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  • #47800
    • Topics: 4
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    UPDATES: We have added the sounds (by Scarecrow01) and lots of weapons

    P.S. Chailey for the shield , I think that I will follow your idea.


    • Topics: 94
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    With the upcoming new Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell no Tales film, I thought I’d get into the spirit and build one of the most iconic ships from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series; The Flying Dutchman.

    The ship as you see it is based upon a few pictures and deck plans that I have managed to find on the internet. The are quite hard to come by as this is a fictional ship used in a film. The hull is based on designs from real life Spanish and French galleons from the 17th century.  The sail plan, exterior, as well as a bit of the interior is based upon the films. I have not included a picture of the gun deck as it is largely plain and simple. However, I have managed to recreate the organ and room that Davy Jones uses and lives in.

    Lore Overview of the Flying Dutchman:
    The Flying Dutchman was an infamous supernatural ghost ship. Originally, the Dutchman held the sacred task of collecting all the poor souls who dies at sea and ferrying them to the afterlife. During the Age of Piracy, the Dutchman would become a ship geared by many across the seven seas.

    According to the legends and lore, the Flying Dutchman was given to Davy Jones by his love, the sea goddess Calypso, who gave Jones the duty of ferrying the souls who died at sea into the next world. After ten years, Jones would be free to come ashore to be wit Calypso. But when ever Davy Jones came ashore, Calypso was nowhere to be found. This ultimately resulted in Jones carving out his own heart,  and locking it in the Dead Man’s Chest. Jones abandoned his duty, instead wreaking havoc on the seas and unleashing the Kraken upon many vessels. He also preyed on wayward sailors lost at sea who wished to avoid death and final judgement, press-ganging them into his crew, eventually becoming part of the Dutchman itself.

    Once again, all credit for the photos goes to @chailey

    The Flying Dutchman Ad

    If you came here to indulge in pictures of a ‘flying Dutch man’, this should satisfy your needs:

    (Van Persie – The ‘Flying Dutch man’)

    Once again, if you have a ship you would like to see me build, just suggest it down below. I like a challenge.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
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    • ★★★★★★

    With the upcoming new Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell no Tales, I thought I might as well get into the PotC mood and present you with my version of the iconic Flying Dutchman.

    The ship design is different to my usual ship-of-the-line style, as this ship truly is a pirate ship in all of its glory. I have tried to find some sort of deck plans and sail plans on the internet, however this being a fictional ship, its very hard to come by the designs and dimensions they used for the Flying Dutchman in the movies. The sails are based off the movies, but the shape of the hull is based off a few other ships from around that era that existed in real life as Spanish and French galleons of the 17th century.

    Quick overview of the Flying Dutchman (lore):
    The Flying Dutchman was an infamous supernatural ghost ship. Originally, the Dutchman held the sacred task of collecting all the poor souls who dies at sea and ferrying them to the afterlife. During the Age of Piracy, the Dutchman would become a ship geared by many across the seven seas.

    According to the legends and lore, the Flying Dutchman was given to Davy Jones by his love, the sea goddess Calypso, who gave Jones the duty of ferrying the souls who died at sea into the next world. After ten years, Jones would be free to come ashore to be wit Calypso. But when ever Davy Jones came ashore, Calypso was nowhere to be found. This ultimately resulted in Jones carving out his own heart,  and locking it in the Dead Man’s Chest. Jones abandoned his duty, instead wreaking havoc on the seas and unleashing the Kraken upon many vessels. He also preyed on wayward sailors lost at sea who wished to avoid death and final judgement, press-ganging them into his crew, eventually becoming part of the Dutchman itself.

    Flying Dutchman further images

    All credit for the images goes (once again) to @chailey
    If you came here to satisfy your needs for a flying Dutch man, this should quench your appetite.

    (Van Persie)

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I know were not on 1.11 yet, im still waiting for a developer to fix a bug (yawn) But lets get the 1.12 discussion running! @chailey sent staff this video today of all the new blocks and the creative save inventory feature. What do you think so far?

