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  • #25490

    In reply to: Question about Bars

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    Hayden, [Device] sign allows you to control lever using sign and charge people per use. You have hopper line leading to output chest. Then you have droppers facing DOWN over top of it. And levers connected to [Device] signs on top of the droppers. When person uses the sign, lever activates the dropper and throws the drink down into the hopper line. This safely delivers it to the output chest where your customer can pick it up.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: New skin! :D

    Tom sherrif
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    Is that GodsDead in the top pic?

    New Name WyattJetty
    • Topics: 14
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    • ★★★

    Hey guys I have two ideals that might help the server out. I was going to say this on my last topic so people would not think Im spamming the forums but my last one got closed.

    Alright So the Noob town Ideal was When you see a new person join the server you give um a sec to read through the rules and then you msg them. You-“hey Would you like a house and some stuff to get you started” Noob-Sure thanks. So you would let them tpa to the Noob town and trust them to the house you built So they could have some were to live.

    I was going to do This Out side Of my base And build A ton Of nice houses that they could live in. Once they hit cadet or sailor You kick um out so more people could join.Theres one downfall, if you let a killer into your town he might kill everyone and thats not safe. My solution to that was To make separate claims so the killer could not get inside. Why would it be next to my house you ask.If the killer is rekting everyone I could kill him just by running over there quickly and killing him and removing the claim so he can no longer live there.

    The live map Upgrade, okay so theres a big problem I can fix. When you drink invis to go sneak up on someone you cant see were you are on the live map because you have invis .solution- you make a pirate craft account and you login. If you drink invis you can see yourself if your logged in to your piratecraft account. You could see your head on the live map with a small timer and a invis icon next to your head indicating you were invis.

    -jetty thanks Im not saying this to get unbanned it was a long time ideal

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Ye scabby sea basses!

    You may or may not have seen Charlies Media team recruitment form, so this is another call to anyone that is capable of running shaders with smooth edges that has an eye for photography and wants to take screenshots for PirateCraft each month to run the BOTM with Chailey.

    I need you to be able to:

    • Run shaders (Install optifine, and then add SEUS shaders to your shaders minecraft folder, enable in Optifine)
    • Test and find the best settings for the shaders, anti-aliased edges, turn off clouds etc
    • Pick some Resource packs that look great in the shaders, a favorite is chroma hills, photo realistic
    • Be able to take screenshots each month in time for the end of the month, and repeat this process.
    • Bonus: be able to do some basic Photoshopping to do some post on the screenshots (Colour improvements & adding the logo)

    Please reply to Chaileys forum post with your imgur album of screenshots and fill out the form he has added.

    Media Team: Recruitment Form

    • Topics: 32
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    please just give me 1 more chance, I love these people on this is the server I grew up on. I learned what I need to change. I will be respectful and Try my best 2 be nice. if I stopped killing only to defend I could learn please on more chance!

    Eye find it hard 2 taek u srsly when u arnt even typing proper language, it makes ur remorse hard to b-live.

    New Name WyattJetty
    • Topics: 14
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    please just give me 1 more chance, I love these people on this is the server I grew up on. I learned what I need to change. I will be respectful and Try my best 2 be nice. if I stopped killing only to defend I could learn please on more chance!

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”


    In reply to: USE and cubigran

    • Topics: 2
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    hello I am teh dager and I want all your moniez. mebe even some doamands. if I don get the items you will dei.



    Stop messing around this is serious

    • Topics: 33
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    First of all, calm down and stop throwing strong words around, GodsDead is owner of this server, not some sort of “helper” you could freely attack. So please treat him with respect, he has enough work to do here even without your cries.

    Second of all, Bislo has played on this server much longer then you have, and he is well known and respected player. It is up to staff to evaluate whether his testimony can or can not be considered sufficient evidence in this case. You should have bothered to build yourself some reputation if you want your word to matter as much as his does.

    Third of all, I would understand your outrage more if this was permanent ban, but this is just few days. Do not try to get yourself into more mess then you are already in. By the usual standards of your past records, you could have been banned long time ago. Please appreciate that staff have been tolerant of you so far instead of accusing  them of abuse.

    Anyway, just accept your punishment and let Bislo enjoy the peace you have been repeatedly denying him.


    EDIT: That poor attempt for pathos at the end of your post is rather pathetic. How ironic. 😛 (Those who know rhetorical techniques will understand)

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    WAR is Declared!
    On the night of December 15th war was declared between the Sovereign State of Cubigran and the United States Empire. This was the culmination of many different killings, and frustrations between the two groups. After talking to the press, the leader of Cubigran said that he set the expectations of reparations lower than usual so that they could actually be achieved. But after another conference with CelticHawk (one of the leaders of the USE) they do not plan to set the bar very low at all. The USE told the reporter last evening that the war reparations, should Cubigran fall, were to be 1 God Apple and 500£. Both sides stated that they are still trying to stop conflict through diplomacy but it is becoming very grim indeed for any possible outcome besides bloodshed. With Viper joining in the battle it seems all sides are on a one way track to war.


    Yesterday the press visited two Vault-Tec bases and were awestruck by the inner beauty of these indestructible bases! As they came up to the first vault, the scenery was a beautiful desert dotted by cactus here and there.

    As they entered it they found it to be amazingly well constructed and decorated, the halls were simple yet diverse, and the rooms were well designed.

    After exploring the first vault the reporter moved on to the second one This one was nestled in the woods and had a very beautiful at it’s summit. This vault even had it’s own apartments that had some very beautiful scenes, that just could not be passed by.

    This vault also had it’s own message carrier system!

