Competition Entry Form

Competition Entry Form

Submit your entry to PirateCraft Competitions

Build of the month submission form

Please use this form to submit your Build of the month application!

You will be able to ask for help, see competiton rules and prizes from the comepetitions fourm thread for the competition you are entering each month. As prizes and rules change!

You can submit any build you have made at any time, submissions are not limited to the month you are submitted too! You can also submit to a future BOTM in anticipation of completing a build!

When selecting a date, dont worry about the day, just select a day before the 25th of the month you are entering, if its past the 25th then you will need to submit to next months competition!

About the Build

Your in-game Minecraft username0 / 16
Please select any day on the month you wish to enter, It has to be entered by the 25th each month for processing.
This is optional. This will be displayed on the website for the public to see.

Build coordinates

Use /getpos to find your current location

Y-axis, Altitude

Screenshots & Video

Please link us to any existing media you have created

Do you wish to take your own screenshots? *Can you take great screenshots with shaders in 1080
If you have made your own tour video, please link us to the youtube video.

6/50 Online

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