    • Topics: 13
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    • Total: 96
    • ★★★

    Yep… I’m leaving again. And this time it may be for good, but then I do happen to stagger back anyway, but this may be it. Once again, I am going to give away most of my items, my home, and my very existence. I do not recall ever saying how much I appreciated this server in my last “I’m kickin’ the dust” post, but I really do. For just a game, I did happen to learn a bit about myself. I also made friends, enemies, the whole nine. I LOVED this server, and even though today it is nothing like how it used to be, I still see the server as what it is: a thriving community. I do hope for the best for everyone here, and that this place doesn’t get boring while I’m gone. Now, after this post I will distribute my items to the public… Most of them, that is, for I am dedicating my last days here to a project that I will finish without rest (Not literally, but you get it). The medium-sized city of Medditari is Byzantine, Greek, and in some way Arabic-styled build that utilizes Prismarine to give it an Ocean dedicated feel. I will complete the city as a gift to the Piratecraft community for the fun it has given me. When it is fully complete, I hope it is used well for the public, as you all deserve it. Once Medditari is operational, I will further say my goodbyes and that will hopefully be the last you hear of me on the server. I do wish you all the best of luck and keep up the work!

    Now, of course, who wouldn’t want to give a few (Ha… few) thanks to specifics (In order of experience):

    Reptaria – Now I know we had our ups and downs over the course of history here… But I do, and will, respect you. After all, I owe you that. You were the first person to spare me while on the server. You took me in and taught me the ropes. I appreciate what you’ve done for me in the past, and I never forget.

    Michty – God… the chances of you reading this must be > Low <… You, too, have given me a home after I… lost… my other one. Not only did you accept me into your crew and town, but you made it possible for me to meet new people, new sides, crews, and settlements. And even though I left (And in some way: Betrayed) the BE many months later, I still appreciated my time in your crew… your version… only.

    CaptainCrackerz – Remember… those pies are for hellos… Welp, it’s good to say that I had a great neighbor xD You were a great friend while we were within range, I give it that. And I do hope the best for your time… well, anytime.

    Keto – God… what’s your name now? Ah, another former BE member that ended up where I was… well at least for a while. You have a good sense of humor and you keep it up!

    NickyB_123 – I understand that our time knowing each other was VERY short. However, I do like the 13co. and I do hope for the groups success in the future. I can see that things are slow and that the crew has grown small, but just keep trying, it will get there. And I was glad to be a part of it for the short time that I was.

    Cysteen – God I used to think your were a nightmare in… pixel-form? But then again, how does a weak BE member view someone in God armor slaughterin’ everyone in their path with swift cleanliness? I just want to say, it was a great honor accompanying you and the other (somewhat) psychopaths in the Asylum. I see that I can tend to be annoying at times (Punch myself thrice for that) and I do hope you forgive me for… those. In general, you are a great person to talk to, and that goes for all the people I end up talking to on TS (By the way: I’d be on there occasionally). I do hope you continue to enjoy your stay on the server, God knows what would happen if you guys weren’t there to spice things up… I think… what?

    Riverwood – Damn… murder. Like Cysteen (which I swear… you HAVE to be related…) you know how and when to snap a bone when needed (virtually, that is) and you have fun doing it (which concerns me). Keep up the fun and “Happy hunting”.

    Jmoo – Ah… another friend of mine that I can not seem to talk to that much… You seem like a cool dude, same as:

    PythonAce – (Look up just a bit)

    ArtificialDemon – Puns, voices, … laughs … Jesus, what can you not do… Hey, I’ll say it: you’re a funny guy, but there can only be ONE mental case in this crew…  Sorry bud, but now I think you have the chance to take it back.

    Those are the big ones… Sorry if your name escaped my list (God, I’m not perfect!). However, I would also like to thank:

    CrazyPirate – Bislo – Bazurka – Lucky – Dr.Solid – Eph (Can’t remember how to spell your name) – Build1115 – Daniel_McLachlan – Lawzoneon – Chailey – Crabriel – Dorkito – CrazyVolt (Long story) – Buckmaster – Chasedillon – ae0 – Mandarin_Panda – Ventura – Dagersh – HardTimez (Hey!… He actually made the server fun…) – GrandVitaMorte – UprisingCactus – RustyTrumbone66 – + Everyone who I’ve encountered in the past (Which is a ton).

    ‘Tis you all who really make the server fun. We are given a world, but it is you people who make it worth our while. Thank you Staff: GodsDead, Smokeyriver, Vape, Markusi, Callie, and … Java, for making the community in the first place. Without you, none of this would exist!

    Thank you everyone for a great two and a half years of Piratecraft. (Said this a trillion times already…) I wish you all the best Piratecraft experience in the days to come.


