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  • #27792

    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    This is absolutely awesome. Why does all the exciting things happen after I quit?

    Since everyone pretty much covered the whole topic and I’m not picking sides, (since both sides have great points that directly oppose each other’s root cause), I’ll just say a few points:

    Chamberlain1 is without a doubt not using /warp trade to pick on the weak and innocent. His intentions and actions are not of a “bully” or “harasser”. Chamberlain1 has literally assassinated almost every active player on the server, whether they’re painfully weak or undeniably strong. As a matter of fact, his primary targets are usually players that have a big name on the server for their pvp skills, and he’s made even the strongest pirates rage. Just wanted to make that clear.

    I never thought I’d see the day Bislo1 would become a badass. His decision to protect his own warp is not only respectable, but admirable. Although Chamberlain1 makes some fair points about the cannon/cage combo on an ideological level, according to my understanding Bislo1’s cannon/cage combo is NOT against the rules by any means. As a matter of fact, it’s a pretty damn good idea.

    I do feel that Chamberlain1’s point on warps requires consideration, however, it also appears as though GodsDead is working on new updates that will inevitably help deal with these issues anyway.

    All in all, I’m just a spectator in all this. And as a spectator I must say, just the conflict between two players who are powerful in two different ways is incredible to watch and adds a rich flavor to the story of PirateCraft, (save all the excess drama lol). I might log in to witness the cage!

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

    The Queen
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    This topic can be ended simply

    If you feel as if the warp trade is offensive then don’t type the damn command /warp trade

    If you go to warp trade and have the mentality you wanna pvp then don’t come and whine on here if you pvped.

    The warp is owned by Bislo so he may do what ever he feels is nessessary just like Lego to protect the warp.

    Will people respect the rules no but this is a way on teaching them hey! If you pvp we shut down the warp for a period of time and slowly people will stop wanting to pvp there because not just that one person is being punished but everyone is from that persons action.

    I think Bislo and Lego are doing what they should and do what they need to do. Now chamberlain I give you some credit you made good points but it’s clear to say he may do what he feels at his own warp.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    It’s not built by _Lego_ no, It’s built by me. It’s so sad to see that I cannot do anything to please all, but sadly for the pvp’ers, I’m NOT on your team, I’m on the traders team. They will be protected because from what I hear, chamber is now afraid to warp into warp trade, which is exactly what I want.

    Also, another point to make – Why don’t you use a boat to reach the town if you don’t like using the warp? I’m not hindering anyone from entering the town, I’m limiting the ability to instantly hop in during a fight.

    If you happen to warp in during a fight, I know you will try to escape the cage, cuz it is by all means possible, why? I’m a fair person, so I put holes in it. If you notice, also, the tower I built has cannons to defend in every direction, they even point to the sea in case there are hostile ships approaching. Therefore the “cannon trap” is not what you think it is. I’ve designed it all to make it safe for my guards to defend against God-armours, while they themselves don’t need armour – “that’s unfair” you might say, but it really isn’t. It’s my town so my rules, if you want to oppose my rule, then you can fight me on my terms. Try breaking through the cage or taking the long way in boat, I don’t care. This is to stop the disgusting killings of people who are NEVER ready for when you come sneaking and hack them in the back with your sharpness V sword and matching armour.

    It’s just so very small of you to actively hunt the easy prey, that’s the truth.

    I’m not letting you have the ability to warp in multiple times with several sets of god armour to spare. If you die, go in the cage and try your luck with my cannons, or walk the long way, End.

    Stop whining abut the cage. It is not to limit the right of travel in public warps, it is not a trap for me to gain free stuff from anyone that comes in, it is not to spark this debate – It is to give myself and my defenders a tool to stop warp killers. Like it or not.. cage stays.

    And manda, yes the PVP safety shelters, I’ve also made those – two of them so far to be exact. They are marked with Emerald blocks.