    The tour that I got of Vault-Tec’s two bases showed a whole new way of looking at these places. Not only are these vault’s a great way to be safe, but these designers (Lithvather, ARoman2005, and Rubihube) showed that there is so much more to having and creating a vault.

    Delta Reparations
    This is a letter that I received from a member of Delta.
    The XE had been stealing from a Delta base under our nose. Texter495 had shaped them up but they still hadn’t given us our stolen materials. If they dont give Delta the materials back in 3 days, it’s WAR. What they need to return is:
    -5 god swords
    -5 stacks of bottles of experience
    -A 32 Emeralds
    -£250 Fine For Trespassing Delta territory
    Written by:


    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!
    ” Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting
    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!
    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE.

    Thank you for reading the first ever edition of the PirateCraft News and thank you all for your support in helping me make this happen. Yours Truly

    Manda the Panda

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 794
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    I thought I removed these in the recent update, Im about 80% geared towards removing all stone based items from ships, Im re-working the cove spawning, and I need docks ships don’t stick to if you crash them into them, assuming I already removed stonebrick, stoneslabs and stone stairs from ships I was confused why the ships were getting stuck, there on… I cant see any good design use for stone-brick on ships, this would allow us to build actual good looking docks using stone at the edges to stop ships from getting stuck when released.

    I will await what people think, There will be a few ships that will use stone in their designs, but im talking about a greater issue that a few ship designs here, having usable docks.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Newspaper!

    • Topics: 63
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    Yea thanks again Godsy for pointing that out!


    (Also is there anyone who would like their builds to be shown in the first copy of the news? I would love to stop by and take a few pics and add them to the story as well. And if the Empire’s leaders would like to advertise in the news as well, let me know and I can either set up the add myself or you can send me what you want to have stated.)

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    @CrazyPirate1 – Your stupidity has once again made you fail to realize my point…we have elves on the server as well. Are you going to tell them that they should stop roleplaying as elves because the server is about the “golden age of piracy” and not Lord of the Rings? I mean sure go ahead, I always thought the whole idea of the Elven Empire was ridiculous as well. But according to your logic, they also shouldn’t be on the server as well. Your crew has a rather bad history of trying to make false accusations about players (like when Michty tried to say one of my bases was made to only attack him) and say they were cheating/harassing people to get them banned. There’s plenty of ways for Bislo to protect himself and it’s only his fault that he keeps dying. I never really cared much for Jetty, but he should have the right to PVP on the server because it is still a PVP server after all. Bislo has plenty of money and resources to protect himself. It’s not difficult to make a god set, god apples and potions. The simple solution to Bislo dying? Get better and fight back. @Block – And how do you expect me to do that? Please use your brain before you make such a reply. @

    My stupidity? You said that this server is a Viking based server. We’re trying to get the very simple point across to you that this is a pirate server, and while other crews (Elves, British, etc) exist, it is not a Viking server. Fact. It’s also not a diehard PVP server. So get this into your thick skull, before you call people stupid, you can be whatever you want on this server, but it still is a pirate server. And that doesn’t mean you can be a dick to other people; common sense still applies.

    Stop insulting people’s intelligence, and can we get back to the topic about how some twit is harassing a public warp?

    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
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    @CrazyPirate1 – Your stupidity has once again made you fail to realize my point…we have elves on the server as well. Are you going to tell them that they should stop roleplaying as elves because the server is about the “golden age of piracy” and not Lord of the Rings? I mean sure go ahead, I always thought the whole idea of the Elven Empire was ridiculous as well. But according to your logic, they also shouldn’t be on the server as well. Your crew has a rather bad history of trying to make false accusations about players (like when Michty tried to say one of my bases was made to only attack him) and say they were cheating/harassing people to get them banned. There’s plenty of ways for Bislo to protect himself and it’s only his fault that he keeps dying. I never really cared much for Jetty, but he should have the right to PVP on the server because it is still a PVP server after all. Bislo has plenty of money and resources to protect himself. It’s not difficult to make a god set, god apples and potions. The simple solution to Bislo dying? Get better and fight back.


    @Block – And how do you expect me to do that? Please use your brain before you make such a reply.



    • Topics: 133
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    This version of Minecraft should be Mojang’s next project, not Minecraft Story Mode! 😀 Who wouldn’t want to play on their desktop, haha!

    The mistakes I saw:

    -o- 05:33: They mined the 15 diamond blocks to get 4 sets of diamond gear + 4 pickaxes + 4 swords = 116 diamonds. There should be a maximum of 19 diamonds left under the beacon (so two diamond blocks). There are twelve left.

    -o- You need to delete the contents of the recycling bin to remove the files permanently, lol.

    Any more? 🙂

    • Topics: 67
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    This is A very good Argument. I tryed saying this in game so I would not have to Defend my self here. But everyone does not get this I guess, you realize that Killing in shops is a player rule. (2end)……. Harrasment? are you saying that me killing you is Harrasment. just No. Ive killed you only a few times but I think killing you is not harrasment. I kill you and run is that a rule that I did not hear/see. Because I kill and run all the time and people get mad. I can kill and run and tpa away if I want.

    It is harassment jetty.. You’ve done it continuously for a year? Its the way it is done. Its unfair, because you abuse the fact that you can warp right in on my ass in 1 sec, without me having a chance to even realise you are around. It might be a staff decision to let you do this, but is it fair? I don’t think so.. You are a coward and I can’t wait till the new update drops and your tactics will be unusable.

    and please.. stop saying that killing in shops is a player rule again and again, everyone knows… ages ago



    Founder of Port Hope

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