Testing Changelogs January 2020
January 31, 2020 3:22 pm in Changelogs, Test. Leave a Comment

Test server changelogs from December 12st 2019 – January 30th 2020, The test server can be accessed by using /server test
in game or, test.piratemc.com
in the server list.
Changelogs are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you are following our Discord server to be the first to see changes!
- Big Animated door testing. There are 4 cool doors on
/server test
completely new plugin for big animated doors/portcullis/sliding door and drawbridges I’ve been meaning to test for years, we figured since they use falling blocks when moving they could be used as instant traps for floors so sadly, may not end up being available to full server and just builders, they are absolutely epic though, For those that can’t here’s a video I made for you:- They also support live sound by adding this resource pack on top of your existing resource pack!
- Editing armour stands for a contributor perk, seems to respect land claims! We found 1 issue and 1 bug that were solved since testing started. Ready to go live.
- Testing a whole new jail system on that has boss bar timer for how long you have left, holograms for people outside the jail to see time left, set a reason, a no escape barrier, position to teleport when finishes, much clearer.
- We have a jail yourself button on
/server test
for 1 min to see what jails like! haha I have also setup one of the cool sliding doors on the jail that someone can control! Lets remake the jails we have?
- We have a jail yourself button on

- Added ban plugin to the test server (Whoops) Forgot that one haha! Saw a few banned players directly joining to use the cross-server chat!
- Been testing a whole new
and AutoRanking system for 1.13+, we will require some player testing soon to make sure all your stats are on the new system and you have been put at the right rank for your next rank-up! We will also need to test to see if Contributor ranks are able to test this rank-up system. - Lots more to be testing soon, stay tuned in Discord.

View Other posts by GodsDead
Written by GodsDead
The founder of PirateCraft, Administrator, Systems Operator, Peace keeper.
Categorised in: Changelogs, Test
Tags: armour stand editor, big doors, new jail, test server
Posted on January 31, 2020