    My goal is to win back warp trade once more from people who think they can step on the traders and shop owners, people who also does other things on this server than kill, kill, kill.. The terror of going somewhere to trade has been way to high these last months, but its over now. I’m shutting down the kill fest. Warp Trade is PVP-Free, respect that, or feel my TNT in your face. I have NO compassion left towards warp killers, none. all gone.


    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    TL:DR So, what I get from this is that players were occupying /warp trade, killing everyone and refusing to leave? So the owner decided to lockdown the entrance to stop the chaos – and all the PLAYER KILLERS who went there to kill innocent shoppers are complaining that they got killed unfairly and that it’s the ADMIN‘s fault for not removing warps? And that it’s unfair that the player who paid money to buy the warp can actually control it if he or she likes. And that it’s the player killers’ RIGHT to kill players who go shopping there? *Facepalm* I can’t wait for the new system to be implemented, seriously…

    Sounds like Paul got it in a nutshell.

    Remember, Player rules at player owned warps, How about you just don’t visit the warp?

    As for making the Cage PVP free, I have covered this before many many many times. read the forums.

    Again as I have said there will be an update to Eco, again, be patient, again, I have another pressing matter that im trying to figure out, again this all takes time.


    In reply to: MONEY?

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    Okay, thank you for your ideas. 20 bucks per hour was a bit over the top. Sorry for wasting your time on something so stupid. I will sell some logs, and paulonfire is right, if money goes up sales would go up so it’s practically a pointless ask. Can we sell cobblestone anywhere?


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    PirateCraft Articles



    Warp Trade Security. 

    Today a new ‘security system’ was set up at warp trade to protect it from pvpers attacking the warp in the future. Needless to say the implementation of this new ‘trap like’ method brought some concern from other players. (Reference chamberlain’s post: This is where most of this new trap was debated, but even on the server i heard concern from some players. i_Jmoney said when asked if he supported such a trap, that: “No I do not, I think it is a way for them to show power just in the wrong form.” This echoed the concern of not only those who warped to trade but also those who were this morning killed at the warp when _Lego_ attempted to enforce the KOS list. Michty came out saying that the trap was not in any way part of BE’s decisions and that he supports it as Bislo’s personal decision. So this is where I’ll leave it, for you my readers it is up to you to decide what you think is the best path…


    USE Destroyed by Astrobolt!

    Last night came on to a distressed Galaxy whose base was in ruins after being betrayed by Astrobolt. This came before Astro came out with a declaration of war against USE countering the 3 minechat sieges that were carried out on him last night. The damage to the base was extensive but the heart of USE is not broken. This fight may continue until one of the two are destroyed completely. Who will be in for the long haul?




    SPQR is Recruiting!

    Need builders for Governers (run towns)
    Need strong leaders for ArchGoverners (run commonwealths of towns)
    Need strong leaders for Legionaries (lead legions of soldiers)
    Need good PVPers for soldiers

    Food and housing is free and a set of tools will be given to you upon your arrival in our fair Empire. /msg buckmaster1993 or chasedillion to join!


    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.


    Quote of the day: DirectorAnivian once said: “You lose 100% of the God Apples you don’t eat.” DirectorAnivian, 2016

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    Ok I believe that this has been blown a bit too far out of proportion as to what’s being said here. Yesterday there was a large bloodbath at warp trade, no larger than any we have seen at warp food or shop may I add. These bloodbaths last one day and are over, and as such are considered usually too small a thing to set a death trap for. Now this being said, I believe Bislo has the right to make what he wants on his land. But I do not believe in any way that a death trap is the way to go. If you really had wanted to stop conflict, instead of creating a gated room in which people can warp to be killed by the supposed guards of the warp, implementation of “safe rooms” like the one’s set up in warp food would have been adequate to save lives. I do not see the reason that yesterday’s pvp of which has been seen at the likes of warp shop and warp food is enough to call for such drastic measures. I may have pvped there yesterday along with many other people, but to create a death trap at the warp’s spawn over an event that has been seen at multiple warps before this is slightly absurd…


    P.S. Also I’d like to ask the question. What happens if the “warp killer” is in the cage with 2 or more other innocents? Just fire the canon like today?