    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
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    • ★★★★★★

    So I decided to build the HMS Warrior on creative, using the original ship’s plans. The ship itself is to scale, and I have made sure to include as much detail as I can. I don’t plan to build this on survival, due to it’s sheer size, but I thought I might as well share it with the community here.

    In order to make all the colours match up (such as black wool on the outside, and a white interior), I have used a vast amount of maps colored appropriately. Unfortunately, this has the negative effect that causes your fps to drop to around 15 even with a beefy computer. As such, not the entire interior has been completed, sadly. So far, I have spent around about 16 hours on it over the last week and I think it ended up pretty well.

    Quick overview of HMS Warrior:

    HMS Warrior 1860 was Britain’s first iron-hulled, armored warship and the pride of Queen Victoria’s Fleet. On her first voyage, HMS Warrior caused a sensation; people crowded to see her and she was considered invincible. The combination of iron sides, which offered protection from the exploding shells and the ability to carry large guns, changed the nature of marine warfare. Having introduced a revolution in naval architecture, by 1864 Warrior was superseded by faster designs, with bigger guns and thicker armor. By 1871 she was no longer regarded as the crack ship she had once been, and her roles were downgraded to Coastguard and reserve services. After being used as an oil and fuel hulk during the Second World War, she has been fully restored and now sits in Portsmouth, England as a museum ship alongside HMS Victory and the Mary Rose. Living nearby, I have been many times and I can strongly recommend going for a visit. 🙂

    Special thanks to @chailey for the pictures and his superior computer, because mine runs on hamster-energy.

    HMS Victory

    If you have any suggestions as to ships I could build, just leave a comment. It gives me something to pass the time with ^-^

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    Topic: Goodbye

    • Topics: 45
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    I’ll try and keep this short! xD

    I’ve played this server for a year and half and it’s been my favourite to date. I’ve made so many fantastic memories with some fantastic people on here and I’ll miss it for sure!

    However, I grew bored of survival mc a while ago and it was really just messing around with friends on here that kept me going, but with life getting busier irl again I’ve decided to leave the server indefinitely.

    Phantom – You guys are the reason I’ve kept playing and its been hilarious xD Will keep in touch with you all <3

    Nicky – It’s a shame we didn’t meet sooner because you’ve become one of my closest friends on the server!

    Rep – Despite our ups and downs, you’ve always been a huge part of what piratecraft is to me, I wish you all the best in the future! 🙂

    Cysteen -My stubbornness meant we would often butt heads but I’ve always respected you and we’ve shared lots of great moments on the server 🙂

    TAS – You guys have always been fun to chat, fight and build with, joe let me know if I owe you anymore money xD

    The Fruits – Will miss fighting you guys!

    River – You were always fun to talk to and you put up with all my umming and ahhing at warp south xD

    Chailey – I had the best time building up Templars with you over the summer, they are some of my favourite memories! I will definitely take you up on that offer of a beer sometime soon!

    Max, Paul, Gildor and Crazy – you guys are some of the most gifted builders on the server and it’s been a pleasure playing with you all!

    Java – Put the blunt down and step away! xD

    Mark – Simultaneously the most annoying and hilarious person xD

    Smokey – Had some great chats with you, I’ll eventually try an american biscuit!

    Xadiez – you probably won’t see this but you were the first person I got to know on the server and we made a great team! Thanks for adopting this noob 🙂

    Godsy – This is the best survival server I have played and its testament to your handwork and dedication, hope all your plans come to fruition without too much blood sweat and tears! 🙂

    Sorry if I missed anyone!

    And with that, in the ever generous spirit of piracy, Galaxy and I have hoarded our plunder in a cave! Wish everyone all the best in the future and thanks for having me! <3

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    • Topics: 21
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    I would like to! If it’s something to work on that stays for a while, I’ll do it! Fair warning: my buildings are always symmetrical/even, so you’ll see lots that’s very “unique.”

    I also love building out of wood, Quartz, stone, and most of all… Dirt! Terraforming is one of my specialties, and I used to terraform for Chailey 😉

    Hope I’m take in for consideration, I loom forward for hearing a response!

    Founder of the Coalition

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Charter of the Commonwealth of Nations


    The Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) serves as a political and military alliance of like-minded crews on the PirateCraft server. It is managed in-game, on the official PirateCraft forums and through various other online communication channels on demand.

