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  • #22709
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    Having a recurring glitch with crews- We’re supposed to be able to have more than one leader, however, when Chailey adds me as a leader it won’t last long. I’m not sure if it only lasts until I log off, or the server restarts but any time I return after logging off I’m bumped back down and unleadered.

    Captain of the Freemen of the West Blue. Saorfir go deo!

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    Today marks the day when the extensive Ani family was born. They magically rose up from the ocean blah blah blah.


    <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>So today is my birthday and I’m just planning a small party where I will give away cake and other items. Hopefully I can get enough cakes by then… The party starts at 3:00 pm est and information about the location will be given away later.</span>

    Look forward to a video I will be making for @ChaileyOfficial but other than that have a fantastic day guys.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: Ship locations needed!

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    @ChaileyOfficial let me getbackto you on this bae <3 u will see

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    Crazy Pirate
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    I think the important thing is the chat logs; namely:

    > Avast ye! Buccaneer Zee_King_Bee_XD » has come aboard!
    [00:18:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> Illyndra »] there high on armor n not good ones
    [00:18:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Illyndra » -> me] Yeah that shop we were just at sold enchanted iron armor set for $15
    [00:18:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Illyndra » -> me] not a terrible deal
    [00:18:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [PvPManager] You got tagged by Zee_King_Bee_XD! Do not log out or you will be punished!
    [00:18:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] AngelRooBoo » was beheaded by Zee_King_Bee_XD »
    [00:18:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [PvPManager] You are no longer in combat
    [00:18:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] AngelRooBoo was slain by Zee_King_Bee_XD

    As soon as he joins, he’s killing her. That’s not on.  Then, with regards to the loot, he threatens to burn it, just to see her annoyed:

    [00:23:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Zee_King_Bee_XD » screw it ill burn it then XD

    Then, she’s frozen and he lashes out at her:
    [00:29:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Illyndra » you killed a cadet at warp market when she was frozen. you feel like a big boy now?

    I mean, this guy relishes being a dick:
    [00:37:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Zee_King_Bee_XD » i burnt it all 😀
    [00:37:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Illyndra » That’s a lie
    [00:37:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] SeconDeath » f**ker
    [00:37:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Zee_King_Bee_XD » i said i was going to
    [00:38:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] SeconDeath » u really that low?
    [00:38:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Zee_King_Bee_XD » yea

    And that’s only the half of it. I’m not even an eighth of the way into these logs:

    [08:00:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] AngelRooBoo » i just dont like to be herrassed n stalked n thats a zee does n u been herrassing me for the last hr
    [08:00:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] > Avast ye! Buccaneer _KingRS_ » has come aboard!
    [08:00:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Witcher_Geralt » King:D
    [08:00:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] > Avast ye! Buccaneer Chailey » has come aboard!
    [08:00:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Zee_King_Bee_XD » teehee
    This guy enjoys picking on others, and creating a stir. He’s killing her for the sake of it, at public warps, and at her home. It’s not on! @Godsdead @markusi13 @calliemav @staff

    • Topics: 794
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    This is Legit @ChaileyOfficial and @arinthros are running BOTM from now on.

    Get your entries in.

    I have sticky this thread, Make sure to get a banner up! Maybe we need a Rules page made on the Wiki, and some header images like this:

    Link to Wiki…


    Also @arinthros Im game for having an actual google form!

    Once we have a solid structure we can save it to a Wiki page to easily copy & paste!

    The Queen
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    So proud of you chailey and arinthros 🙂

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Katori Class Cruiser

    Alex Lazescu
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    Iron blocks can be switched out with stone bricks. If anybody found this interesting, inspirational, or helpful, please reply and I will be motivated to continue on with this, and do bigger and more powerful ships.

    A sneak peak to the next ship:

    I’m also looking for people ((*cough* aniviankevinlu, if he still plays *cough* *cough*)) to help with ship design, but mostly armament, as I have forgotten how to build turrets or even how to link cannons together. Meh, it’s been too long.


    Random Shoutout to Chailey because he’s cool!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Could I apply for a spot in Piratecraft Media Team? Chailey told me you do not need anyone, but could you put me on the list for if someone quits and/or you need someone?


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    XD randomness as always Dr love it.


    And well done chailey and arinthos (if I spelt that right) for that new rank.

    You both deserve it.

    Chailey for his long devotion to the server and all the help he gives.

    & Arinthos for his build of the month mania, I’ve seen his USA white house build (from map); and it’s HUMUNGOUS!!

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    Few rank changes today, Hopefully a blog post to follow soon. Today I changed the way every rank shows up in the server to unify chat and clean it all up a bit!