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    It’s not a trap. You know it’s there, If you don’t want to be blasted once the gates close you should not warp in. simple as.. There is no doubt that when the doors close, it is because there is PVP going on, which I do not want, thus closing the doors. If you are stupid enough to be one of the players I want dead and then TP into my warp, then I will kill you with my cannon aimed at the warp – again, there is no doubt the cannon is aimed at the warp, so it shouldn’t surprise you.

    Either way, if it were a trap, then so what? traps are allowed in Pirate craft, If you don’t like the warp, stop using it, I’m not forcing you. I own the town, so I decide when to close it, how I want to close it and how I want to defend it, should someone try to break through the cage.

    And to le Koi; No I’m not saying; Kill me once more m80 and I call harass, no.. Just no. read my post and stop being offended by stuff I haven’t said. I’m not trying to scare anyone, I’m stating that I think what Chamber aims to do is rude, because I have done nothing to try to provoke it, all I do is defend my customers along with the shopkeepers, as well as my town.

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    Well Chamberlain, you might not believe it, but a year ago I was a strong advocate of shop keeper responsibility regarding trade safety measures. I have never liked the idea of one player having an advantage over another through cash donations. So when everyone started whining about “player killers making shopping dangerous” all I would do was roll my eyes in disbelief.

    These days I recognise how difficult it is to keep a shop or trade town open and functional, especially when bellends can teleport in right on top of you and kill you. Bislo has done what I’ve thought obvious from the very beginning: Stopped people from being able to teleport in when he needs to do things in peace and quiet. Yes, /back still works, but that’s cheating in a PvP situation and can get you punished.


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    That’s not what I am getting at at all PaulonFire, what is with everyone? No one got killed unfairly yesterday. My only beef was that there is a spawn trap at warp trade. That is it. It is not the admins fault. Stop trying to spin this. A warp is essentially a gathering place for players to be. Whether it is Cove, Arena, Trade, etc. PVP is allowed someplaces and some are not. I am not saying that is an admin problem I am saying that if Gods turned warp cove into a fall trap many would be upset.


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    One other point. The only reason why bloodbaths occur is because people tp back to the warp. If people stopped coming back there would be no one to kill. You method of a trap does not prevent people from killing there. It stops the eventual mass murders that take place as a result of people without armor tping in to see whats going on….


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    So, what I get from this is that players were occupying /warp trade, killing everyone and refusing to leave? So the owner decided to lockdown the entrance to stop the chaos – and all the PLAYER KILLERS who went there to kill innocent shoppers are complaining that they got killed unfairly and that it’s the ADMIN‘s fault for not removing warps? And that it’s unfair that the player who paid money to buy the warp can actually control it if he or she likes. And that it’s the player killers’ RIGHT to kill players who go shopping there?


    I can’t wait for the new system to be implemented, seriously…


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    Chamber.. You told me I’m abusing my right as a warp owner, that is badmouthing. You tell me I just want to kill people with my “trap”, thats badmouthing.

    It’s not a trap, its a defence mechanism. Here lies the difference, I don’t simply want to kill you and steal your stuff, I want to prevent you from entering my warp with the intention to kill others. Is it not my right to not let you in, if said warp is claimed by me? I think so. I simply kill you if I can, with my cannon tower, because I want you dead for trying to ruin my warp.
    See I don’t have anything personal against you, I threat every warp killer who comes to my warp with intention to kill the same. You say you will personally go after me because you want to ruin my business, that is harassment – It might not be serious harassment and I’m not going to report you for killing at my warp, but I will do what I can to stop you from doing it.

    When did I say its not your “right” to kill in my town? I simply say I do not want it and that it’s Cowardice to hunt the weak instead of seeking a fair fight. You don’t want hardcore PVP, you want easy prey, end of. I’m not gonna let you.