    Article I – Membership

    To apply for membership, a candidate crew must present the following filled-in form in the CoN Embassy forum group:

    Name of crew:
    Names of active settlements:
    Number of active crew members (login within one week):
    Names of active crew members:

    Every application will be assessed by the representatives of CoN through a vote. If a two-thirds majority is in favour of admission, the applicant joins as a member on equal footing. If the two-thirds majority is not achieved, the applicant is rejected.

    Any member crew is free to leave whenever they choose without fear of reprisal provided that a resignation on the forum and all outstanding debts are discharged. The announcement must be made a week in advance in the CoN forum group and all debts must be paid off. Upon departure, all positions and access rights of the former CoN member crew members will be revoked.

    Article II – Organisation

    CoN is run through the Commonwealth Secretariat. The head of the secretariat is the Commonwealth Secretary-General. He or she is responsible for publishing CoN broadcasts, representing CoN on an international level and mediating conflicts. The Secretary-General holds the ability to freely create and dismantle Commissioner roles (with the exception of the Election Commissioner). These new government positions lawfully wield the powers granted by the Secretary-General.

    The elected Commonwealth Secretary-General may appoint a Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General belonging to any CoN member crew upon taking office. The Deputy is responsible for fulfilling the same duties as the Secretary-General in his or her absence.

    The Election Commissioner is responsible organising votes in a fair, lawful and timely fashion. He or she is independent from the Secretary-General.

    Each CoN member crew is represented by its crew leader and one CoN ambassador who may be elected as the crew sees fit. These two individuals are referred to as the crew representatives.

    Commonwealth Secretariat members are promoted to forum group administrator status. CoN crew representatives are promoted to forum group moderator status. Upon relinquishing a representative or Secretariat position, all group administration and moderation rights are revoked.

    The Commonwealth Secretary-General is elected for a four month term by the CoN crew representatives. The Election Commissioner runs the election. Each CoN member crew may put forward one candidate. The CoN crew representatives may vote for any candidate they please save their own. The leader and ambassador of a particular crew are not obliged to vote for the same candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Commonwealth Secretary-General.

    The Election Commissioner is elected for a four month term by the CoN representatives. The Secretary-General runs the election. Any CoN member may propose themselves as a candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Election Commissioner.

    A player may serve no more than two successive terms as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner in a row. There is no limit to the total number of times a player may serve as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner.

    A no-confidence motion may be launched to remove an existing Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner before the end of his or her term. This may become necessary due to inactivity, corruption or other causes which are to the detriment of CoN. The vote of no-confidence may be initiated by any CoN crew representative and passes with a two-thirds majority. A new election must take place three days later, which is run by the representative who launched the no-confidence motion.

    The resignation of a Secretary-General or Election Commissioner immediately sparks an election process after a three day period.

    Article III – Voting

    All official votes in CoN must be held transparently. There will be no hidden votes or straw poll votes. If no one wants to become the Election Commissioner, the Secretary-General may choose someone in CoN to take on the roll.

    Any CoN crew representative may present a proposal to the Commonwealth Secretariat. After a three day discussion period, the Election Commissioner is obliged to run a vote if no resolution or decision could be agreed upon in the discussion thread and the representative who presented the proposal wishes to pursue it. The vote must be presented in an official voting thread within a timeframe of seven days after the discussion ended.

    All crew representatives are granted an equal vote and may cast it once per topic. The Commonwealth Secretary-General and his or her Vice do not generally participate in votes unless they are also crew leaders or ambassadors. If the result of a vote is undecided, the Secretary-General may cast a deciding vote.

    The result of a vote is determined by the representatives who cast their vote. Uncast votes do not count towards the total tally.

    Votes pertaining to everyday matters are run for three days and pass with a simple majority vote.

    Votes pertaining to changes within CoN’s structure are run for seven days and pass with a two-thirds majority vote.

    A new resolution may neither be conflict with any existing resolution nor the with the charter.

    Article IV – War

    Under no circumstances may a CoN declare war against a fellow CoN member crew while a member of the alliance. Committing a crime against a player of another CoN member crew shall be treated and dealt with as a crime committed against one’s own crew. Self-defence is permissible.

    Offensive calls to war are voted upon in the official CoN forum group. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is in favour of war, every CoN crew must declare war. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is not in favour, no crew is required to join, but any willing crew may do so.

    Defensive calls must always be answered by all CoN member crews. A declaration of war against a single member crew counts as a declaration of war against the whole alliance. If a member crew has had war declared upon them, all other CoN members crews must strive to provide aid to the best of their abilities.

