January 2020 Build of the Month Competition
January 29, 2020 10:25 pm in PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News, PirateCraft Server News. 3 Comments

Arrrg, it’s that time again! We had a stunning assortment of beautiful builds this month, ones that would make the best builders gaze in awe. Make sure to look at each one, and tell us which is your favourite in the comments section!
The Rochester Ballroom
By _Reef_
It is a ballroom with a reflective floor being the main center-piece. With a grand door and expensive wall pieces. Has a piano in the corner. Lighting on the walls and Rochester banners flying proud. It is intended for grand balls and extravagant dances.
Japanese Empire
By Reynagrl
Palazzo Italia
By RoMich02
A palace placed in CSN capital with many building styles. This palace is taking from in real life buildings in scale 1:1. It has parts of Barberini palace the Quirinale, palazzo reale di Torino and others.
BloodWolf Harbour
By StevenKing169
A beautiful and tranquil town, with big medieval stylish buildings with pointy red roofs.
By Xeron
Tree. Its just a tree.
Amusement Park
By CO0Kl3, Sttary, Disco_Dropplet, and Ninjvire
A place of Fun! There is a rollercoaster, love boat, merry-go-round, and much more! A great amusement park.
Cirrus Manor Of The Krimzons
By ProWil
Standing tall amid the grand buildings of Charbelyiene, the Cirrus Manor portrays itself as a powerhouse of the Krimzon Guard. Featuring the finest quartz, with draperies of crimson silk and the rarest artifacts, this manor boasts the greatest luxuries — equipped with an enormous Verussian banner, and several guest rooms, the structure is brought together with a lovely ballroom plaza, becoming the pinnacle of the build.
TFB Farm
By Rex, Cotij, and Sizzle
A friendship vault for the Friendship Boys.
Starlight Boardwalk
By PanOfSteel
A 1910s themed flying boardwalk, a hub for both sea vessels and flying vessels.
Enter Build of the Month February 2020

View Other posts by SpikyCactus
Written by SpikyCactus
Categorised in: PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News, PirateCraft Server News
Tags: botm, botm jan 2020, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15.2 builds, minecraft amusement park, minecraft ballroom, minecraft boardwalk, Minecraft Build of the Month, minecraft farm, minecraft harbour, minecraft japanese, minecraft Palazzo, minecraft tree, mineraft builds, piratecraft botm, PirateCraft Build of the Month
Posted on January 29, 2020
Some very good stuff here, but Prowil’s the best builder :p
What an amazing turn out of entries! Looking forward to february’s!
The builds this month are amazing! Although whoever made that flying boardwalk must be really skilled??