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  • DirectorAnivian
    • Topics: 82
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    Oops! Forgot to make a forum post last night when I uploaded the video XD.

    Happy holidays! This is just a little project that I have been working on in my free time on the PirateCraft Minecraft server.

    NOTE: The song may have sounded off-beat in some areas and that is due to the redstone signal passing through all of the noteblocks really quickly that the server couldn’t handle it so the notes would get delayed for a brief period of time creating the random stops in the notes.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 25
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    I like the idea of a guard for the shop and that would help players make money,but they won’t be able to stop everyone. So to get a Pvp free zone you have to be a donater, you’re shop has to over 1,000 blocks and then the staff votes if it deserves to be Pvp free.

    • Topics: 133
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    I am grave-digging this topic as it is still current. This particular thread is almost a year old and the decision was made (actively or passively) to not make player-run shops PVP free.

    In the meantime, the situation has deteriorated even further. Shops are actually even more dangerous now than they were back then and many are chronically understocked due to fewer people visiting warps.

    Originally my personal opinion was that shop owners should use redstone to provide safety for customers. Some do these days, such as /warp food, but the fact remains that players can warp in immediately, sometimes invisible, and ambush players that way before they’re even detected. Warp killers get rich quick and cheaply at the expense of honest customers. The only way to go shopping in relative peace is with an invisibility effect active.

    I’ve heard there is an idea in the works to remove shop warps in favour of some other system. Is this a true rumour or do we need to reignite the discussion surrounding PVP free shopping zones?


    In reply to: ImJaggz Hacking

    • Topics: 6
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    Xenon is not a hacked client its for FPS similar to optifine. Look it up. I havent been banned for hacks for 2 years. Look it up it increases FPS. I record every time I play MC, of which I can upload ALL. Nothing is ever on, ever. I can upload all 4 days of footage. Plus:

    Stop lying, you are caught,Deal with it and grow a pair of balls.


    Client By:Ownage Dev Team
    Minecraft 1.8 – 1.8.9 Xenon Hacked Client

    JDM Cars are the best

    • Topics: 4
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    you guys can say what you want while you still can, once the staff and owner see how mean you guys are they will stop this real fast. Its not nice to have a new player join on an old account and start bullying and making false accusations of me being jettyman.

    Its just mean!

    Do The Pirate Dance!

    • Topics: 4
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    Hey guys. This one is mainly for the staff because they can help with this. People are bullying me and saying I’m jettyman. I really don’t want this to go on because it ruins my my fun. I try to not focus on the chat but everyones calling out my name so I kinda do. I called out to the staff because they’re always on and can stop this. Please stop, Godsy’s checked my IP and said that it does not match… I’m not jettyman!

    Do The Pirate Dance!

    • Topics: 2
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    UGH you  messed up, stop complaining and posting threads such as these.

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    • Topics: 17
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    I recommend against posting glitches in the forums. Glitches are usually problems with the core game or the plugins, neither of which staff has the ability to fix. Staff can notify the developers, but glitches can still be abused while the developers fix the issue (supposing the developers care to fix it at all). The best thing to do is to message staff directly about glitches, not post them publicly where everyone can see.

    None of these glitches seem to be capable of being abused for one player’s benefit intentionally…

    The title of the thread is “Post your known glitches so they can be fixed.”  My intent was only to caution those who might post in the future.


    In reply to: LOL

    • Topics: 794
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    Lets get the other side of the story shall we? See how this story changes once we hear it out.

    This stupid little asshole, emailed me 20 times in a row because he couldnt type out the IP or copy and paste it, he got angrier and angrier that I didnt reply within the 5 mins he spammed my email over and over being aggressive and rude, then he decided to come onto the website and call me “stupid” not realizing that I was the owner. This earned the idiot a permanent ban for pissing me off, I dont want you on my server, I have told him multiple times to stop messaging me and now I see this!

    Thread closed, @Cheatse go play in traffic.

    Oh and IP ban across network and account blocked, asshole.

    • Topics: 8
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    • Total: 77
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    So I’ve been putting this off for some time. Every once in awhile i’ll notice a glitch that needs fixing and then I will promptly forget about it so I am making this thread so I and anyone else who wants to can update it on the spot when they notice a glitch that is annoying or needs fixed because it is an exploit.

    First of on the list will be a couple ships glitches
    1. Sometimes while sailing your ship will randomly just stop and none of the signs will work at all and the only way to fix it is to do /release and the re control it. This becomes a big problem when it happens next to a dock or some other material the ship can bond with.