    Article V – Intelligence

    All members of CoN are obliged to share any information that may be of importance to its fellows. No CoN member crew may share vital information with any foreign nations nor may private information be made public without the unilateral agreement of all CoN member crew representatives.

    Article VI – Conflicts and Justice

    Any player that commits transgressions against CoN member crews shall be expelled from their respective crew and/or punished unless otherwise negotiated. Failure by a CoN member crew to fulfill compensation agreements for damages committed against a fellow CoN member crew may be counted as a violation of the Charter during the time where the damage is relevant.

    An crew may in principal only be expelled if all the member states are unilaterally in favour of expulsion. Exceptions may occur in the following situations:

    1. A CoN member crew that violates the Charter may be brought to justice. The appropriate punishment will be negotiated between the relevant parties. If a guilty crew refuses to comply, the protection of this Charter shall no longer apply to them and they may become a military target. They may also be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    2. If multiple CoN member crews are at variance with each other, their conflicts must be aired on the official CoN forum. A nation that refuses to comply with this regulation may be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    3. If multiple CoN crew member crews wish to expel each other, a vote must be held to decide the member status of each involved crew. A simple majority is required to expel a crew in this case. The cantankerous crews shall only be expelled after all the votes have been evaluated.

    An member crew of CoN may NOT be brought to trial for a crime committed that is no longer relevant or was solved at the time.


    President of the Thirteen Colonies

    Grand Master of the Templars

    Supreme Master of The Xanthian Order

    Queen of the Elves

    Prime Minister of the British Empire





    • Topics: 794
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    @chailey – TheTedyGamer is my stupid younger brother. I honestly didn’t know he was banned, I just assumed that he got bored of the server (really I haven’t been on in 2 months either). Yes we are related, but believe me, I have no intentions to advertise. Please.

    This is nearly always the excuse we got for alts! haha

    For the record, here’s the ban record

    Nothing else on record.

    And the record for the alt

    So on record is only that advertising; I’m willing to let it slip and give you another shot, but its not up to me, its up to the staff member that banned you.

    Good luck!

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 3

    @Chailey – TheTedyGamer is my stupid younger brother. I honestly didn’t know he was banned, I just assumed that he got bored of the server (really I haven’t been on in 2 months either). Yes we are related, but believe me, I have no intentions to advertise. Please.

    Leader of The Bear Army
    Governor of the Region of Port Africa
    Mayor of the City of Port Africa


    • Topics: 133
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    AppleJK reminded me during a conversation a few weeks ago that the active crew list needs updating. So I’ve prepared a new list in time for new year 2017.

    First off, I’d like to make some points clear:

    1. This is based off data from the 28th and 29th December 2016. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked alphabetically (omitting “The” from the title). The listed players are all the crew members who have been active in the past 30 days. They are listed chronologically with the active crew leaders at the beginning. Anyone who hasn’t been active in that time frame is not included. That includes crew leaders.
    3. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have typed some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that. I can’t help it if someone named themselves something untypable like xXxn3P4HanTeeM7824xXx…
    4. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!

    So, on to the list!

    Members: xdiyx, glassngrass
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: BrassMonkey56, Captain_NathanDS, tntdude1100, GABEPINK, ArcticWarriorOG, Prain6573, NtheFoxGaming, xXxRedDevilxXx, Turtleundercover, DotCharlie
    Description: A crew with an American theme. Some of its members have been banned from the server due to game mechanics abuse.

    Members: freedomgx, Warsy342, meltdowns
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Goldieh
    Description: A small crew presumably named after George Orwell’s 1945 classic.

    Members: ArtificialDemon
    Description: A one-man crew bent on slaying every pirate in existence. ArtificialDemon has earned a reputation as a fearsome PvPer.

    The Asylum
    Members: Cysteen, PythonAce, Jmoo_, Joe_Danger2013, remus316, Jbone_Capone, Witcher_Geralt, MysticTitan, pughpunk, DanielMcLachlen, Markusi13, AdmiralTrench, RiverKitty, dagersh, BackupThree8, Calliemav, Lawzoneon, Silverstone47, juicebloks, khaiethan, ElectricPigeon, Draginlock, soccermonkey, edorii, ShakenTofu97
    Description: A renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Members: Bobbiejoefries, lisle61, CoolEagleEye
    Description: The remnants of a crew once founded by Konstruktor.

