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  • #83756
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    mpo slot

    Mpo Slot


    In reply to: Unban I guess?

    • Topics: 31
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    I believe it is “KoruptKingIce” but if not I can turn my dinosaur of a laptop on to check.


    Topic: March BOTM

    in forum Competitions
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    🏆 March Build Of The Month (BOTM)! 🏆

    The March BOTM is starting!

    **Heres the T&C’s**

    1) Your Build has to be **In Survival**

    2) All Entries must be acceptable (Pg)

    3) To Submit Your Builds Visit

    4) Entries Must be Submitted By No Later then the 31st of March!

    5) No specific theme is required, anything goes!

    6) You cannot submit a previously entered build that placed in the top 3!

    Any questions, please ask Below Or on the discord!

    Luv ya


    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC

    • Topics: 6
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    October 2023 Build Of The Month 

    Time To spin in old school!

    Yes Back to Basics! Time For anything Yes anything, Well… nothing inappropriate!
    So Bring it on! Submit yar Builds Before October 25th and enter yarself to win some prizes!

    September 2023 Build Of the month are currently being Voted On.

    Expect an Announcement Saturday or Sunday!!

    Submit Yar Builds Here:


    • This topic was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by MrLimeWise.

    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC

    • Topics: 6
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    Forting Hell!


    Forts and castles is the topic of this month! Get Your Castle Shown off. and WIN!


    Judging Criteria:

    – Exterior

    – Interior

    – Integrity and Strength


    It’s Straight Forward. Obviously you may have Questions so go here to ask them at your hearts content or Dm @mrlimewise on Discord


    July/August will be posted this Weekend! So Keep Your Eyes Peeled! :eyes:


    September Entries Close September 25th. (1 Day after My Bday 😉 ) So get Building!!!




    PirateCraft Moderator and Media

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC


    In reply to: Unmute Request

    • Topics: 68
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    • Total: 546
    • ★★★★★★


    You where muted for being toxic, none PG chat aswell as insutling chat towards players and staff a like. However once muted that did not stop you. You kept being toxic as late as 4 months ago in muted chat towards the online staff at the time.

    That aswell as your 25 mutes alot of those being for toxicity and nnot listening to staff. We have decided that we wont waste any more of our time dealing with you. You used your chance to chat on this server and now you lost that privllige.



    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

    • Topics: 25
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    Portcullis cannot drop below Y level zero, which the new map update goes much deeper. They will only go up, but wont go down if they are located in the negative Ys. If dropping from positive Y to negative, they stop mid air at zero.

    • Topics: 6
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    This Month Has A New Category: 

    The Category Is: – “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat Gently down the stream!”

     that’s right, it’s a Ships Only BOTM! 

    Don’t Worry it doesn’t have to be a Massive one, just one that you reckon can make it in the big time!

    The Categories Stand Below: 

    – The Structure

    – Decoration on both the outside and the inside 

    – How Unique the ship is! 


    The Closing date of submissions is August the 25th! Entries open on the 26th of July but you can start building now!!! 


    Good Luck Happy Building!




    (Also Don’t Forget if You see a Crocodile Don’t Forget to Scream!)

    This Month Has A New Category: 

    The Category Is: – “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat Gently down the stream!”

     that’s right, it’s a Ships Only BOTM! 

    Don’t Worry it doesn’t have to be a Massive one, just one that you reckon can make it in the big time!

    The Categories Stand Below: 

    – The Structure

    – Decoration on both the outside and the inside 

    – How Unique the ship is! 


    The Closing date of submissions is August the 25th! Entries open on the 26th of July but you can start building now!!! 


    Good Luck Happy Building!




    (Also Don’t Forget if You see a Crocodile Don’t Forget to Scream!)

    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC


    Topic: June 2023 BOTM!

    in forum Competitions
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    Build Of The Month is BACK! This time with New Prizes!

    So it’s time to Get building!
    New Category Each Month:

    • This Month is: Anything (Just for this month, gotta get rolling! )

    The Conditions Are:

    • All Builds Must be Authentic! (Meaning Can’t Be someone Else’s or a Past Submission)
    • Entries Close June 25th 0:00 GMT+0 Time
    • Submit them Via Here :

    Judging Criteria:

    • All Builds Will be Judged Via 3 Key Factors
      • Interior
      • Exterior
      • Decoration (OOO Shiny!)

    FAQ: How many builds can i Submit Per Month?:

    • 1 Per Person

    How big can the builds be?:

    • Unlimited, Just make sure you tell the team what parts you want highlighted when photos and judging is being done.

    Where do i Submit my build?:

    Good Luck and Get Building

    Luv, MrLimeWise


    June BOTM 

    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 109
    • Total: 121
    • ★★★★

    I’d like to say that I have been in contact with Contt via discord over these past few months and he has expressed a lot of regret over his actions on the server as his attempt to make himself concentrate more on his exams, which led to his ban. As I am ungergoing my exams at the moment I know how hard it can be to have to stop yourself from opening up minecraft when you’re bored to enjoy some time with your friends and I think this may have been his way of making it easier for himself… but it went too far.

    I think Contt has changed over the past few months and I do think that change is for the better. He’s offered to help me with many projects that I have planned for the server and I believe he is much more politer now that the stress of his exams are out of the way. Contt is now a character that is much more helpful. He has made mistakes in the past which he shouldn’t have but now, since he knows what it is like to be removed from the community, the server and many of his previous friendships, I think he is unlikely to repeat his actions again.

