 794
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    I haven’t ever ventured out to Advertise as we have never needed to, I would like to try an experiment though, MinecraftForums released a brand new server list the weekend just gone, and I was one of the first 200 servers to sign up to it, I would like to see if its possible to get onto the front page of the server list, only yesterday the top server only had 200 votes! now they are sitting at close to 600! The list seems to only work based on votes, which means if we can get in early we might be able to secure a good top spot!

    I didn’t post this at the weekend when I submitted the server as they had an issue with their website not saving the votifier URL, I notified the tech team and they fixed it for all the servers (Go me!) so now it is working with our vote roulette system.

    For this experiment I have removed all bad-vote based rewards to encourage people to take part.

    The URL was added to /vote and to the votes page.

    The link!

    • Topics: 794
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    I have re-written, re-ordered and updated all information on the Ships Guide page to reflect all recent updates, that’s updated blocks, method for control, new ships, new stats for each one.

    Now this is out, I can start work on a blog post about the changes 🙂

    What this page still needs:

    • Quick simple video on how to use ships (recapping the top stages) for brand new players
    • Maybe a vgif of a ship moving past an island
    • Screenshots for all missing ships, subs and turrets
    • Topics: 66
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    I tend to be pretty active on the wiki.

    I’ve made plenty of topics, edited certain pages & written up quite a lot of the main topics & new topic ‘pages’.


    I recently have added more to The Allied page so if people look at that they can see history of some of the wars, it also includes all the members of The Allied, SO WATCH OUT!!

    I do believe people should be encouraged also to put information on their crew also & for people to put information in where it’s needed i.e. certain places, people & other things need filling in where other people don’t know enough about them to put something useful.


    Also I think if we give rewards to people (we will need some way of knowing who has edited something to such an extent that it is worth a reward) who write a lot about their nation or settlement or history or information about other people.


    A new rank even could be created for people who make valuable contributions to the wiki, filling in information where it’s needed, adding new important information, keeping things up to date.


    The Wiki actually is pretty cool & an awesome Archive for all the server’s nooks & crannies!

    • Topics: 794
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    Hey everyone a few small changes that could make all the difference.

    You’ve all seen me rage at people hijacking my /r in game, this is infuriating! I’m sure a lot of other people also feel the same. /r now goes to the person you messaged last, otherwise the first person that messaged you. Which means if someone messages you when you are already in a conversation your /r will not be set to them!

    Second small change; Minimum you can /pay someone is now £1, This stops the silly £0/£0.01.

    I also updated NoCheatPlus and added a dependency for it that should be better at detecting bad people.

    Changed the “broadcast” message to “Missive”


    In reply to: Looking for Moderators

    • Topics: 794
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    If you posted from October 19th-November 8th I did not get any of the moderator entry’s due to this error that I fixed with the website

    If you still have it then please submit again, I will not penalize for it being sent a second time just in case.


    In reply to: Shipshops?

    • Topics: 794
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    @GodsDead I am sorry. I didn’t want to sound like whining, that’s why i put this up in a separate post in the general forum. I just kinda wanted to brainstorm about shipshops and if there are better alternatives since the only idea i had was this terrible idea of warfts which won’t work for obvious reasons. I am awaiting the new update eagerly so please don’t take this as offense to your hard work.

    Im not 100% with spwnable ships either, but I cant think of an alternative, I definitely think we should have spawnable ships as people are too scared to use their own, Its the teleporting which is stopping people using the ships, but I couldn’t disable TP on this world as people are too used to it. Hence the second world for all that jazz.


    In reply to: War Has Ended!

    The Queen
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    I’m curious of what you mean by that Paul BE and EE started days before each other, Be was first when they were officially an empire and then came the elves, we were just organizing ourselves from Cornola so I’m just trying to be clear were not like other “waltzing empires” because we are just as old as the BE

    I just don’t want our name being tainted as such. I mean for crying out loud your PM is elvish!! Well has the blood by that I mean, former elf long ago I just wanted to make it clear We are just as established because the phrase “other empires” is kinda itchy topic if you understand where I’m coming from

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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