    It is in fact harassment that you wish to make me destroy my cage by ruining my business and making my warp unpopular, but go ahead. I’ve dealt with many like you in the past, who feels I’m a the bad guy who enjoys harming others, when in fact, I’m trying to protect traders coming to my warp. I’m never giving up, so live with the cage or spend the rest of your minecraft days killing people in my warp, I really don’t care.

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px;”>”Now I tried to explain to you in chat, but you were clearly too busy badmouthing me so here it is again.” </span>

    Bad mouthing? Bislo stop acting like a child and trying to insult me. No where in my original post did it slander you in anyway. My post was a matter of opinion and a request to ask you to remove your trap at a public warp. Your juvenile attempt to make me look bad hopefully is viewed by the admins. Your warp will not be protected by trapping people at the spawn point. In fact I will sit at your warp and kill anyone who comes in. This is my right as it is a pvp server. I don’t understand how you don’t get this… and I hope admins recognize the fact that since this forum thread is started Bislo and his friends will take every opportunity to report me and get me banned for harassment. I just want to make this clear my objective is not to harass Bislo or his friends but to deal enough fear into the users of warp trade that no one will want to go there. Making his trap obsolete.  (Sorry Dag)


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

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    Now I tried to explain to you in chat, but you were clearly too busy badmouthing me so here it is again. The gate is for emergencies LIKE yesterday.

    for anyone not informed; here is the news coverage..

    I was not online yesterday, although my new Cheif of Security, _Lego_, was. He told me the following; “I tried to block the warp so they couldn’t get in, but I was killed again and again. The entire CoV used the town as a playground for killing players and hunting bounties, we could use defences!” (This is not the exact thing he told me, but thats how I understood the situation.

    Now, yesterday is NOT the first time incidents like this happen, where entire groups “take over” the warp and kills everyone in sight – It is in fact just one of many episodes where my TRADE town, Mind you TRADE town <—- ok?.. Is being used as an arena, which it is not.

    What can I do about that? hmm.. I could jump in with a god gear and wreck havoc like the rest of the dudes, but I’m not going to, because my town is NOT an arena. Its a place to trade as I’ve written on the forums month after month till my fingers exploded. I’m not against fighting in no way, but when 5 dudes roam the streets and me not knowing who is friendly, I’m not inclined to take up the fight.

    So to the gate – It is NOT for me to gain a vantage to kill innocents trying to use my warp, it is in fact to prevent Warp killers like yourself to take over my warp, since if you guys can’t get in, you can’t get any kills.. and if you already are in and tp your friends, who will you kill when the warp is closed? 😉 – You see, problem solved. Not you can go back to raiding other places and People can start trading again. It is a PVP server and I embrace that, I never try to limit the PVP aspect of the server. I just want a peaceful area where people can trade and not have to look 40 times over their shoulders in fear of being moulded by a hardcore PVP God gear man, in the middle of buying supplies for a build, selling ores  or even buying some bread.. You see, I’ve also set up locations where people can safely TP out of the warp or hide, if they feel threatened. The cage is just one part of my new plan. I’ve added the cannon tower for my guards to defend the warp, yes with cannons aimed at the cage, since as you said yourself, You warp in knowing there is gonna be a fight, I’m gonna blow you up, cuz I don’t want you here, understand?

    The cage is not in use all the time, only when situations arise where me or my security staff feels that a conflict is escalating.
    People always tell me to take the matters in my own hands, well now I’ve done exactly that, the cage stays, It is in no way impowering me more than it should, It helps me take up the fight I’ve been loosing so bad against the hardcore PVP’ers.
    I’m not one bit surprised the second you feel you cannot manipulate with the trade towns you run to the forums and ask it be reversed so you can once more roam free and wreck havoc, I’m using minecraft mechanics to my advantage and I am keeping my trade town free from warp killers and I would advise all other Warp owners to build a cage like mine to prevent nasty situations were lots of people get killed. If you want PVP, then fight someone on your own size, and ready for a fight, stop going after the people trading(often not wearing appropriate PVP gear and in no way ready to defend themselves, mind you)

    This post is full of whining and should be closed immediately.

    Founder of Port Hope

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