    The Black Dawn
    Members: floriankromer
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: _Keemster
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Black Lotus
    Members: KellyYore
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Boo Empire
    Members: Skemey24, Matteo_20, superalecraft
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The British Empire
    Members: lazydog11, PaulOnFire, JamesWClark, Bazurka, gildor_stinky, turkeyman11a, mountainrasta, Gottalovepunks, CrazyPirate1, michty, Bislo1, JPGard, benthebruce, Oktacraft, MinisterMooH3X, Dark_ Guard101, L3g0, abgeschmiert, Paulvelo, SmokinSoldier, DakotaReef, Wiskey_waters, huangR, Taulov, jat972, GaryDaDos, annahia, Ko_nijn, Hyperbeast95, zombieboy2, Robo_Dex, XSavageAssassinX, shay2315, WindiestHook381, GamerBoyMarcos, CommanderAsh123, GreatPaul123, Lucifer6789, BleachWithGluten, Lukeg7812, Deathtoll_, HomeSchoolGaming, DMOCraft, The1DerpySquid, __Snake_, GreenGuardian1, taseu, burning_kasshu, JustBobNL, Tinymines, ThatDankNinja, Tamslangton, cyclopsman, captainvenoms, TheInsaneNutter, _Lego_, Sven09
    Description: One of the oldest empire crews on the server. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    Brotherhood of Steel
    Members: umbra_master, Moby_Dick, Arahaelon
    Description: A crew based on the Brotherhood of Steel organisation from the Fallout game series.

    The Challengers
    Members: Dj_slime954
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Cleaning Product Army
    Members: Pand0rum51, eaglescout526, emyka, El_Alamein, TheBlueBerryBird
    Description: If you need to swab the spilt rum off your deck, this is the crew to call.

    Members: Cookie_Monster03, Edible_Sandwich, Tennerthegreat2, _Sly_Pamuya
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Donuth3ad, LeeJP
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Godsdead
    Description: The server owner’s crew named after the central port of the same name.

    Creed of 0utlaws
    Members: EmperorSalt
    Description: A crew playing with the name of the disreputed and now defunct 0utlawz crew.

    Members: NitroIsDead
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Defenders
    Members: Nasher9898, xElitaa, agent7841, Ethk12, mcskii
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Dinobuds
    Members: pokedrew, Raikea, ar1anna23, OutCastofMC, tuckerson, DarkWarrior53, Serial_Dreemur, frozenkid66, GeckoBoyJ1
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Dwarven Empire
    Members: dinosaur12ml, GAM30V3R4U, kieranedward, TorePlayzYT, DancingCabbage, XxFlyingTacoxX, Emi_Romero, T_Craft12, SilyenOfAstora, kitkat355, Creeperbro_43, LethalXDSSBB
    Description: A new empire crew based on a Dwarven theme.

    Ebonheart Empire
    Members: Alvanos_M, Elaneril_Aquina, DaeCla, Xaniclos
    Description: A splinter group of elves formed after the collapse of the Elven Empire before the Elves reestablished themselves. It is based on Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls lore.

    The Elves
    Members: Reptaria, PopcornOne, SergeantSithLord, MadHatterSupreme, lites59, _CookieCarl_, Blubberboy666, Yiinn, Stannieboy1, TheHoff_, SuperAsianGamer, anandak, xxatu, MrMehHehHeh, Skypperd, Tonimacaroni15, DoodleQuik, Wolperr, ap3322, Rhodekhil
    Description: The reestablished successor of the Elven Empire with a Lord of the Rings theme.

    Members: Kanube, _Connor_L_, dorffer, R1SE_BRADOS
    Description: A crew with a religious, cultish theme.

    Members: JohnArchaius, CookieSoul, cobra105, W1tu, Frixix, louslous3, Minecrafter_1199, xThunderLionx, GreyHat97, Captain_Aj545, SpaceC0re, Kanpee, BettererGrammerz, FireViper18, Cobram520, doppelgager, ClickBaited
    Description: A large nation crew and successor to the Entarian Alliance.

    The Eternal Empire of Hydra
    Members: dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101, Chiroptera419, macro26, rkkidd123, The OriginalSquid, TheRealBonBon
    Description: A crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    Eternal Kovaltio Aurorea
    Members: GrimHolder
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Funeral Parlor
    Members: Zee_King_Bee
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The German Empire
    Members: jmeatball, J_H_Rogers, ohhalliland, ultracreeper, Percussian_Guru, Spartans123, mrxman70, coolhand24, Shons
    Description: An empire crew with an imperial German theme.