    For those of you that were online when I tested every icon under the sun between ranks, sorry for the chaos!

    All ranks have the same colors, their icons have changed, every single rank now has the same icon, and its this »

    Why change the ranks icons?

    I was adding a new rank and experimenting with changing other rank icons, then it hit me how messy the current system is, Icons were either username *: message or username +: Message, Staff had their own icons.. this is just a mess! So everyone now has username » message.

    I removed the : between username rank icon and message to gain us 1 more character and tidy up output, since this icon looks like a rank badge and an arrow pointing at the message it’s a double wammie in my books.

    What about ranks without icons?

    deckhand, sailor and lieutenant all didn’t have rank icons, which made removing the : look weird to separate the username from the message, so they all now have an icon next to their name, deckhands is white, sailors is blue and lieutenant’s is white.

    So a this is roughly what it looks like now:

    If you have a recommendation to improve this, please reply to this thread.

    Whats this Privateer Rank?

    Privateer is PirateCrafts first media team rank, this rank includes: Fly, Player Time (day/night/dawn/dusk) & TPPOS (Teleport to coordinates)

    This rank is designed for the media team to quickly teleport to a location, fly and take screenshots of it for Build Of the Month & Gallery screenshots for the website.

    So I would like to congratulate and welcome arinthros and Chailey to the Media team at PirateCraft! They will be taking control of PirateCraft Build Of the Month competition media & writing, Arinthros will mainly be doing screenshots and Chailey will mostly be writing for the blog posts and forum messages, so when you see a BOTM entry form in the competitions forum from these guys, its legit!

    @ChaileyOfficial @arinthros

    Sidenote: Anyone pestering arinthros or Chailey to use their new perks outside of their media role will be put in a pit filled with rats.

    Sidenote #2: Do not post in here asking to be on the media team, This forum thread was used to recruit! anyone that asks to be on the media team in this thread will be put in a pit filled with rats.



    In reply to: Leaving the server

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    Sadly you are right, its not about the community itself but minecraft in general being advertised to a young audience in the last few years, newer players are all younger than the first generation of minecraft players, its been around for 6 whole years now, there are players that are 6 years old that don’t know a world without minecraft, which is scary!

    Charlie, you have been a great member of the PirateCraft community, we have had many great conversations and fantastic times on the server, I wish you nothing but the best in all your future endeavors.

    You have some superb ideas for expanding the future of PirateCraft which align with a lot of my own, so hopefully you will come back to see what I have planned later on 🙂

    All the best Charlie.

    – Tom

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    Hello guys! Sorry it’s been a while…. Here is a little special edition episode of PirateCraft News where Ani’s cousin Ani comments on players that have banned or have left the server.
    NOTE: THESE ARE PLAYERS THAT ACTUALLY IMPACTED THE SERVER. It would take a lifetime to make a video commenting on every single player that has left or has been banned. These are just a few players that made impacted the server and its community in good or bad ways.

    @ChaileyOfficial Sorry your part was a little blocky… Got a little emotional >.>
    Enjoy! Please leave me feedback in the comments or feedback on this thread!
    Note #2: HardTimez or Ben will probably report or dislike this video >.<

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: Leaving the server

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    I know right, Crackerz! I understand what Chailey is talking about however. Haha, I left my Boy Scout group for the same reasons. But I agree, it’s sad to see one of great value leave, especially when you didn’t really get to know them. Farewell Chailey, shall we all see you again some day.

    – Silverstone47

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.


    In reply to: Leaving the server

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    But! But! But! Leaving the community makes the community… Even poorer?! 😮 You don’t need to leave because of a few people getting on your nerves! As you get more experienced, n00bs will seem more and more, well… N00by. That’s totally natural.

    There is /ignore you know. Please use that instead of auctioning off everything you own!!! 🙁

    Because I really, really hope you don’t go. If you need some time off, that’s fine. But if you do decide to come back, you’ll find yourself happy to have a base and gear at your disposal. Studying what you’re studying, you’ll know all about the PirateCraft economy (gratz on your economic assessment!) You may find keeping your savings in material form will be safer than selling your supplies for money. Who knows how much several thousand PirateCraft pounds will be worth in a few weeks/months/years.

    And you’ve put so much work into the Virgin Island walls!! I want to see a town there, @Chailey!! I will also gladly help you build if you’d like. 😮

    Also, here are the best fails of August 2015 so far. 🙂


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    Chailey please don’t go we will all miss you 🙁

    (Exept the people who hate you 100%)

    Founder of the Coalition

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