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  • #24554
    • Topics: 44
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    Bounty gaming is a blight on the system. Maybe there is another way to inhibit it? What if, say, having your bounty taken were to give you debuff (painful enough to make players think twice before dying but not so debilitating as to be used for abuse)? An effect could for instance to not be able to use /pay for 24 hours, to get an extended cooldown timer on teleports or for chat to post shameful messages about you for all to see. No idea how feasible this would be, but it’s an idea.

    I think you’re onto something here, have something more to it. Bounties currents SUCK. maybe we could replace it with a completely different system, I wouldn’t know what though, It would be amazing to have “posters” for wanted criminals, maybe based on their kill streak or something, Not sure how it would technically work, maybe lets have a look at alternative plugins? – Removed Off topic reply’s from this thread.

    posters? ooh i like that 😀

    maybe we could have a wanted poster board at cove! 😀


    • Topics: 17
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    Would anyone be interested in starting something like this?

    Bounty Offices

    • Topics: 794
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    Bounty gaming is a blight on the system. Maybe there is another way to inhibit it? What if, say, having your bounty taken were to give you debuff (painful enough to make players think twice before dying but not so debilitating as to be used for abuse)? An effect could for instance to not be able to use /pay for 24 hours, to get an extended cooldown timer on teleports or for chat to post shameful messages about you for all to see. No idea how feasible this would be, but it’s an idea.

    I think you’re onto something here, have something more to it. Bounties currents SUCK. maybe we could replace it with a completely different system, I wouldn’t know what though, It would be amazing to have “posters” for wanted criminals, maybe based on their kill streak or something, Not sure how it would technically work, maybe lets have a look at alternative plugins?

    – Removed Off topic reply’s from this thread.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 125
    • Total: 146
    • ★★★★

    Elex. Pls stop trying to say others are wrong. Its just a game to get the server to have fun. Lighten up a bit


    also who get who is random and i have place to host and plan for all so dont worry


    btw this has turned so successfull i think we also need a party as well.  Woooh if you wanna help out. Just say

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 125
    • Total: 146
    • ★★★★

    Elex. Pls stop trying to say others are wrong. Its just a game to get the server to have fun. Lighten up a bit


    also who get who is random and i have place to host and plan for all so dont worry

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 84
    • Total: 116
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    No, I have not quit, I have just recently been unable to play due to my amount of business.

    So if all yall could stop trying to take my compound on the claims removal forum, that would just be super.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 106
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★

    Bazurka. What do you call a pirate who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.

    Pirates aren’t rebels, they’re just thieves. Rebels are people who actively go against their leader. Pirates just break the law and steal to profit, but they don’t count as rebels because they’re not doing it for any sort of political movement. Your joke doesn’t work.



    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

    • Topics: 39
    • Replies: 414
    • Total: 453
    • ★★★★★

    Bazurka. What do you call a pirate who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.

    Pirates aren’t rebels, they’re just thieves. Rebels are people who actively go against their leader. Pirates just break the law and steal to profit, but they don’t count as rebels because they’re not doing it for any sort of political movement.

    Your joke doesn’t work.

    Don’t think about it too much ! 😉

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Bounty is clearly flawed in its design as there’s no way for it to figure out who your friends are, the only real method would be to remove /pay, which would cause a lot of havoc! Which brings me to the conclusion that this will be impossible to police, Gaming a bounty is not cool in my books, but we cant stop it permanently.  Are dragonblanc9000 and ReiikoZ on the forums? Can someone tag them if they are.

    I suggest using it tactfully, checking the map to make sure there alone to encourage other people to scout out and collect it.

    £250 removed from ReiikoZ account & warned.

    £250 removed from dragonblanc9000 account & warned.

    Edit: Discussion about a bounty enhancement or change, in this thread

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    @WesleyCrusher I have put a cooldown on it, but the plugin that I created it with stopped working for unknown reasons, and I also got this implemented into the default Essentails as a permission but that too was troublesome as it would just add a cooldown to everything, this was back in July! Please read the forums, this has been discussed and implemented, it just isn’t working.