    2. This next one is rather annoying and though I know you said that there was no problem with it in your test world Godsy I know it is still a problem in the main world. Basically when a piloted ship is burnt or blown up it will not sink. I have gone as far as to blow up every block but one of a ship and i could still sail it with commands and a hoe. Well until glitch #1 happened. Literally the only way to sink a ship at the moment is to take shears or your fist and break all the wool.

    Next will be just a few general glitches/bugs i’ve noticed

    1. so recently since you updated and added the sorting plugin there has been a problem with people getting stuck on certain blocks like doors, anvils, chest, trapdoors, etc. when you get stuck on it of course you move to the side and go past. the problem is the game doesn’t read you as moving past now…so though you are seeing you moving past and doing stuff everyone else sees you as just standing there. At first i thought it was just me but then I realized it was happening to everyone in my crew. It makes it almost impossible to get through a door fast enough when being chased and is quite annoying. This bug showed up in the last month or so if that helps any.

    Hmm I know i had more but can’t think of them at the moment

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!


    In reply to: Delta News!

    • Topics: 94
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    As far as i am aware, CaptainDokiMav did not stick to land permissions when he bought a spawner from Thymen in XE land. Thymen has been consistently attacked and sieged from Delta long before this war even started.

    Delta has stolen many valuable possessions from us in previous sieges, and now they expect those terms. I’m sorry, we don’t have those materials, not even close to the amount of emeralds. Delta has stolen from us plenty of times (which is normal i suppose), Thymen has tried to steal back, Delta gets all hypercritical and declares war with these terms.

    You can have your formal apology, but i’m getting the picture that you’re getting greedy. Furthermore, this isn’t going to stop sieges by Delta in the future, they will just find a different excuse to raid. Good job.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: EEN Capitol News

    • Topics: 9
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    “This war is something that will be new to all of us.” – Didn’t we already have this war once? It ended in SeconDeath making a topic about how he was leaving the server. Pathetic attention-seeker.


    In reply to: buckmaster1993

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 17

    With all do respect to Reaper, judging by his building skills, it probably takes him a long time to expand warp shop, and I’m not very close to warp shop so it will probably take him ages to actually build near me? Especially if the wants to expand the circle and give it a higher diameter?

    Which probably leaves me plenty of time before he’s anywhere near me.


    Also there’s a house right outside warp shop and another one near it, closer than mine and they haven’t had to move.


    Ontop of this, I mean an admins decision is final, but if we do move, it won’t just be me, Geufalol, xXShadowEolBXx, CFCxAlex, Thorndog & TheBuderMasterX will need to move too as were next to each other. And it will be super hard to love my endermite pet and to actually moe the contents of the house and chest items, and then having to keep it safe while we build a new house and then moving out Tank & Shio which we built outside?


    Also yes I do kill at warp shop but I only kill Sailor+. No deckies or cadets unless they are in Diamond. And I don’t stay at any warps, I keep live map open and I don’t spawn kill, they get time to move out of a 8 block radius from the spawn area and then given 10 seconds to do whatever. I’m fairly sure according to the server rules this is not bannable. Also I don’t spam kill either, I don’t kill someone more than twice ever, and it’s normally twice if they come back with gear and try to fight.


    Also Reapers personal KOS list, is this like his just killing list or will he be banning and muting people on it too?


    Finally in in the server rules it says you can build anywhere but near spawn, Being a new player I built near warp shop as its the first place I went. I didn’t have a choice to go further as random CoV members kept spam killing my friend and I, so we then had to quickly build a house which got sieged. So I couldn’t really move anywhere.

    PirateMC since 2015!

    • Topics: 17
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    I’ve built a little castle, can be used as an outpost ( or anything you like) and I’m renting it for 16$. (per week)

    I haven’t been able to find anyone to rent it, because or they were too poor, or they did something to make me not trust them (cough cough) So I’ve made this little topic on the forums so more people can see it.

    Here I have an image of this little castle.
    Location: X: 6320 Y: 70 Z: -430


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    Do not horse

    • Topics: 5
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    To stop all these horrible back abuse threads can we just implement a way that /back cannot be used into an enemies claimed land?  I have used / back multiple times when I get into a base before members get online and I wait. I could care less if this gets removed because I can still get into bases and it will stop this horrible back abuse trend.

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