    The Heart Pirates
    Members: Trafalgar_Law, Groxterror
    Description: A crew notable for raiding.

    Members: Silence__, KVMS
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: francociccio, AppleJK, MarcoHero, batteria_, TheSmilingFlea, leoneinleone, Luke_Screwdriver, MrVort3x, _xXLolloXx, CreeperAssassin2, FelixJaeger, Blu92, SpiderDeluxe, RoMich02, Volpex_, lord_eagle1945, MasterM1214, , blood_jo, Selios_, th3rebyte, Farcr, AlbyX27, ign03, Manu7ciotta, SHAdow_M00n001, STRAGE82003, Fangy007, MikeSKILLZ_ITA, Daileen00, zDarkSharkHD, MagmaGolem, Valerio101, Simbad_Tiger, M4RT3S, GoldenFox4, Dynasty_Uboa, Screwcrow01, TheNicky47, broodingpoet788, XPie17, UteNte3TurbiNe, ggbrother, LeoHen2013, TheBlueFuret, Devise_Devil, imperathor02, BurningBlade, Oxygen58, hertzap, CeramicShip, Pietro2442, morter, seba0221, Emilioscauro_, Dark_Folle, mrcracken, ekotango51, Richy_March, GOLDEN_CESAR
    Description: A crew with a fruit theme. Crew leader AppleJK’s YouTube videos have made JuiceKings a popular crew among the Italian community.

    Killin N lootin
    Members: Target_Down
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Me Alone Ostmen
    Members: Raelos, Bejanteen, SaigeSaiyan
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The MEGA Nyarf Darts
    Members: Emaleyley, MALESTORM17
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Naval Defence Fleet
    Members: crimeminer
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: ReachableSkink0
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Oceanian Cranberry Dwarves
    Members: AstronomicPanda, the_coolboss
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Ddragallis
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Over Powered
    Members: MCShovel
    Description: The name of this crew is aptly suited for MCShovel as he is indeed opped on the server.

    Members: Browe_, KetohPie, CaptainCracken, Galaxy219, Shark_Nado, Astrobolt, Lithvather, Creepermordren, Asterity
    Description: A new crew of capable builders and PvPers with a navy of ships.

    Members: Javainvader, Cottagecooper, Smokeyriver, wkeresey, jusaplayer1, InsaneSeekShots, Thederpymaster, Raven228, Usaid2002, EliExcelent, TheSittingGamer, tehnoob101, Alastes, TrippinMcGee, __DonaldTrump__, Iceberrz, Xeuric, Stormer56, Lucky_Da_Freak, Disco_Dropplet, Reapers_Claw, FlyingTaurus523, Wogworld
    Description: A PvP crew named in homage of another movecraft server which was shut down.

    Pirates of the Carribbean
    Members: matthew_E, Zyrilth, hawkzilla442
    Description: A crew based on Disney’s popular Pirates of the Carribbean series which is in turn based on the Disneyland theme park ride.

    Members: TheLaserMonkey85, blaze657, Lukeyboy1101
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Rising Stars
    Members: _GalaxyStar_, aqzaq220, _StarEye_, BONN1E, TBNAT0R, radiooperator, 008pau, xSkullzx, Masterdragon100, Rupa_PT17, paperpikmin
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Red-Haired Pirates
    Members: J0eyJ0
    Description: One must presume that this crew is composed of pirates with red hair.

    Roman Republic
    Members: the_designor, Chasedillon123, Buckmaster1993, Callidogg, Kazake, SalamandersFlame, KingofTroy03, DiamondEclipse
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Sailors of Ireland
    Members: JagodaSuperstar, franekjaniuk
    Description: It might be safe to assume that this is a crew of Irishfolk.

    Members: Saltpigeon, Gobiwan
    Description: A new crew poking fun at the amount of bitterness and saltiness which can arise during heated arguments on the server.

    The SeaGulls
    Members: JamminMas, the_network, RFlash, wing_pig, deadpool456, EnderTehDerp, Jolem_, shadow_warrior_5, Toil_The_Great, speed99, munchingcheezit, Kitsune_X, msfriday, Bedrig, SarahBabel2, wolflover59, theDiamondMatt, DarlingBean, _SideSwipe_, Sir_Flem, Plessman, OnlyZero, Onni6, Coyote007, _PyroStorm_, otagowill
    Description: A crew notable for fighting against the Elven Empire when it collapsed.