    pho.todoes not work, I cannot read those screenshots as I cannot view the images when clicked, please use imgur, imgur even embeds into the website.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    In two of your screenshots the chat says you tagged me and the rest show me at a reasonable distance away from you crouching underwater, that just proves my point that you kept killing me every time that i went back to salvage my stuff. XD  Any time i attacked you it was in self-defence which was allowed, if i came back with better equipment it was because i knew you would try to kill me and my only hope of getting my stuff back was if i had stronger armour, if using logic as a means of surviving on a PvP server is wrong then i really am guilty for trying to get my stuff out and alive, i even used an ender pearl to try and escape from you with my loot. Also, your final screenshot is censored since you are reporting me then you shouldn’t censor anything you should be transparent and honest. Like i told you, this was all a waste of time that could have been avoided if you stopped shooting me every time i went back to collect my stuff. 9. Use common sense. These rules aren’t exhaustive. If something doesn’t appear in these rules but seems like it should be forbidden, then it probably is! Ask staff members if in doubt. I posted this rule because it is relevant to the case, in the game itself it says to use the “/back” if you have died to get your lost gear which means that i was actually not breaking any rules, i was using an in-game mechanic for its correct function and purpose. also: Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc) Respect other players. If you’re angry against a player, use a pirate insult, nothing else. Do not try to troll players and do not attack a player repeatedly without a valid reason. The fact that you weren’t allowing me to get my stuff back and kept attacking me on sight shows that you were harassing me and i’m sure JaceBlade who got involved can also point out that you were using Verbal abuse directed at me, something you seemed to have conveniently left out of your screenshots along with many other things. that violates the Keep chat readable, English only and PG-rated. (No spam or caps abuse) Write full sentences. Do not write in any language other than English. Do not spam the chat in any way or abuse caps. Rules, so like i said this was all a pointless waste of time and effort, when in truth all you had to do was let me get my stuff without attacking me. 

    I removed the tags, didn’t want to be annoying.

    Your own argument throws you in the shit really, /back is used to get items back from PVE, when you use it in a PVP situation, it is /back abuse.


    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 8
    • Total: 11

    I was thinking it’d be great if a player head showed some kind of status to indicate its “value” such as # of “hours since last death” or “hours since last player death.” Maybe with floating text above the head?

    Maybe even a “top” command to show the current top alive counters. (Gives you a list of targets to hunt.).

    Has anyone heard of such a server plugin? Maybe I will build one. It makes for more interesting pvp rewards. A 100-hr head much more valuable than a 1-hr one. It also would provide incentive to hunt for the same player head when the “hours since last death” hits some milestone, like who has the most “100 hour heads.”


    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 25
    • Total: 33
    • ★★

    In two of your screenshots the chat says you tagged me and the rest show me at a reasonable distance away from you crouching underwater, that just proves my point that you kept killing me every time that i went back to salvage my stuff. XD


    Any time i attacked you it was in self-defence which was allowed, if i came back with better equipment it was because i knew you would try to kill me and my only hope of getting my stuff back was if i had stronger armour, if using logic as a means of surviving on a PvP server is wrong then i really am guilty for trying to get my stuff out and alive, i even used an ender pearl to try and escape from you with my loot.

    Also, your final screenshot is censored since you are reporting me then you shouldn’t censor anything you should be transparent and honest.

    Like i told you, this was all a waste of time that could have been avoided if you stopped shooting me every time i went back to collect my stuff.

    9. Use common sense.

    These rules aren’t exhaustive.
    If something doesn’t appear in these rules but seems like it should be forbidden, then it probably is!
    Ask staff members if in doubt.

    I posted this rule because it is relevant to the case, in the game itself it says to use the “/back” if you have died to get your lost gear which means that i was actually not breaking any rules, i was using an in-game mechanic for its correct function and purpose.


    Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc) Respect other players. If you’re angry against a player, use a pirate insult, nothing else. Do not try to troll players and do not attack a player repeatedly without a valid reason.

    The fact that you weren’t allowing me to get my stuff back and kept attacking me on sight shows that you were harassing me and i’m sure JaceBlade who got involved can also point out that you were using Verbal abuse directed at me, something you seemed to have conveniently left out of your screenshots along with many other things.

    that violates the

    Keep chat readable, English only and PG-rated. (No spam or caps abuse)
    Write full sentences.
    Do not write in any language other than English.
    Do not spam the chat in any way or abuse caps.

    Rules, so like i said this was all a pointless waste of time and effort, when in truth all you had to do was let me get my stuff without attacking me.



    In reply to: Claim blocks not given

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 2

    Well I did ask and was told you get them at first buy as well. Thanks for the help though I wasn’t being aggressive I was simply stating my problem :-/ They should change the captains benefits since if they stopped that benefit it shouldn’t still be included as one. Not sure if you could alert the admins or not to that.


    In reply to: Claim blocks not given

    • Topics: 82
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    Look again. You only get claim blocks when you purchase captain rank continuously (continuation of subscription)

    Either way though… I’m pretty sure admins stopped giving the claimblock benefit a looong time ago. Don’t sound so aggresive and count the numerous benefits you already get as a captain.





    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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