    I genuinely think Contt has become a much better person over the last 6 months and I think he deserves another chance to set things right with the people he pushed away again. I think it’s quite unlikely that he’ll relapse and pester the staff team like he did before and I think he’d like to prove that to them. Either way, it is up to the staff team to decide.

    • Topics: 25
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    Hello All,

    With rumors of the siege plugin being functional soon, I wanted to propose an idea that would increase the raidability of bases, while also reducing the destruction of bases. No one wants the build they just spent 10,20,100+ hours on looking like swiss cheese.

    I would suggest allowing a system that permits explosions to destroy hard blocks during the 20 minute siege. After the siege is won or lost, for the next minute (or 5 minutes, could be decided later) all blocks would be replaced. No blocks would drop from the explosion. Chest blocks would not be destructible to prevent mass amounts of items being dropped, but the blocks locking the chest would be. Explosions would be weaker than their normal amounts to prevent people from immediately busting into a base, but still appropriate for the ammunition type used by a cannon. Placing the blocks over time would greatly reduce the resource use on the server making its effect negligible as only a few blocks are being placed every second.

    The same protection time on that person would apply after the raid, so they don’t have to constantly deal with sieges, but it would allow raids to finally be more exciting again. People could blow holes into large forts to pillage them. And after the raid is done, the base would regen block by block so it appeared nothing ever happened. The only losses would be from items taken from chest, and if the player died. I would even suggest this for soft blocks. So greifing wouldn’t occur during a siege.

    Ships would become incredibly useful, as they could now sail into a port town or ocean box, and be used to lay siege to the enemy. Its cannons would fire and strip layers off of the walls, as the defenders fire their cannons back. Gates would fall as the  ship roles in to port, warehouses would be laid open and pillaged. The crew stealing what they can, and sailing away just as quickly as they came. Ships could be stolen, their lock blocks blown clean off in the canon fire to be sailed by enemy crews. All that would be left of them would be the blocks destroyed by the cannon fire which would reappear after the block regen had finished, a stark reminder of the horrors witnessed that day.

    Treasures, long burred underground would become the next big heist. The assailants would sneak in, setup cannons and supplies underground outside the claim. After the siege begins, so does the drilling. With each explosion, a base never before raided will soon fall if the attackers  can blow their way in during the siege time. If they fail, the defender looses nothing while the attacker look at their empty powder chest.



    Some ideas of implementations would be a simple queue or stack containing the block data as it is destroyed. I prefer a stack, as when a block is destroyed, the data is added to the top of the stack.

    When its time to regen, the first blocks to be regenerated would be the ones at the top of the stack so the base would appear as if it was healing from the inside out, with the first bit of damage being the last to heal. It would be a fairly simple action, simply reading the item off the stack, placing it back in the world, then scheduling it to occur again in x number of ticks.


    If there is a server stop mid heal or attack, you would implement a function to store the stack to file. Then upon a reload, it would check if any files exist and begin processing them. While the raid is going on, (I am not fully sure on this parts implementation without trying it myself) have an asynchronous write to file for the stack. So that it wouldn’t effect the server much as new blocks are being destroyed and added to the current stack. There would be no wait for the file to finish writing on the main thread. That way in the event of a crash, only a few number of blocks, if that, would be lost. And once the  server is back up it could process the file and replace the destroyed blocks. You would also store which claim the file is pertaining to, not that it would really matter as the block data would have the coordinates included with it. I haven’t looked at how block data has changed though in multiple updates so my information may be outdated.


    There are other potential ideas I have to expand on this playstyle of raiding, but I would like to hear peoples thoughts on the base idea first. Thank you very much and have a good day.



    • Topics: 68
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    I will make this short since countless on hours of staff time has already been spend dealing with you.

    What you did was not acceptable at all, for those who does not  know the story you can read Xerons responds here to one of your last appeals going though your history on  PMC.

    Short story, you have waste staff time and to quote what Xeron said to you back on 5/12/2019

    “You’ve blown your chances, we’re all sick and tired to death. Use this time wisely and find a new community, start afresh, make new friends online”

    You are not goning to get unbanned, not today, not tomorrow not ever. What you did is what is to blame. You have learned a vauable lesson actions have consequences. And the consequences of these actions are that  you will  never be allowed back on this server.

    Denied forever


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

    Cole Huter
    • Topics: 5
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    From newyears 2021 i got off the server, and my base was left intact 2 something years later, and all i remember from it that i still want are my 2 shulker boxs and i OP Bow called ” The Cure ” it was the 2020 Halloween event bow i got from trading the 2020 Christmas event Diamond Pants. i have the picture of it too, and the chat logs that dated 2020, i got it from Percket

    • Topics: 2
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    On the topic of siege, is the bug just soft blocks not being able to be broken? If I’m not mistaken could we just have siege without blocks being broken? I know I speak for many players when I say lots of us would rather have /siege without being able to break soft blocks rather than no siege at all.


    Another thought is that soft blocks were also manly used to grief bases or to attack newer players who don’t build with strictly stone bricks. Any player really worth raiding has a base made from hard blocks to protect from raiding. Really the only bases that aren’t siege proof is pretty design build and newbie bases.


    If I am mistaken about siege and its bugs, I’m sorry and thank you for keeping us updated and working on it.

    lisa la
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    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; text-align: justify; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 13pt; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>I would want to express my gratitude to you for penning such an engaging article on the subject. This has given me a lot to think about, and I am looking forward to reading more. hurdle</span></p>

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