    Seas of Souls
    Members: Ghost_From_Dead
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Segebre Crew
    Members: mdsegebre, zachmanayers64, jsegebre
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: NoMersey1, Rocket41
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Soviet Union
    Members: Pennsylvania_, pokeman300
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: skilter378
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Suicide Squadron
    Members: Mitchal, SSuperLLion
    Description: A crew presumably based on the DC comics film with the name of Suicide Squad.

    Members: coco__rita
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Thirteen Colonies
    Members: Hemp_Bone, NickyB_123, build1115, embotnick, crabriel, frankbros429
    Description: A crew with a revolutionary era American colonist theme.

    The United States Empire
    Members: xboy123, GervaisPlays, LordOfVoodoo
    Description: A crew based on the concept of an American Empire.

    Members: Chailey, BGraph, Lord_Lo, SilverBearClaw
    Description: A crew based on the Knights Templar Order which existed from 1129 to 1312 A.D.

    Members: xMadMonkeyx, ethismenos, The_Dar_Wizard, PotatoGods, Automized, MinerBrothers2, c0k0merA, EchoOcelot, Tsa6, Kingy_2901, yausoku, yoeverg, AgentPug007, jaapio54321
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The United States of America
    Members: arinthros
    Description: A crew which has constructed the Capitol Building of the United States of America.

    Vampire Legion
    Members: Dracul_Vlad
    Description: A crew with a vampire theme.

    Verneric Sovereign
    Members: bcbcommish, chocolaterose31, Hueglass, RedRush708, SaraKittyCat60, CaraCake1968
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Verussian Republic
    Members: WilsonManzer, kaz1086, Geomajesus, StealSonManzer, ___Gold___, MCMonkeyGMx, jonsaterdualist, emeraldfire11, ExplosiveEagle_, warbluke, _TheFatPotato, catwinarrow, death967, MasterPunchPvP, DaydreamingGirl, Godzilla51, Killcrazy24, MarcVsGaming
    Description: An industrious crew which has retained its strong identity after many mergers and wars.

    Members: chamberlain_
    Description: A crew which specialises in assassinating targets.

    The Wise guys
    Members: Wise_Guy9, skier56, CJ_SKULL_BASH, Zzzzzombi, An01d1ady, Nick_A_Naut, Armbar2015, Briannq, soulsucker55, Night_Rider262, Jetson1235, cottoncandyrules, Spartacuslibre
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Witherbeard Clan
    Members: MrBluBeardedYeti, Gorgle007, Andrew_YT, limwascool, zXDinXz
    Description: A clan of yeti people known for their peaceful nature.

    Wolf Crew
    Members: Wolfgamer03
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Xanthian Order
    Members: Icanra, Thymen, Palmerageddon, Maximus_Terragon, rainbowcoffeebean, Plantpotgirl, zandad, Hewwy, mande09, kaelthas, MaXxLoader, Lord_Akley_VII, lareana, reinhart1030, cfs95, King_Borisino, FlorianVerveelt, steentje321, MijnerMike, explopro, MideOrFeedME, Nukumori, RGuy007, LogoTRT, Golden_Creeper5
    Description: A crew compooed of the former crews of Xenon Empire, Iborian Empire, Luteus Republic and the remnants of the (first) Templars.

    Members: emielreijs, ORgamez
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Zarosian Empire
    Members: NinjaGamer1
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.


    In reply to: Have A Nice Day

    • Topics: 94
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    As far as I can tell, most people got it.

    I have messaged Chailey about it, and he has forwarded it to Godsy

    Its a shame to see this sort of message on Piratecraft. I do hope this doesn’t repeat itself in the future 🙁

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Merry Christmas to all from Frankfurt, Germany.

    Hot eyebrows @Chailey 😉

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    Merry Christmas from everyone at the PirateCraft team!

    We all hope that you have a great day, and that Pirate Santa brought you all the presents you deserve! Feel free to add your own Christmas photos to this thread!

    Merry Christmas from MrBluBeardedYeti!

    Merry Christmas from Chailey!


    And Merry Christmas from everyone else who help make PirateCraft the wonderful place that it is! (No other staff sent photos… Shout at them, not me!)

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